Chapter 284 Burning Love 1
Qiu Ling'er turned her head and met He Bingtian's deep black pupils.Hei Lang is He Bingtian's assistant, he listens to Xiaoyan's words, and Xiaoyan will have a certain status in the "Hei Di" in the future.

"Sir, you've lost weight."

Qiu Ling'er stretched out her hand to caress his handsome and somewhat thin face.

He hugged and kissed her soft and white palm affectionately,

"Does that mean you care about me?"

He asked with a strange light in his black pupils.

"Yes, sir, I care about you. I will make some ginseng soup for you later, and you must drink it."

"Of course, Ling'er made it with her own hands, and I will definitely support it."

He held her in his arms and looked at Xiaoyan who was still practicing guns outside.

Xiaoyan will do well in the future, he is very confident.

———Separation line, this article is not far from the end, dear friends, don’t worry~~——

L city, palace house.

"Dad, there's a juvenile shooting contest in Asia, I'm going to participate, okay?"

A handsome eight-year-old boy broke into the room, um, covering his nose.It smells so strong, Dad is drinking again.

"Don't bother me, go away."

Gong Jingchen waved his hand, moved his body lying on the wine cabinet, and continued to raise his glass to drink.


Xiao Che stomped his feet and looked at him anxiously.Since my mother passed away, my father has been like this every day, which makes him very sad, very sad.

"I don't care! I heard that there are many outstanding teenagers attending the Asian Youth Shooting Competition. I have long wanted to go and see it. Even if you don't agree, I will go, and I will go by myself!"

Xiao Che said angrily, it's just the round-trip air ticket and the money for the hotel, just ask grandpa to borrow it, anyway, he must go!

He turned around and was about to go out.

At this time, Xuehu and Ouyang Junjun came in again holding a stack of documents,
"Boss, this is an urgent document recently, and you must handle it yourself."

"Okay, put it there, you go out."

Gong Jingchen didn't reply.

"Boss, how long have you been like this, even if your sister-in-law has passed away for so long, you are still the chief diamond bachelor in Asia, what kind of woman do you want?!"

Ouyang Junjun finally dropped the stack of documents in his hand and couldn't help but say.

Who doesn't know how many famous ladies and daughters want to marry into the palace, and even the two elders of the palace family desperately want another good girl to comfort their son's heart.However, apart from getting drunk every day, Gong Jingchen has no interest in other things at all.

"What did you say?! Who said Ling'er died?!" Gong Jingchen turned his head and squeezed Ouyang Junjun and narrowed his eyes.

"Boss, please be sober. The sister-in-law is obviously dead, and the woman who was salvaged, Qiu Bitian has clearly confirmed that she is the sister-in-law. Height, age, hair, and there is a mole on the sister-in-law's chest, isn't it?"

Ouyang Junjun gritted his teeth and raised his head, saying that he wanted to wake up Gong Jingchen's decadence, and it has been five full years.

(End of this chapter)

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