Chapter 158 Hey, four years have passed. .

A fly flew to a white wooden board in the kitchen, she squinted her eyes slightly, and stabbed with a flying knife, hitting the fly.

She was slightly startled, what was her identity before?
So familiar with knife skills, what about the others?
"Ye Qu, are you ready? I'm so hungry." Li Xinxin walked in holding Xiao Che, and was stunned for a while, "Huh? Why is there a knife stuck in the board and a fly, uh... Ye Qu, you Lazy, how do you play this kind of game?"

Li Xinxin's face was covered with sweat, could it be that Ye Qu was bored in the kitchen, playing a game of flying knives?However, what happened to the fly on the tip of the knife, is it a coincidence?
"It's okay. The cake is ready. Let's wash the knife and take it out to eat."

Qiu Ling'er stepped forward and pulled out the knife from the wall. It was strange that she had lost her memory for a year, and this was the first time she knew that she had certain skills.

Could it be that she was not an ordinary person before?
The two ate the cake, and Li Xinxin picked up a big piece of cake and took a bite. She said that she had lost a little weight after helping Ye Qu take care of her son and working part-time this year.Coincidentally, she also wanted to lose weight, and was always wondering what medicine to use for headaches.

It's good now, I don't need any medicine, and I lost weight naturally.

Hmm, with her current figure, it's okay to find a handsome boy, right?

"By the way, Ye Qu, Senior Xuan invited you to play on Sunday again, will you go?"

Li Xinxin wiped the cream from her mouth with a tissue and asked.

"No, doesn't he know that I have Xiao Che?"

Qiu Ling'er frowned, she took a sip of the butter and put it in Xiao Che's mouth, Xiao Che smacked his lips a few times, then shook his hand happily.

Not surprised at all, Li Xinxin shrugged and said, "Okay, Senior Xuan is planning to graduate with a Ph.D., maybe he is reluctant."

She glanced at Qiu Ling'er and saw that she didn't care at all, even if it didn't matter if there were children, Senior Xuan didn't mind.

However, if this little girl doesn't like her, there's nothing she can do about it!
In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed, and Qiu Linger and Li Xinxin have graduated from college.

Qiu Ling'er works in the marketing department of a large company called Yueli. Li Xinxin desperately asked Xuan Yapeng, the former senior Xuan, the general manager of Yueli, to work in Qiu Linger's marketing department.

Hey, we finally got together.

Originally, during the interview, Qiu Ling'er was chosen, and she was chosen.She was depressed, she didn't enter through the front door, she just went through the back door, anyway, she did a lot of this kind of thing.

The general manager Xuan was studying and had an old relationship with his seniors, so he arranged for her to work in the same department as Qiu Ling'er.

(End of this chapter)

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