Chapter 253 Manly Heroism

Xiao Chang was given a secret antidote by Qiu Ling'er, and put it in her usual food, which can relieve the toxins in her body.

I usually go to Xiaochang's dormitory to help her restrain the onset of toxicity. Fortunately, Xiaochang's drug addiction is not deep, and under Qiu Ling'er's effective conditioning, it has almost disappeared.

"Xiao Qu, can I treat you to dinner after get off work today? To thank you for taking care of me these days."

As soon as he received this month's salary, Xiao Chang rushed to Qiu Ling'er and said excitedly and gratefully.

Qiu Ling'er raised her head, smiled and said, "I have an appointment for dinner, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you tonight."

"Did you make an appointment with your boyfriend?"

Xiao Chang was somewhat disappointed, and then blinked mischievously and asked: "By the way, last time I was downstairs in the company, I saw a tall man coming to pick you up from get off work, is that him?"

Qiu Linger nodded, "Yes, I'm sorry."

Today is her birthday, she didn't tell others, because the date on her Ye Qu's ID card is another date, and the birthday belongs to Qiu Ling'er.

"Wow! Your boyfriend is so handsome. Besides, he seems to be very rich. The car must be at least a few million!"

Xiao Chang said enviously, but she shrank her neck later and said: "However, I am a little afraid of him for some reason. Even if his eyes are smiling, I am a little afraid."

Qiu Ling'er smiled, He Bingtian is the kind of cold and deep man, when she was in school, no boys dared to chase her.She once thought that her market was not good and she had never been favored by boys.

Later, a classmate friend secretly told her.

In fact, a boy had asked her to send her a pink confession letter, but somehow He Bingtian knew about it.

That boy was beaten up by some hooligans that night, threatening him not to be the white swan that Xiao Xiang couldn't afford, and get the hell out of here!

That boy no longer dared to pursue Qiu Ling'er.

Qiu Ling'er was stunned for a while, and then she guessed that it must be He Yutian's instruction, but He Yutian didn't admit it at all, and she couldn't do anything if she wanted to get angry.

"It's okay, he won't hurt you."

This is true, women generally don't care about He Bing, but men, don't even try to get close!

"Today is my four-year-old daughter's birthday, I bought her a gift, let's see if it looks good?"

As soon as I walked to the lobby of the company, there was a female staff member of the secretarial class who was two years younger than her, holding a big teddy bear, and said to another female staff member who came over with a smile.

Qiu Ling'er looked at the big stuffed bear and was dumbfounded. Ye Che never liked this kind of girly things, saying that he didn't have the masculine heroism!
This brat is only three years old, what kind of masculine heroism does he know!

I don't know where I heard this word, and I use it randomly.

However, this kid is really picky, every time I take him to the toy store to buy toys, he has a unique vision, he will point to the most expensive one!

Some didn't even have a price tag, and she didn't know where the most expensive one was the best, so he just pointed it out!This is good, this is not good!

Mom, this store is so cool!Mommy, this shop is so ugly...

"I've been waiting for you outside for a while, why don't you come out?"

There was a low and gentle voice behind him, and a warm hand was wrapped around his waist.She turned her head and met He Bingtian's deep gaze.

"Well, nothing."

Qiu Ling'er turned her head aside, and obediently followed him out of the hall, a luxurious Ferrari sports car was parked outside.No wonder there have been rumors in the company that she has caught a rich man, tall and handsome, rich in money...

(End of this chapter)

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