Chapter 265 Soup Made With Heart

"Really? Haha." Qiu Bitian laughed, and then touched his prickly chin, yes, he had to fly here for more than [-] hours, and he hadn't shaved his beard in the past two days.

"Dad, I made ginseng soup for you. Xiao Che, don't pester grandpa. Grandpa's health is not good yet."

Qiu Ling'er glared at Ye Che, Ye Che was wronged, how could he pester grandpa.Obviously it was the grandfather who kissed him fiercely as soon as he saw him, how dare he push it away, he is not afraid of mother K!
"Okay, Ling'er has learned to be a housewife. It's a good sign."

Qiu Bitian laughed happily and put Xiao Che down, remembering that Qiu Ling'er didn't do any kitchen work before.Now he can cook soup, cook rice, and everything.

Qiu Ling'er held her father's arm and said with a sweet smile:
"Yes, if Dad likes it in the future, I will cook it for you every day."

"Grandpa, Mommy's things..."

Ye Che held his grandfather's hand, wanting to say he can't eat it!
Seeing Mummy's staring eyes, she immediately stopped talking.It seems that my mommy cooked it for my grandpa when I was abroad before, and my grandpa also said it was delicious.

It seems that I am too picky, so I feel that Mommy's cooking is not delicious, um, reflect on yourself.

Qiu Bitian laughed happily, took Xiaoche's hand with one hand, and walked into the room with her daughter.

"Well, I smell the soup cooked by my wife, do you have a copy for me?"

Gong Jingchen walked into the dining room with a smile. He just came out of the "Ming Ying" video conference in the study, took off his coat, and the butler next to him took it over.

"Yes, I cooked a big pot, enough for you to drink."

Qiu Ling'er smiled and made him a bowl of ginseng soup.

Gong Jingchen then sat beside Qiu Ling'er, facing Xiao Che and Qiu Bitian.

Gong Jingchen gracefully put the napkin between his knees, picked up the shiny silver spoon, and took a spoonful of it in his mouth.

"The taste is not bad."

"Yes, very good." Qiu Bitian also nodded and said with a smile.

Ye Che was curious when he saw it, is it really delicious?
He took a spoonful and put it in his mouth, uh... just so-so.But both dad and grandpa said it was delicious, could it be that he was too talkative?

However, this soup has the taste of my mother's heart, and it is not difficult to drink.After a few more sips, it becomes easier to drink.

He tilted his little head, watched his grandfather and father look at each other, and the love in his eyes made him suddenly realize.

It turns out that the soup is made with care, no matter how unpalatable it is, it is delicious.

I am still too naive to know the true meaning of this soup.

(End of this chapter)

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