Chapter 451 Extra Story 3 (No. [-] in Asia)

I finally changed back into my school uniform and went home.

The eldest brother and the second brother did not doubt that they had it, thinking that she had returned from the library.

"Ling'er, come and drink sweet soup. Are you tired from going to the library? It's better not to go too late in the future."

Han Zhan took Han Yuanling's schoolbag, fondled her soft and shattered hair, and pulled her over for a drink of sweet soup.

"Actually, I won't be very tired. I have a lot of homework recently."

Han Yuanling sat down, took a sip of the lily lotus seed soup, and said vaguely.He didn't dare to raise his head to look at the eldest brother and the second brother.

Han Chanfeng put down the TV remote control in his hand, and walked over, "This Nangong Binglie also disappeared mysteriously. We tried to find him several times, but we couldn't find him. I really want to have a good discussion with him. It doesn't matter if you kick the gym." , I really want to experience his skills."

"Yeah, brother, I'm looking forward to it too. It's a pity. If he came to the gymnasium, we would have been here. It's so hard to wait for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If I had known, I wouldn't have participated in the national competition. It's the Judo competition. It's not as exciting as competing with Nangong Binglie to win the first and second place in the country. That kind of title is meaningless."

The second elder brother sighed so regretfully, he drank a bowl of sweet lily and lotus seed soup in one gulp.

"Second brother, why doesn't Nangong Binglie go to the national judo competition?"

She couldn't help but ask curiously.

The eldest brother glanced at her strangely, while the second brother laughed loudly, "Because he is the number one in Asia! How can he participate in our little national number one judo competition?"


She drank a spoonful of it, and didn't understand why Nangong Binglie was so good, why she still came to China, and, as soon as she got off the plane, she came to their Judo gym.And what he said that day about "kicking the gym" was not really kicking the gym.

She was so confused and depressed, in short, she didn't want to be bothered anymore!
Just thinking about this guy makes me annoyed, and I have to go to his house as a servant all day tomorrow! !She is going crazy! !

After drinking the sweet soup and going back to the room to take a bath, do your homework, and sleep when you are tired.

The next day the alarm clock was ringing, and she really wanted to smash it.Because, that was reminding her that she was going to that person's place.

She pouted and had to get up.Go to the bathroom, swish swish!
After grooming, she put on a more casual white shirt and jeans, so that she would be more comfortable working like this.

After she was fully dressed, she put on her bag and went to the bus stop outside to take a bus.

(End of this chapter)

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