Chapter 264

After marriage, Qiu Ling'er was taken by Gong Jingchen to travel around Europe. Gong Jingchen had properties all over the world.

Everywhere she went, Gong Jingchen took her to see freshly planted vineyards, wineries, large oil fields, and scenic spots in various places.

Ye Che was the most excited to even go to Egypt, which Qiu Linger had always wanted to go to.Wherever they went, they had to take pictures as souvenirs, and even asked someone to take a family portrait for the three of them.

Half a month later, Gong Jingchen arranged for Qiu Ling'er and Xiao Che to live in a villa owned by the Gong family in Nepal, Asia.

The scenery here is beautiful and the climate is suitable for them to live in.

Gong Jingchen's work in the Gong's Group is usually done by the general manager and assistants temporarily, and important matters are sent by the computer for instructions.

The work of "Ming Ying", other than the important things, was all under the pressure of those three subordinates.

Ouyang Junjun cried resentfully in front of the computer screen all day long, complaining that the boss had the opposite sex and no humanity. .

However, she is newly married, so she will be on vacation for a month, that can be forgiven!

The three subordinates could only work with their heads buried in their heads. The work was all transmitted by the computer, and several parties met via video. Now that the Internet is developed, and Ah Xia is a computer expert, there is no need to worry about those methods of keeping secrets.

Ouyang Junjun personally sent some important documents by helicopter.There is Ouyang's family's property in Nepal, this guy took advantage of his business to have fun here for a few days, took Qiu Ling'er and Xiao Che to play for a while, then gave the boss a resentful look, and went back obediently.

Gong Jing Chenniao doesn't care about his resentful eyes, only his wife and children are in his eyes, and he doesn't care about anything else!
The sky won't fall anyway!He has already arranged Gong's work, and "Mingying" has those three boys supporting him, so it's no big deal.

Just to prevent the "Hei Di" people from finding them, they acted in secret, just to bring Qiu Ling'er's father Qiu Bitian over for a trip.It is also called the European army to take it over secretly, and have fun in Nepal.

It was the first time for Qiu Bitian to see Xiao Che. He liked Xiao Che very much, and he hugged and kissed Xiao Che again and again.

"Grandpa, your stubble hurts me so much."

Ye Che wiped his pink and tender face, pouted and said.Grandpa is so enthusiastic, as soon as we met, I hugged him and kissed him non-stop.

Mommy and Ye Gong look alike, and others say that he and Mommy have similar eyes and faces, so he and Grandpa also look alike!

(End of this chapter)

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