Chapter 388 Episode 1 (Courtesy Dress)
He Xiaoyan hung up the phone, she was holding on to the phone, and was taken aback, why did Bailes say that they would meet soon.

However, there are still more than two months before her holiday.No matter, work hard, work hard!High school homework, who invented it, it's so heavy~!

After the last half an hour, He Xiaoyan threw away the textbook with a headache, turned around and lay down on the bed, and fell asleep soundly.

In the early morning, He Xiaoyan received a birthday present from Ye Che - a new BMW car.

Cool!Sure enough, it's my brother, he's very generous when he makes a move!

He Xiaoyan rushed over and kissed Ye Che's handsome face. Ye Che spread his hands helplessly. He was used to being kissed by her since he was a child, so it didn't matter. It was all her manner of thanking her.

Afterwards, my parents, as well as the presents from my father He Bingtian and Hei Lang from abroad, all arrived.

She disassembled them one by one, and found everything, bicycles, pearl bracelets, pianos, and the luxury cruise ships that Daddy sent from abroad...

The corner of her mouth twitched.

"Xiaoyan, do you want me to pick you up tonight?"

Ye Che asked her when he went out to work.

"No, I'm depressed. Senior Xuan will come to pick me up. After class, I go home and change my clothes. Senior Xuan will pick me up."

He Xiaoyan shrugged helplessly and said that when she promised Xuan Yaqi to let him be her boyfriend tonight, many people must have thought he was her boyfriend or something.

Many classmates and friends don't know that she has a fiancé. Alas, it's a good thing Bailes doesn't know, otherwise, she must be ruthless!
Ye Che looked at her with great interest and said, "It would be fun if Bailes knew about it. I don't think Bailes is an easy guy to mess with. You can ask for blessings!"

"Don't scare me, it's just one night, it will pass quickly, he must not know."

He Xiaoyan stuck out her tongue at Ye Che, Ye Che laughed and walked over, He Xiaoyan suddenly remembered that Bailes said he would give her a gift, why hasn't the gift come yet?
Today, she called him, but couldn't get through.

It was strange, as if something was hiding from her, and it was happening.

She doesn't care about these things for now, she has a lot of homework today, so let's go to class first.

She rushed outside.

In the evening, she put on a dress that her mother gave her.

The pure black V-neck long skirt has fine and crystal inlaid stripes on the skirt, and generous bifurcations at the hem. It is the elaborate work of famous foreign designers.

Mommy ordered it for her last week. She likes it very much. Moreover, the faint grooves are outlined on the chest, which shows the charm of women.Even though Xuan Yaqi is handsome and handsome tonight's male companion, he is not the one she likes!

(End of this chapter)

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