Chapter 349 Extra Episode 1 (Archery)
"Bailes, who do you think wants to kill me?"

Sitting on the horse in front of him, the horse was just jogging, she thought for a while and asked.

She doesn't seem to have any enmity here, she just came to Italy for the first day.Her mind shuddered, couldn't she... She thought of Lidanna's green eyes of jealousy and hatred when she saw Hogarth behind Hogarth in the living room today.

Could it be her?

Byres didn't speak, but he could tell from the way he pursed his lips.

It must be Lidanna, the bad woman, who wanted to do her a disservice when she saw that she was alone in Europe.

If Bailes hadn't come to the casino that day, he might have been humiliated by Lidanna and deported, which would be embarrassing.

No way, that's her territory.If Li Dana is allowed to come to her place in Asia, she will have to strip her naked...uh, it's too fragrant and violent...or beat her up and drive her out, so that she will never dare to set foot in Asia for the rest of her life .

Hmm, that's it, to deal with this kind of woman who is beautiful on the outside and femme fatale on the inside, you should use an eye for an eye!
Otherwise, she thought that He Xiaoyan was easy to bully.She was unlucky, she was tricked by Bailes to come here to participate in that kind of amateur gunslinger competition, otherwise, she should have enjoyed Ye Che's love and delicious food in L City.You can also invite a few good friends to karaoke, drink, go shopping, how beautiful!

Stinky Byres, it's all his fault!

She gave him a look of contempt, and he looked at her with a confused face, why did he suddenly change his angry face and stare at him.

"Since it's the game they played first, there's no reason why we shouldn't play along, right, baby?"

Bailes suddenly looked at her with a sneaky smile.He Xiaoyan's scalp is a little numb, what a baby, and what kind of game is she playing? How does she feel that his "game" is extremely dangerous and not easy to "play"...

It wasn't until the next day that He Xiaoyan picked up a bow and arrow, stood on a spacious lawn, and looked at the raking heart ten meters away, she finally understood the deep meaning of Bailes's smile.

She looked depressedly at Li Dana who was beside her and shot a few bows and arrows very familiarly, right in the middle of her heart. A few families beside her were applauding, and then looked at her with mocking eyes.

Nine hits out of ten, it was He Xiaoyan's turn.

He Xiaoyan curled her lips when she saw the European who was "watching the show" on the platform, wondering if her archery skills don't need to force her like this.

(End of this chapter)

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