Chapter 363 Extra Story 1 (Heart Pain)
It turned out that he planned to ask her to be engaged to him tomorrow night.

Did you give her a diamond necklace so graciously today and arrange everything just to tell her about it?

But, unexpectedly, in the afternoon, her refusal made him tell her about it in advance.

"But, I, I... don't want to get engaged."

She bit her lip, raised her head, and said seriously.

Baires suddenly became angry, and he tightly held her slender shoulders with both hands. She held back the pain and looked at him stubbornly.

"What did you say?!"

"I don't want to get engaged, I just don't want to get engaged!"

She gritted her teeth tightly, facing his stormy green eyes, "Perhaps, Byres, I'm really not suitable for you. I can't give you what you want."

Byres held her shoulders tightly with his hands, a trace of pain flashed through his green eyes and said:

"What do you think I want, and what do you think I need? I just want one I like, one I love, one that suits me, woman, in this world, He Xiaoyan, do you think there are many ?”

Facing his deep green eyes, her heart was slightly suffocated, and she turned her head away.

"I'm not going to get engaged."

His words will not be dismissed, the decision in her heart.

"Do you think you can leave Italy?"

Her heart skipped a beat and she turned her head, "You..."

What did he just say?
He looked at her coldly and said, "You never want to leave Italy!"

"I don't believe that in Italy you can support the sky with one hand!"

Her beautiful eyes burst into flames.Don't think that this is Europe and Italy, so he can treat others as fools.She is He Xiaoyan, not an ordinary stupid woman!
"You can try it."

He let her go, but looked at her with that cold gaze.

She gritted her teeth tightly, turned her head away, and never looked at him again.

For dinner, she also said that she was not feeling well, and she did not want to go to the restaurant to eat.

After a while, a servant brought her hot food, which was exquisite Chinese food.

Only then did she remember that Bailes ordered the cook to prepare Chinese food for her in the morning.

She didn't want to eat at first, but she was a little hungry, so she ate a little casually, and asked the servants to remove it.

After dinner, she went for a walk in the garden behind the villa, but met Bailes.

She turned around, and Baires stretched out his hand and opened his mouth to call her, but she walked quickly, with an indifferent back.Byres clenched his fist and punched the thick tree trunk.

After returning to his room, Byres took out a bottle of whiskey from the wine cabinet.He poured it up and drank it in one gulp.

He wiped away the trace of wine that escaped from the corner of his mouth, his green eyes were deeply hurt, for all these years, he had always had a little pretty figure in his heart.

I can't forget it all the time, but I didn't expect it to become a deep pain when I grow up.

My heart started to hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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