Chapter 283 Remember?grab the gun like this
Xiaoyan started shooting, and the rake 30 meters away hit the very edge with one shot.

He Yutian smiled and said to Qiu Linger:
"Xiaoyan's marksmanship will be better than yours in the future."

Qiu Ling'er nodded, that was indeed true, remembering that when she first started learning guns, she didn't learn how to grasp them well for a long time.

Brother Feng had already started to practice shooting after grabbing the gun. She also hit the rake with a single shot, and a single bullet flew to nowhere.

Later, when He Bingtian came, she still shot randomly.

He Yutian grabbed her hand, intertwined her fingers to grasp the gun, the steady feeling made her feel at ease.

One shot passed, and he was actually hit in the heart.

She was stunned for a while.

"Remember? Grab the gun like this."

He was whispering in her ear at that time, his warm breath seemed to brush her ear, his thin warm lips seemed to nibble her ear, she blushed and pushed him away.

He Feitian stared at her with a smile, she looked at Xiaoyan with a little embarrassment, Xiaoyan saw that she had hit the edge of the rake.She pouted a little displeased, daring to be affectionate, she didn't know, it was her first time, this was already a very good result.

"Daddy, why can't I hit the heart?"

She was very diligent and easy to ask, she tilted her head and asked.

He Yutian laughed loudly, and picked her up, "As long as you practice for a while, you will hit her. Xiaoyan is awesome, she is worthy of being my He Yutian's daughter."

He kissed her pink and tender face, Xiaoyan didn't look embarrassed at all, her big eyes sparkled with excitement.


However, the admiring gaze of Hei Lang not far away also let her know that what Dad said was not a lie.

In this way, she won't have a bad grade in the Asian Teen Shooting Contest two months later!
For the next two months, she practiced the gun every morning, sometimes He Bingtian accompanied her to practice, and sometimes assigned Hei Lang to teach her.

The objects of attack ranged from rakes to living things. Once, the black wolf caught and released the two winged birds on the tree and let her shoot.

She was stiffly angry for a long time, but refused to ejaculate.

Later, a nasty crow was shot down and fell on top of the black wolf.

Hei Lang was stunned for a while, and she laughed out loud.

It was the first time Qiu Ling'er saw Hei Lang, who was always cold and overbearing, and he listened to Xiaoyan's orders very much.

"Hei Lang, come here!"

"Yes, Miss."

"Don't catch little birds next time, they are obedient and didn't mess with you, what are you doing with them!"

"...Yes, Miss."


(End of this chapter)

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