Chapter 233
He Yutian came back drunk, needless to say, he would definitely not be able to go to the slave trade meeting the next day.And Su Ya's date, of course, also fell through.

Qiu Ling'er couldn't escape, and Voss took her early in the morning to drive her to the slave trade conference in the mainland a few miles away.

There were hundreds of thousands of slaves at the trade conference, of all skin colors and races. It seemed that this was a large gathering of human traffickers from all over the world.

There was a host who specially managed the meeting, a man with a black beard, who caught the slaves one by one and sold them:
"One hundred dollars, two hundred dollars, five hundred dollars..."

A few good-looking female slaves were sold for three to five thousand dollars, which is considered a high price here.

Qiu Ling'er was wondering why Voss brought her here, Voss curled his lips slightly, turned to look at her, and ordered:

"Bring her up there and see if Master Lashi can sell it for me at a good price."

Ah... •#%#¥%!

Why sell her?
"You and Ye Tian have been useless in my Wo family. It's nothing to keep you here. Why don't you sell them for a good price and take them with you!"

Voss gave an order, and several powerful black slaves grabbed Qiu Linger's arms and pressed them down.

"Hey! Did you make a mistake? Sell her like a slave." She clenched her fists, wanting to punch that icy iceberg face.

Unexpectedly, Navos turned around coolly, and didn't even care about her. He was just a slave.

Fortunately, Qiu Ling'er didn't know, if she knew, the punch would have hit him on the bridge of the nose.

"Master Lashi, this is the slave girl that my young master wants to auction."

Those powerful slaves threw her to the man with a black beard, and Nala Shi squinted at her. Although he was not beautiful, his complexion was fair and greasy, and his eyes were very clear.These days, for some reason, women of this type are especially able to command high prices.

Well, the auction begins.He actually called out a high price from the very beginning, "Five thousand dollars."

The audience was silent.

Well, people must think that her looks and figure are not worth the price, so there is no bidding.

Qiu Ling'er puffed up, a little lost and frustrated, although she didn't think it was an honor to be sold, but Su, no one asked for a price, she couldn't bear it.

As if no one wanted it.

"I offer six thousand dollars."

Finally, a middle-aged man with a broad face stood up, raised it with his plump hands, and was the first to bid.

Qiu Ling'er froze for a moment, then raised her head.

Is there really someone asking for a price?Eighty percent of the brains are showing off.

(End of this chapter)

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