Chapter 234 Inspection
Then, "[-] U.S. dollars, [-] U.S. dollars, [-] U.S. dollars..." Someone called out one after another.

Qiu Ling'er was stunned for a while, when did she move so fast, now she doesn't want to be a beautiful woman with a devilish figure and a coquettish appearance?Changed to eat vegetables and tofu?

"Attention, attention, this girl has a big butt and is easy to bear. In the future, all the good breeds will be born. For the future generations of the family, all kinds of masters, don't bid too little..."

Master Lashi's eyes were shining and he tried his best to persuade him, saying that environmental protection is popular now, and those who have a coquettish appearance and a devilish figure, most likely they have been used by others and are not healthy.This Xiaojiabiyu type, with clear eyes, looks like the ultra-environmental friendly type.

Guaranteed, if you buy it back, you will make a profit, and it will be environmentally friendly and healthy.Those old masters have long stopped being popular with seductive women, and they like this kind of light and profound.

Who said that men are all perverted, and perverted men are of no quality, those who know how to appreciate them are top grade.

"Okay, this master Dayongla said ten thousand dollars, all kinds of gentlemen, who else is higher than ten thousand dollars?"

Lashi continued to lobby and said, this ticket is easy to earn, according to the 50.00% commission, he will have [-] US dollars, quack, if he made today's game, he will be fine without working for a year!

Someone else wanted to bid, but Master Dayongla gave him a hard look, and immediately withdrew his hand.

Master Dayongla is the overlord of this area, rich and powerful, he is ignored by anyone except the "Wo family".Dare to snatch a woman from him, don't you die?
After the man shrank back, no one dared to bid anymore.

Lash could only sigh secretly, well, it seems that there is only a commission of five thousand dollars.

"Okay, first time at $[-], second at $[-], third at $[-]..."

"One hundred thousand dollars."

Suddenly, from a hidden place in the crowd, a very magnetic and mature voice sounded.

"Wow!" One hundred thousand dollars, everyone was in an uproar.

This was never such a high price since the slave trade.

Just a little-known female slave, the price of Master Dayongla was very high.Unexpectedly, a taller one suddenly appeared, and it was ten times as tall as Dayongla.

Everyone parted a way and let the tall and strong man strode over.

"This woman, I don't know if it's worth the price. Why don't you let me inspect the goods first."

(End of this chapter)

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