Chapter 383 Episode 1 ("Beauty Saves the Heroes" 1)

When He Xiaoyan went to class in the afternoon, she saw Guan Tong's face was slightly pale, which was not very good.

It was only later that I found out that she would suffer from diarrhea after eating fried noodles.Halo, why don't you tell her, she won't take her to eat.

"It's okay, I like to eat too, it's none of your business." She shook her head and said.

He Xiaoyan held her hand, this girl is really kind and considerate.

After school, the two made an appointment to go shopping and bought some girls' clothes and accessories.Unconsciously, in the evening, they came to the street not far from the school. The two of them saw that it was getting late, so they planned to go home separately.

At this time, a group of punks walked over from the side, showing a malicious smile and saying:
"Two little sisters, brother is very lonely tonight, let's go play with brother."

A trace of coldness flashed across Guan Tong's eyes, but He Xiaoyan said with great interest:
"Okay, then, a Ferrari car, marble pavement, diamond lighting... I can consider it."

Guan Tong was taken aback, and looked at He Xiaoyan, she was not afraid at all, instead she was more interested.

" stinking girl," a rogue in front realized that he had been tricked, "It doesn't matter, if I want you to accompany me, you have to accompany us..."

He was so angry that he wanted to grab He Xiaoyan with his hands, but Guan Tong was about to do it when another figure repairing white ran over from the side.

It was Xuan Yaqi, he looked at the group of five or six hooligans defensively:
"Hey, what are you doing?! Let them go, if you want money, I have some."

He Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Yaqi in a daze, hey, "Senior Xuan, why are you here?"

"Well, I just went to the bookstore next door to read for a while, and then I saw you entering this street. I heard from people in the bookstore that this street is too peaceful recently, so I chased it out to have a look."

"Oh." He Xiaoyan nodded.

Xuan Yaqi turned to He Xiaoyan, looking at this group of unkind hooligans defensively and fearfully.

He really wants to be a hero to save the beauty, but he has never learned any martial arts.However, the situation was urgent just now, and he couldn't care less about it.

"Boy, you are quite courageous, dare to hinder Lao Tzu from being romantic and happy!"

A tall and strong man with a scar in the front stepped forward and spat rudely, and said.

He grabbed Xuan Yaqi with his big hand and punched Xuan Yaqi in the face.

He Xiaoyan closed her eyes, it seemed that Senior Xuan's fair face would not be visible tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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