Chapter 450 Extra Story 2 (Do you still want to run)
Nangong Binglie jumped up, one foot and the other, but Nangong Binglie pinched his neck with one hand, and the hooligan cried out of pain.

Nangong Binglie's eyes flashed coldly, and the hooligan was hit hard on the hard stone wall, and a few of his back were broken at least.

Han Yuanling looked at him, it was too violent!The girls beside her have bright eyes, they are so powerful, and they adore him so much!
Han Yuanling glanced at her, brat girl, what do you know? !A man is too strong, you can't cover him, but you will be tricked by him instead. She has experience in this kind of thing, so when will she not run away now!
She immediately turned around, trying to slip away, but a big hand grabbed her shoulders behind her, and with sudden force, she cried out in pain:

" hurts, it hurts, let me go..."

"Do you still want to run?"

The domineering force behind her made her extremely painful. Does this guy not know how to write Lianxiangxiyu?

She hung in the air all of a sudden, and was hugged by Nangong Binglie.She glanced at the back, twisted her mouth, and beat the four hooligans to the ground in just three or two strokes, unable to move, isn't it too powerful?

"Let go of me!"

She kicked her calf, and the girl was also clever, and disappeared in a flash.

She wanted to dodge too, but with Nangong Binglie in his arms, she couldn't go anywhere.

"Say! Why did you run away?"

"Uh, I'm going home to do my homework, it's almost nine o'clock, isn't it?"

She stretched out her slender wrist like a bamboo shoot, and showed him the exquisite watch. It was really 08:30, and if she went back at this time, she would be home just before nine o'clock.

She has made an agreement with him for three chapters, and she can go home before nine o'clock.

Nangong Binglie glanced at the small ball looming in the V-shaped collar of her peach red dress, "Are you on vacation tomorrow?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

She was stunned, it's rare that there is only one day off in a week, he shouldn't... She had a bad feeling.

"Well, it's an agreement to be a servant at my place tomorrow. I'll take you home now."

Nangong Binglie was very straightforward, he hugged her into the passenger seat, he walked around to the main driver's seat, and then started the car skillfully.


She nodded helplessly, and had no choice but to give an excuse to her elder brother and second brother tomorrow, and go to her classmate's house to have fun.

She didn't dare to tell her elder brother and second brother that she owed someone 100 million, otherwise, the elder brother and second brother might sell the house to pay her off the debt because they were afraid that she would be wronged.

This is what she doesn't want to see.

(End of this chapter)

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