Chapter 252 I know, it must be you

"Xiao Che, don't worry, do you know where your mommy is? Where do you go to find it?" Ouyang Junjun came over, pulled Xiao Che and said helplessly.

"I don't care, I want Mommy, I want Mommy 55..."

Ye Che was so anxious that he cried. He hadn't seen Mommy for a month. He missed him so much. If he had known, he would not be able to see Mommy when he came back to Daddy's place.It's better to live with Mommy in K City before, it was much more enjoyable then, and I wouldn't be so worried like now.

"Boss, there is a strange thing in China, I think you should be interested."

Ah Xia raised his head from the computer at this time, a flash of light flashed in his eyes and said.


Gong Jingchen looked at him in a daze.

"In a city in the south of our country, the drug trade was very rampant in that area, and the police were bribed by their gangsters. It was the most serious 'nothing' area there. However, in the past week, there was no drug trade there. No, even drugs have become a taboo for the gangsters there. Relatively, pornographic gambling has also begun to decrease, and our "Shadow" has never cleaned up that area, why did it suddenly disappear?"

Ah Xia was a little confused and said that ever since the needle in a haystack began, Gong Jingchen had ordered that as long as there were even a little bit of unusual things in each country, they should be checked and eliminated one by one.That may be the most important clue.

He thought it was weird, and he was in the country, so he should report it to the boss first.

"Really? The drugs suddenly disappeared there."

The smile on Gong Jingchen's handsome face slowly unfolded, his obsidian eyes shone brighter than the morning star,
"There is no one else who can cause this kind of influence on the territory of 'Ye Di'... except her."

He lifted the pure white quilt, turned over and got out of bed, and said to Ouyang Junjun: "Ouyang, prepare a ticket to that city for me. And..."

He squatted in front of Ye Che and said with a smile, "Xiao Che, do you want to see your mommy? You will see her soon."

"Really?! Dad, don't lie to me, the nose of a lie will grow!"

Ye Che clapped his hands and said happily.

Gong Jingchen laughed haha ​​and picked him up, standing up in his arms.

"But, boss... your body hasn't fully recovered yet."

Ouyang Junjun frowned slightly and said, getting shot twice is not a joke, it's not worth staying in the hospital for a month or two.

"I'm fine. And, seeing her, I'll get better sooner."

Gong Jingchen stared at the photo on the desktop, "Linger, I know, it must be you."

(End of this chapter)

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