Chapter 387 Extra Episode 1 (I Miss You)

Perhaps, when an iceberg collides with a volcano, sparks will come out...

Ye Che gave her a shudder, "The last time I threw that nympho woman at me, I suffered all night, don't introduce me in such a mess!"

He glared at his little sister angrily. Last time at his birthday party, she even threw a woman to him as his dance partner, and then sneaked away.He couldn't catch her even if he wanted to, like a loach.

The nympho looked at him admiringly all night, shyly and coquettishly twisted her not-so-slim waist and danced, the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

Finally, he politely danced a song and found an excuse to run away.

Hey, being with someone you don't like is a matter of suffering.

Now introduce some messy things to him again, K must give her a meal!
"Isn't it! Guan Tong is really good, his skills are very good, and he is also my good friend..."

"Okay, I'll go up and take a shower first, and you two can talk slowly."

Ye Che frowned and stood up. For some reason, he felt that there was still a smell of rouge powder on his body tonight that he didn't like, so he might as well take a fresh wash.

"Hey! Brother Chou Yeche, you didn't want it yourself. If you can't find a good one in the future, don't blame me."

He Xiaoyan pouted, seeing that Gong Jingchen had gone out for a walk with his wife, leaving her alone in the living room, the corners of her mouth twitched.

No matter what, she rushed upstairs again, and stayed for a while to find brother Ye Che, asking him to hold a grand birthday party for her next month, which must not be worse than what he did last time.

One month passed quickly.

Tomorrow is her birthday, and Ye Che also held a grand birthday party for her in a villa near the urban area. At that time, many classmates and friends will come.

In the evening, He Xiaoyan was reviewing her homework in her room. Why is the homework so heavy in the third year of high school? It's crazy!s!

She suddenly remembered, ask Bailes!He said it himself, if you don't understand, just ask him.

She picked up the cell phone that Byres had given her and dialed him.

"Baby, haven't you slept yet?" His deep and beautiful voice came from over there.


She stuck out her tongue, it seemed that it was afternoon over there, and she seemed to be in a meeting, did she ask if it was the right time?

The sound of the meeting suddenly fell silent, Bailes answered her question incisively and concisely, He Xiaoyan patted her head, yes.Why didn't she think of solving the problem in this way.

"Byres, are you in a meeting?"

"Yeah." He paused and responded with a low voice.

"Then I won't bother you, I hung up..."


There was a low cry.He Xiaoyan was startled, but did not immediately cut off the phone.
"It's nothing, we will meet soon, I miss you."

He Xiaoyan's cheeks were flushed, although she said the last sentence in a low voice, her cheeks were still very hot.This kid actually said such a thing in the conference room. I don't know if anyone heard it, and he must have been discussed again.

Byres of the Reis family had a romantic conversation with his fiancée at the meeting...

(End of this chapter)

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