Chapter 362 Extra Episode 1 (Engagement to Me)
There was a hint of danger in his low-pitched voice, and his hand was holding hers, which wasn't too heavy, and made it impossible for her to leave.

He Xiaoyan turned around, looked at him squarely and said:

"Yes, Bailes, I want to go back to China."

There was a flash of panic in Bailes' eyes, and he said calmly, "I said, I can accompany you back to China to meet your parents."

He Xiaoyan still said flatly: "I mean, I will live in China."

As soon as Bailes exerted force on his hand, He Xiaoyan began to feel the pain.

"You don't want to be with me, do you?!"

he growled.

Seeing the people from the jewelry store cast their gazes over, he dragged her to the outside, and stuffed her into the rear compartment without being gentle.

He Xiaoyan's head hit the roof of the car, and she frowned in pain. What worried her even more was that Bailes walked in with a sullen face, and said in a deep voice:


He turned his head to look at her coldly, her heart suffocated slightly, she had never seen him look like this before, he must be angry, and very angry.

"Tell me why."

He suppressed the anger in his heart and asked.

"My school has started and I'm going back to school."

"I can arrange for you to study in the best school in Italy."

"I don't want to...I want to go back to school, where I have family and friends."

She bit her lip and lowered her head. She didn't hate Byres, and even liked him a little bit in her heart.

However, she doesn't want to be with him now, not now!

His slender fingers lifted her delicate chin, and his sea-green eyes concealed a hint of storm and said:

"Don't you like me?"

"I...I don't know."

She didn't evade, and said directly to his shining green eyes.

The storm disappeared from his eyes, and he said softly:

"You will like me. You don't object to me, right? Because, you haven't realized your heart yet, you are still young. I said I will wait for you, it's too early to get married, or we'll start got engaged."

"got engaged?!"

He Xiaoyan was stunned.

She's getting engaged to Byres? !How can this be, she doesn't know what will happen to her in the future, so she just decides her life like this?

"Yes, I am engaged. I have already arranged it, and we will have an engagement ceremony tomorrow night."

Byres took her white fingertips and kissed lightly. He had already prepared the engagement ring, and originally wanted to surprise her.Unexpectedly, she gave him a "surprise" today.

He Xiaoyan was stunned for a while, no wonder Mr. Harley and his wife treated her very well during this time, and his wife hesitated to speak to her several times, her green eyes were shining with joy.

The mansion was also decorated in a festive manner, she even thought it was because of some festival.

(End of this chapter)

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