Chapter 232
"Brother Ye Tian, ​​you are so handsome!"

Su Ya said with a peachy face.

"Do you want to die?! Didn't I tell you to get out?"

He Yutian gritted his teeth with a dark complexion.

"Brother, don't be so fierce! Su Ya is such a beautiful and lovely girl, you are also fierce, too unmanly..."


The lion's roar shook the two girls out of the house, "Su Ya, don't lose heart, I will definitely persuade my brother to play with you tomorrow."

"Really? Thank you, sister Ye Qu, you are really a good person."

Su Ya's eyes lit up, she hugged Qiu Ling'er, and ran away happily.

As soon as Qiu Ling'er came back into the room, she was knocked against the wall by a sudden force.

She trembled slightly, and met He Bingtian's cold and dark eyes, which made her dazzle for a moment, thinking that he had recovered his memory.

"Who told you to do this?!"

He gritted his teeth and pinched her, with an air of a storm coming.

"Haha, we brothers and sisters depended on each other for our lives. We went out to sea to catch... fish, and ended up here. If it wasn't for my brother's 'beauty trick', we would have been miserable. Maybe I would have been forced to be someone else's concubine, sleeping and warming the bed. Yes, brother, you don’t want to either, do you?”

Qiu Ling'er looked at him pitifully and said.

"Nonsense!" He scoffed. "You said that we are brothers and sisters. You said that. I don't know if it is true or not. We are not alike at all."

Qiu Ling'er twisted her mouth, this person is really smart!Even with amnesia, he is still so smart.

"We are half-brothers. Our dad is a flirt, married one after another, and has five wives. My brother's mommy is the most beautiful, so my brother is the most handsome!..."

"Stop that bullshit! Bastard—"

Qiu Ling'er was so frightened that she retracted her words, her cheeks were pinched by his fingers, choking her speechless.

Really... Violent, he still can't get rid of the hostility of the underworld.

Her vermilion lips were pinched by him, delicate and vermilion, when he narrowed his eyes, he tilted his head down.

"elder brother!"

She called out and turned her head away.

He froze for a moment, his eyes darkened like a storm and said: "If you let me know that we are not brother and sister, you will die in an ugly way!"

He left her mercilessly, stepped back to the room, got dressed, and went to the bar outside to drink.

No bar owner dared to ask him for wine money. Under his cold gaze, the owner obediently offered the wine and asked him if he would like to be their bodyguard, and the salary varied.

(End of this chapter)

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