Chapter 157

"Where is your home, do you remember?" Li Xinxin turned to ask Qiu Linger.

Qiu Linger shook her head.

"But it doesn't matter, you still have me, I will definitely help you.

She hugged Qiu Ling'er, it doesn't matter, as long as her friend is fine.They are already adults, and they can bear everything by themselves. It's just a temporary amnesia, and maybe they will recover soon.

"Fortunately, Ms. Ye is in good health, and the fetus in her womb is fine?!" The doctor said with a smile.

"Fetus?!" Both of them were stunned.

Li Xinxin suppressed her face, not knowing whether to be angry or happy, she didn't even know why her friend had a child.

Qiu Ling'er also stroked her belly. There was a child here. It was so strange that she didn't feel any resistance.

"Ye Qu, it doesn't matter. I like children too. I will be the child's aunt in the future. It's great to have children. We won't be lonely in the future."

Li Xinxin said with a smile, thinking to herself, who is the father of the child?In the past, there were two presidents of Gong's Group and General Manager He who pursued Ling'er. Could it be one of them?

She tilted her head and saw Qiu Ling'er's bewildered face, forget it, she didn't guess randomly, maybe one day Qiu Ling'er will recover her memory and everything will be revealed.

After three days of recuperation, Li Xinxin helped Qiu Ling'er complete the admission procedures again, and Qiu Ling'er returned to K City University.In order to worry about the child's affairs being known by too many people, the two rented a house outside the school and shared it together.

After class, both Qiu Linger and Li Xinxin went to work in a nearby supermarket.

Days passed, and a year later, the child was born.Qiu Ling'er gave birth to a chubby little boy named Xiaoche.

Fortunately, there were not many courses in the university. Qiu Linger and Li Xinxin took turns to take care of Xiao Che, and almost all the money from part-time jobs was spent on milk powder.

"Little Che, you're called a godmother, haha, you kid, after eating milk powder from such a godmother, if you don't obey me, you'll get spanked!"

Li Xinxin was playing with Xiao Che in his arms, Xiao Che grinned his two little canine teeth, and waved his hands happily.

It happened to be a holiday for the two of them, and Qiu Linger was making snacks in the kitchen, and she made a cake.

Just as the cake was being made, when I turned around, I bumped into a long knife on the table and fell down.She subconsciously kicked it up with her foot and reached for it.

Huh?The knife was in her hand, and she was very familiar with it.

She tried the knife technique a few times, and the knife turned like a disc in her hand like magic, it was very easy and effortless.

(End of this chapter)

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