Chapter 248

"Xiao Chang, how did you choose a nightclub in this area?"

The head teacher was a little unhappy and asked.

"My friend works here, she said there is a discount..."

Xiao Chang said aggrievedly.However, her friend is also a staff member who lives next door and works at the nightclub here.In the afternoon, the head of the class asked her where the nightclub was, and she casually mentioned this one.

Last time her friend said that if she went with friends, she would be given a discount.

"Forget it, aren't there people from the police? And there are so many of us, are we still afraid of those little gangsters?"

The head of the class is also considered a courageous person, and, in his 30s, he has never seen any storms.Are you still afraid of those teenage punks?
"Okay, since we're here, let's go in."

Qiu Ling'er looked around, no wonder Sister Huang would say such things to her in the afternoon, the law and order in this area is indeed very poor.

Moreover, she has been here for a long time, and she has not seen the police patrolling. It seems that the people in this area seem to have bribed the police to make this place a no-nonsense place.

"Xiao Qu, you just came here not long ago, why don't you present a song first, let everyone listen to your voice, how about it?"

The head of the section went down with a glass of beer, and suddenly suggested happily.

Everyone bowed down immediately. "That's right. By the way, the section chief suggested to the general manager to let you into our class. Although the section chief didn't say a word in the interview that day, he observed very carefully."

The assistant next to him said with a smile.

"Thank you for your appreciation, the head of the class. Well, I'll sing a song. If I don't sing well, please don't make fun of me."

Qiu Ling'er bit the bullet, her singing was average, and she didn't get any rewards in school.Anyway, she doesn't expect to have any outstanding performance in literature and art, so she won't strengthen her talent in this area.

She sang softly, and the little singers on the side encouraged her. With confidence, she sang a whole song.

After everyone gave applause, Xiaochang sang another song, and then the class leader continued to sing...

"Ye Qu, I drank a lot of beer, so accompany me to the bathroom."

Xiao Chang took her hand, her pink face flushed, it was because of drinking too much beer.

Qiu Ling'er drank orange juice all night, she gave Xiao Chang a glance, this little girl drank too much, everyone drank too much tonight, this is something that hasn't happened in a long time, and it's done so quickly Completed the sales task of this month.

"Okay, you'd better drink less in the future, it's not good for girls to drink more beer."

Qiu Ling'er said while helping Xiao Chang to the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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