Chapter 350 Extra Story 1 (Unfathomable)
Early in the morning, she was dragged out of her beautiful sleep by Bailes, and then thrown into the car, with bread stuffed into her mouth, and she only drank half a bottle of milk before arriving on this ultra-spacious private lawn.

She quickly finished the remaining half bottle of milk, stuffed all the bread into her mouth, and was "invited" by Bailes to get off the car, and then quickly stuffed her with a bow and arrow.

She looked at Byres who was looking at her leisurely with his long legs crossed not far away. This guy probably found something.Most people don't know that she knows how to archery. Hei Lang taught her secretly. Hei Lang is a good archer in Asia. Daddy once praised him in front of her.

There are very few people who can get compliments in front of dad, except for dad and brother Ye Che, it is Hei Lang.

It seems that Byres knows it, depressed, and there is no secret in front of him.

She turned sideways, raised her bow and arrow, and made a familiar posture.

Everyone was slightly taken aback, that action was obviously not a novice, and, by the look of him, he was a master of bow and arrow.

He Xiaoyan shot an arrow, and the arrow flew to the rake ten meters away at the speed of a meteor.Hit the heart!

There was a commotion among the crowd, all talking in low voices, as if He Xiaoyan was on par with Li Dana, the young lady of the Koggs family.

Who doesn't know that Lidanna is the runner-up in the European women's archery competition, only a few points away from the championship.

He Xiaoyan looked at the quiver,

There are still nine arrows, He Xiaoyan pouted, feeling troublesome.

She picked up the three arrows again, stretched her bow, and shot it without hesitation.Three arrows hit the heart!

The crowd was in an uproar!

He Xiaoyan shot twice more, ten out of ten arrows!
Everyone didn't know that Hei Lang was actually a very low-key person.When he taught He Xiaoyan archery, he said, never show off in front of others.

So, she is obedient, except for a few family members who are familiar with her, even her best friends don't know that she knows how to archery.

The teacher is very good, and she also learns well, and she has a tendency to excel in basketball.

Hei Lang was very satisfied, and even personally bought a best bow and arrow in the world, and gave it to her on her 16th birthday.

He Xiaoyan put down her bow and arrow, turned around, and looked at Bailes.

Byres's beautiful green eyes are shining like sea water, as if he knew that she could shoot arrows. This guy, I don't know if it is, is really quite unfathomable!

The tall figure of Byres stood up, and his sea-green eyes stared at her with a hint of hot light.

(End of this chapter)

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