Chapter 382 Extra Story 1 (I like the coolness)

Xuan Yaqi is her senior who has pursued her for three years. She started in middle school and is now a second-year student in the university department.

It is said that he was originally going to study abroad, but he stayed because of her. I don't know if it is.However, she rejected him many times, and he never gave up.

"Then I can go."

Guan Tong said lightly, and wanted to leave with the book in his arms.

She knew that this girl was using her as a shield, so she could be doing her a favor.

"Hey, don't go. Guan Tong, I treat you to dinner as a reward for your help."

He Xiaoyan took her hand, smiled and said to Mimi, this cold woman has a very personality, if you help her, don't want to repay her.Somehow, she was just so sweet to her.

"No thanks."

Guan Tong subconsciously declined, it was just a small favor.

"What do you want, let's go, I know there is a place that has delicious fried noodles, let's go together!"

He Xiaoyan turned Guan Tong out in two or three strokes, and the two went to the Korean Jajang noodle restaurant not far from the corner of the school street.

"Wow! It's delicious. I like fried noodles the most!"

As soon as He Xiaoyan saw the delicious fried sauce noodles, she didn't know what to do, she ate half of it at once, and then raised her head to watch Guan Tong's gentle eating.

"Hey, Guan Tong, don't you like to eat?"

"No, it's delicious."

Guan Tong said with a slight smile.In fact, she would have diarrhea after eating this, but she also wanted to eat it very much, so let's eat it.

"Right, I'll just say it's delicious. Next time, let's eat it again."

He Xiaoyan paid the bill readily, and wanted to take Guan Tong to go shopping. Guan Tong shook his head lightly and said:

"I have the habit of taking a nap, so I'd better go home first."

"Yeah, that's good, then bye, Guan Tong."

He Xiaoyan waved her hand, just in time to see Ye Che's car approaching, "Brother Ye Che!"

She ran over, Ye Che pressed the car window, only to see a slender figure leaving not far behind He Xiaoyan.

It should be He Xiaoyan's classmate.

That figure was somewhat cold.

It's the breath he likes.

"Have you eaten?"

Ye Che asked the happy He Xiaoyan.

"Well," she nodded, "I just ate fried noodles."

Ye Che looked at the Korean Jajang noodle restaurant behind her, and looked at her helplessly:
"Eat this kind of unnutritious food again, go home, I will cook a bowl of ginseng soup for you."

"Eat again, dizzy!"

He Xiaoyan complained, she leaned back on the passenger seat, she was already very full.

(End of this chapter)

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