Chapter 225 If you miss, just say it

As soon as she thought of this, her body was scooped up across the waist.

All the way up, drilled out of the water.

It was He Bingtian, fortunately he moved quickly and his swimming skills were good, otherwise, who would she turn to?
However, it was done by his people, and of course the account must be settled on his head.

"Sir, really uncomfortable."

She was choking on her nose and her face seemed to be swollen. Anyway, there was water everywhere, and everywhere was swollen.

"Shut up! You bastard! Who told you to run around, if you miss, just say, I'll shoot you and forget it!"

He Bingtian shouted insanely.In case he was so worried, when he saw her fall into the sea just now, his heart was about to jump out.

It doesn't matter that we are in the midst of a hot war, we should first pick up that stinky girl who wants to die.

"Sir, why are you attacking me? I'm so sad, do you know?"

Qiu Ling'er choked with grievances, and was held by the officer in the water to swim to the speed boat that was still floating. Fortunately, the speed boat didn't leave her behind, and stopped after rushing for a while.

Now floating on the surface, just waiting for them to climb up.

"It's just that a woman like you who harms men can't die, and men all over the world are dead, so you can't die either, damn it!"

If this goes on like this, he will really be driven crazy by her, so it's better not to bother her, a bullet will kill her.

Qiu Ling'er stared at him resentfully, her black pupils were angry, but there was no murderous intent, so she definitely wouldn't kill her.If you are angry, he is still reluctant to kill her, right?
The two finally climbed onto the speedboat in embarrassment. Qiu Ling'er was panting heavily, with water in her stomach. She retched for a while, choked a few times, and finally felt a little better.

"I can't die, can I? I can't die, we have to go quickly, this is the place of 'Ming Ying', if you don't want to die, go quickly!"

He Yutian looked at the place, it was the border of the high seas, and there were several warships not far away. He launched the fast boat and was just about to leave.

"The leader of 'Hei Di' is here, attack quickly!"

A boat spotted them, and He Feitian reversed the speedboat and rushed out.

The boat chased after them.

"Swish, swish", several bullets passed by them, Qiu Ling'er was sweating from fright, and the gun on her body fell off at some point.It may have fallen into the sea and disappeared.

It was the local police, and Qiu Linger broke out in a cold sweat.Fortunately, He Feitian's skill in controlling the speedboat was super high, and he avoided a lot of ammunition, but it was too late for them to return to the original "Black Emperor", and they were chased all the way, so it would be nice if they could escape.

(End of this chapter)

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