Lonely pet and confused little girl: mistakenly trapped in a disgusting man

Chapter 224 Crow's Mouth, Good and Bad Spirits

Chapter 224 Crow's Mouth, Good and Bad Spirits

The people of "Ming Ying", the local police, and the people of "Ye Di" had a gun battle at sea.I don't know when, from the pier to the open sea.

"Miss Qiu, the boss won't let you pass." At the port, a person from "Mingying" stopped her.

"Go away!"

Qiu Ling'er kicked away one of "Ming Ying's" subordinates, who was obviously not as good as hers.

The whole person almost fell to the ground backwards, Qiu Ling'er rushed over, snatched a speedboat at the port, and drove out.

All the way out of the high seas, fortunately He Bingtian taught her how to learn fast boats before, and she is still very proficient in operating them now.

The helicopter overhead was quickly hit by a missile, which exploded not far from her, a false alarm.

She rushed through the fire, "Stop the fire! Stop the fire!—"

She heard Gong Jingchen shouting angrily.

This dead woman dared to run around in such a situation of bombardment. If she made a mistake, he would be mad and sad to death!
"Qiu Ling'er, don't leave again, bastard!"

Gong Jingchen threw the binoculars in his hands to the ground in a rage, screaming and running, he had already crossed their defense line all the way, and ran to He Bingtian on the opposite side.

Damn girl, don't fall into his hands again, or she will look good to her!
She must be tied tightly in the room, and it is best not to get out of bed for a week, so that she will be obedient.

Qiu Ling'er vaguely heard someone calling her, but she didn't care. The "Ye Di" ship was so big, and it had a black flag, so she knew it was the officer at a glance.

"Cease fire immediately."

He Feitian saw through the binoculars that it was her on the speedboat, and immediately ordered.

But it was a bit late, and a missile was fired at Qiu Ling'er.The missile flew by the side of the fast boat, although it missed, the wind also made the fast boat miss its aim, Qiu Ling'er fell out of the fast boat and fell into the sea.

"Bastard! Kill that mercenary immediately!"

He Feitian roared furiously, threw down the binoculars in his hand, jumped into the sea, and swam quickly towards the direction where Qiu Ling'er fell into the sea.

The salty seawater filled his mouth, Qiu Ling'er wanted to call for help, but the seawater took advantage of the situation and poured it in again.

Worse, it fell into the sea again, and it didn't die last time, so it must be unlucky this time, right?
Bah bah bah!Crow's mouth, she told a fortune when she was a child, and the fortune teller also said that she could live to a hundred years or something, how unlucky she is!
(End of this chapter)

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