Chapter 102 Unsealing
"Haha, you don't need to worry, Senior Ice Emperor. I came this time just to lift the seal on you." Yang Yan said with a big laugh.

Yang Yan looked at Hai Bodong whose face was frightened by Queen Medusa, and was very speechless.Isn't it just that it was sealed once 20 years ago? Is it necessary to be so afraid of Queen Medusa?
"Xiaoqing, he is a member of the Miter family. If you go to negotiate here, you can also say a few words for you with him." Yang Yan said softly to Queen Medusa again.

"En!" Queen Medusa nodded lightly, not paying too much attention.She is now a Dou Zong, and to her, Hai Bodong is not a threat at all. He was able to seal Hai Bodong once 20 years ago, and he can be sealed again in the future.

But Hai Bodong saw Queen Medusa looking so peaceful in front of Yang Yan, his heart was full of doubts.When did this fierce and beautiful snake become so docile in front of a human being?

At this time, the woman in red and the handsome young man had already quietly moved towards Hai Bodong.In her heart, Queen Medusa is the biggest monster, and Hai Bodong...

Perhaps because they were young, they didn't know much about the reputation of the Ice Emperor, one of the top ten powerhouses in the empire more than 20 years ago.But the father of the woman in red said that this mysterious old man is a powerful person.Being by Hai Bodong's side at least made them feel a little safer.

Hai Bodong looked at the woman in red who was approaching him, and frowned. He suddenly looked at Queen Medusa and said, "Your Majesty, they are just children. This matter has nothing to do with them. If you are looking for the old man Please don't blame them." Hai Bodong's voice was very heavy.

In Hai Bodong's heart, the responsibility of the powerful empire is to protect.Protect Jiama, protect the people, protect relatives!
Even though Hai Bodong's current strength is only Dou Ling, he has never forgotten this mission.

The woman in red was a frequent visitor to his shop, and she really helped Hai Bodong a lot.The girl who is the lord of the city is usually a delicate and savage young lady, but in the shop, she does everything from serving tea and water to cleaning.Hai Bodong had no intention of accepting disciples, and he was always indifferent to the woman in red.But in Hai Bodong's heart, he was still very satisfied with this woman.

Seeing that Hai Bodong was still thinking about her at such a time, the woman in red was also slightly moved in her heart.In the past, his father said that Hai Bodong was a strong man, but she didn't believe it.What she did at the map shop was originally only according to her father's wishes.Later, Hai Bodong showed his strength inadvertently, and she only thought that Hai Bodong was just stronger than her father.

But now, in the face of Queen Medusa, the most powerful enemy, Hai Bodong would still think of protecting them. This made the woman in red completely convinced.This kind of persuasion has nothing to do with the strength of strength, but the responsibility to protect the weak.

At this time Hai Bodong was also secretly gathering fighting energy, he was doing it very covertly.But in front of him, Yan Lingji and Queen Medusa are already fighting sects, how can Hai Bodong's actions deceive them?Yan Lingji smiled cryptically, but didn't intend to make a move.Queen Medusa also had a calm face.For the current Queen Medusa, not to mention Hai Bodong in this state, even Hai Bodong who had recovered his peak strength could kill a group of people with a single blow.

"Haha, Senior Ice Emperor misunderstood. As I said, we are not here to seek revenge, but to help you lift the seal." Seeing Hai Bodong's nervous look, Yang Yan shook his head and stood up talking.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Queen Medusa to speak out about helping Hai Bodong lift the seal.

Yang Yan looked again at the woman in the red dress who had retreated to Hai Bodong's side, and Hai Bodong also inadvertently blocked Queen Medusa's attack route for them.Yang Yan smiled slightly, his first impression of the flame girl was good, so he should help her if he has the chance.

"Break the seal?" Hai Bodong was a little uncertain and questioned.

"Of course." Yang Yan nodded, and continued: "However, you may have to pay some price to help you break the seal. I need the fragmented map in your hand and the prescription of Po'er Pill."

Hai Bodong frowned upon hearing this.The prescription of Po'er Pill is nothing, it's a way he found to break the seal.If you want to break your own seal, you are meant to be seen by others. Wasn't it given to Xiao Yan before?As for that residual picture, he became more and more suspicious that there was some big secret.Xiao Yan asked him for it, and now Yang Yan asked him for it too.

"Breaking Evil Pill is a sixth-grade elixir, and it must be refined by a pharmacist with different fires. Can you find such a pharmacist?" Hai Bodong asked very puzzled.Previously, he decided to ask Xiao Yan to save him because he discovered that Xiao Yan had a strange fire like Bone Spirit Lenghuo on his body.But in this world, there are only so many different flames in total. He didn't think that it really made him so lucky to meet two people with different flames.

"The seal set by this king, this king will naturally be able to break it, why use that kind of medicine. Hand over what Yang Yan needs, and this king will release the seal for you." At this time, Queen Medusa suddenly said Said.Hai Bodong's procrastination like that already made her very upset.

When the cold voice came, Hai Bodong immediately felt it, as if the temperature had suddenly turned cold.This feeling is not a physical feeling, but a spiritual feeling.Hai Bodong suddenly looked at Queen Medusa, she was very beautiful, but in Hai Bodong's heart, she was the scariest in the world.

And the woman in red and the handsome man had the same feelings as Hai Bodong.The name of Queen Medusa really has the ability to stop children from crying, and those of them who live in cities near the border grew up listening to Queen Medusa's vicious name.Now that Queen Medusa spoke suddenly, they felt the fear from the depths of their souls.They were afraid that Queen Medusa's sudden word would decide their life and death.

"Okay." Hai Bodong replied hastily, and then quickly took out the prescription and residual picture of the sixth-grade Po'er Pill.The instinctive fear of Queen Medusa made him dare not refute.

Queen Medusa glanced lightly at the things in Hai Bodong's hands, a strange energy came from her hands, she took two things into her hands from a distance, and then handed them to Yang Yan.

Yang Yan took it, the system had already determined that this was what Yang Yan needed, he didn't look at it, and put it directly into the storage space.

Yang Yan looked at Queen Medusa, she never expected that Hai Bodong would be so afraid of her.When talking with Yang Yan earlier, she was very spineless, but Queen Medusa knelt down on the spot as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Xiaoqing, it's because of your face." Yang Yan praised with a smile.

At this time, Queen Medusa smiled slightly, and this scene happened to be felt by Hai Bodong, and he felt like he had seen a ghost.Queen Medusa can laugh?However, after Hai Bodong found out that Queen Medusa had noticed him, he was immediately too frightened to speak.

"This king will lift the seal for you, don't resist." Queen Medusa said coldly.

Queen Medusa had strange seals in her hands, and one after another strange seals were placed on Hai Bodong's body.After about 10 minutes, Queen Medusa stopped moving.At this time, Hai Bodong's body suddenly had an astonishing aura that soared, and it didn't stop until he was promoted to the two-star Douhuang.

Hai Bodong was happy when his strength recovered, and he couldn't hold it back. His aura of fighting emperor was released, and the woman in red and the handsome boy beside him were oppressed out of breath.And Yang Yan has the protection of Yan Lingji, this kind of momentum can't affect him.But Yan Lingji looked at Hai Bodong with a very unfriendly expression. Hai Bodong's sudden display of Dou Huang's aura just now almost alarmed Yang Yan, and Yan Lingji didn't like this kind of ice attribute very much.

Hai Bodong was very proud, but suddenly met Queen Medusa's eyes, he was immediately cowed, and hastily withdrew his momentum.He apologized and said, "I'm sorry, it's been a long time since I've had such fun, I couldn't hold back for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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