Chapter 247 Sin City
"By the way, Xiaoqu, you have just arrived in this city not long ago. Sister Huang, I am an 'old Jianghu' here. There are some things I have to talk to you young people."

Sister Huang said with enthusiasm and worry: "It's chaotic here at night. Pornography, gambling and drugs are rampant. In the past two years, it has become famous as a 'sin city' in other cities. You are a young girl, and you have no Your family is by your side, so don't go out at night. If you have anything to do, tell Sister Huang, and Sister Huang will help you."

Sister Huang was very worried. The newspapers kept publishing about which girl disappeared again, and which area's drugs had spread to the whole school, and the students were taking them rampantly.

The police don't seem to be able to control it, which is very headache.

"I see, thank you, Miss Huang."

Qiu Ling'er frowned, He Fengtian couldn't have these things in this city, and he didn't know.

"Ye Qu, our class completed the task ahead of schedule this month!"

After Sister Huang left, the most lively and youngest singer in their class ran over and said happily.

"Really? That would be wonderful."

Qiu Ling'er said happily that after only half a month, the task index assigned by the general manager's office was ahead of schedule. Thanks to the big order two days ago, the task was completed ahead of schedule.

"So, the class leader was happy when he heard the news, and said to invite all the staff in our class to go to the nightclub for karaoke. By the way, I haven't gone to karaoke for a long time. Now, I must practice my voice well. "

Xiao Chang said excitedly that she was just a little Huang Ying at school. She broke up with her boyfriend recently and was in a bad mood. She hasn't gone to karaoke for a long time.K must have a good time tonight.

"Go to karaoke?"

Qiu Ling'er hesitated for a while, she would definitely go back very late, so she should tell the officer.

Seeing her hesitation, Xiao Chang hurriedly said:

"Ye Qu, you don't want to go, you just came here not long ago, if you don't go, the class leader will definitely be unhappy."

"Okay, I will definitely go."

Qiu Ling'er smiled and said, she then sent a text message to He Bingtian.There was a quick text message back: As long as you like it.

After work, Xiao Chang asked Qiu Ling'er to have dinner together. In the small restaurant outside, they cooked two small dishes, and the two ate with gusto.

After eating, I went to a few nearby shops, Xiao Chang checked the time, it was almost time, and I was going to karaoke.

When I went to the "Black Rose" nightclub, the law and order of this street seemed to be not very good. The street was full of rogues, hooligans were walking around, and there seemed to be people selling drugs in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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