Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 103 Apprenticeship

Chapter 103 Apprenticeship
Hai Bodong smiled awkwardly, he was really excited for a while, there was no other meaning, in front of two Dou Zong experts, he dared not show any disrespect for such a little Dou Huang.

"Mr. Bing!" The woman in red felt the aura exuded by Hai Bodong just now, and was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

"Your tricks are quite naive. I have no intention of accepting apprentices, so you don't have to come here again." Hai Bodong said indifferently to the woman in red.

The woman in red felt a little wronged when she heard the words, and there was also a little mist rising in her eyes, as if something would flow out at any time.Although Hai Bodong had shown indifference before, he did not refuse so clearly.She just thought it was her lack of sincerity, as long as she persevered, one day she would touch Hai Bodong's heart and be accepted as a disciple by Hai Bodong.

The woman in red stubbornly looked up at Hai Bodong, and he saw Hai Bodong's indifferent face.Her heart sank, as if being stung by something.The wish of the woman in red is very simple, nothing more than to worship a famous teacher, learn a good skill, and win glory for her parents.But Hai Bodong's actions seemed to shatter her dream.

The woman in red left Hai Bodong's side aggrieved, and the handsome man who followed him, each supporting a guard, was about to leave.

The two guards were very disappointed, and before they could protect their master, they fainted from fright.Although the woman in red had some resentment in her heart, she didn't just abandon them just like that.Queen Medusa is the most terrifying enemy around, who is not afraid of suddenly appearing here?But after returning, the two guards must be punished.

"Wait a minute!"

Just when the woman in red was about to leave, Yang Yan called her to stop. The woman in red paused, but stopped obediently.She was also very afraid of such a person appearing beside Queen Medusa.

Hai Bodong frowned when he heard Yang Yan stop the woman in red.Earlier, he refused to accept the woman in red as his apprentice and drove them away because he wanted to use this excuse to let the woman in red leave first.

Although Queen Medusa helped her lift the seal, he still couldn't guess Queen Medusa's real intention.If Queen Medusa wanted to harm him, he didn't think there was any difference between Dou Huang and Dou Ling.There is no guarantee for these low-level people.

Although he was dissatisfied with Yang Yan's way of stopping the woman in red, Hai Bodong didn't dare to express it.How can the identity of a person who can be treated gently by the fierce Queen Medusa be so simple?Regarding Yang Yan, Hai Bodong was also full of fear.

For Yang Yan, Hai Bodong still has some impressions.The last time Yang Yan appeared, he was surrounded by a Dou Huang, and now, he had two Dou Zong experts by his side.

Yang Yan didn't know what Hai Bodong was thinking.She stopped the woman in red not to embarrass her.For the first impression of the woman in red, Yang Yan still felt very good and polite.It's okay to help her where I can.

The woman in red should be thankful that she is a girl, and her appearance is justified.If the other party is a man, Yang Yan will not help.

Yang Yan smiled kindly at the woman in red, but this kind of smile was full of evil in the eyes of the woman in red, just like the kind of disciple who had bad intentions for her on the street.Her body couldn't help shrinking back in fright.But the handsome man accompanying the woman in red looked at Yang Yan with extreme vigilance.Although he knew that Yang Yan was the kind of person he couldn't afford to offend, if the other party dared to bully the person he liked, he would still try his best to protect him.

Yang Yan couldn't figure out what the woman in red was thinking, he just acted to make himself look very kind, and then said to Hai Bodong: "Senior Ice Emperor, it's not good for you to treat someone else's little girl like this?"

"I think she is also of the ice attribute, why don't you just accept her as your disciple, so that you won't lose your inheritance in the future." Yang Yan said with a smile.

Although the woman in red was still a little scared of Yang Yan, what Yang Yan said at this time was exactly what she wanted.She also looked at Hai Bodong expectantly.

Hai Bodong hesitated, he really didn't want to accept disciples.

20 years of ordinary life has long made him fall in love with this kind of peace.However, Queen Medusa appeared here, and Hai Bodong liked to guess Queen Medusa's purpose with malicious thoughts.He didn't know the purpose of Yang Yan's words, but he didn't dare to answer easily.

"Yu Jingjing, right?" Yang Yan faced the woman in red and said with a smile.Although the woman in red never revealed her name, it was not difficult for Yang Yan to know other people's names.

Six-star fighters under the age of 20, with this age and cultivation level, can't be regarded as outstanding talents, they can only be said to be better than ordinary people.Her attribute is indeed ice attribute, just now when Hai Bodong's aura was released, she instinctively resisted with grudge, Yang Yan also discovered her attribute at that time.

A light flashed in Yang Yan's hand, and a jade bottle appeared in Yang Yan's hand.Handing it to the woman in red, he said: "This is a spirit-gathering pill, the fifth rank. Its function is to directly promote a fighter to a fighter."

Yang Yan paused for a moment, then continued: "Don't worry, the medicinal pill of the fifth grade only improves your cultivation by a little bit, and its effect is more to strengthen your cultivation. It will have a little impact on your foundation. Moreover, after taking Ju Ling Pill, your physique will also improve."

Yu Jingjing listened to Yang Yan's explanation, she was not in a hurry to take the pill.Although the effect of the elixir is very attractive, she is still very scared of Yang Yan.

Queen Medusa was slightly surprised when she looked at the pill in Yang Yan's hand.Before leaving the Snake Human Race, Yang Yan gave the Snake Human Race a batch of Foundation Establishment Pills and Spirit Gathering Pills, the fourth-grade pills and the fifth-grade pills, just to raise the cultivation base of an ordinary person to a fighting master. Very luxurious.However, Yang Yan directly took out hundreds of pieces, and let Queen Medusa understand that this kind of thing is nothing to Yang Yan.

However, Yang Yan gave a fifth-grade elixir to a person he had just met for the first time, which was really surprising.

Queen Medusa looked at Yu Jingjing, and it seemed that she suddenly became interested.But Yu Jingjing immediately felt tremendous pressure being watched by Queen Medusa.Queen Medusa opened her red lips lightly, and a faint voice came out of her mouth: "Since it is what he gave you, you can accept it." He took it, poured out the elixir, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Jingjing!" The handsome man shouted anxiously before he could stop her.Although Hai Bodong felt that the energy emitted from the elixir was harmless, when Yu Jingjing swallowed it, he still looked at Yu Jingjing with concern.

"Hehe, if they want to harm me, why bother?" Yu Jingjing said with a sudden smile, as if she wasn't so afraid of Yang Yan anymore.

Queen Medusa looked at Yu Jingjing, and suddenly admired this little girl.Like that Hai Bodong, who has lived for so long, but no one little girl has seen it clearly.

Then, Queen Medusa turned her gaze to Hai Bodong again, and she said, "Yang Yan said, I want you to take her as an apprentice!"

The effect of Juling Pill is not that fast, it will take about half an hour to complete the improvement of Jingjing's body, and at that time, her cultivation base will also be promoted to Dou Shi.Yu Jingjing was already a six-star fighter, and with the effect of the Spirit Gathering Pill, her cultivation was not just a one-star fighter.

Yang Yan looked at Hai Bodong, and said: "I have great trust in the efficacy of my Ju Ling Pill, and by then, a young genius like her will not be able to insult your reputation as the Ice Emperor." Bar?"

Although Yang Yan's tone was very friendly, the strong threat in Queen Medusa's tone made Hai Bodong feel deeply.He shouldn't have succumbed to her coercion.However, Yu Jingjing has been helping him all the time, asking for warmth and so on, she still has a good impression of Yu Jingjing.

If one day, he is tired of the gossip in the family, it would be a leisurely thing to calm down and teach his disciples.Therefore, Hai Bodong looked at Yu Jingjing, and his face that was pretending to be indifferent also showed a little more kindness.Yu Jingjing had never seen Hai Bodong's appearance before, and she was a little stunned for a while, but when Hai Bodong said a word, Yu Jingjing became very happy.

"Jingjing, let your father do the preparations. In three days' time, the apprenticeship ceremony will be officially held." Hai Bodong said in a deep voice, which also represented his official recognition of Yu Jingjing.

"Haha, congratulations to Senior Ice Emperor for accepting his apprentice." Yang Yan congratulated with a big smile.

"Thank you, son." At this time, Yu Jingjing also performed a courtesy to Yang Yan to show her gratitude.

"You don't need to thank me. The real reason why Senior Ice Emperor accepted you as a disciple is not me, but your sincerity." Yang Yan explained with a smile.

Hai Bodong on the side heard the words, but did not refute, just like what Yang Yan said, she was moved by Yu Jingjing's sincerity.Otherwise, even if Yang Yan could promote Yu Jingjing to the rank of Da Dou Shi and Dou Ling, even if Queen Medusa put a knife on his neck, Hai Bodong would never accept her as his apprentice.

However, Yang Yan was able to take out a fifth-grade elixir and give it away without asking for anything in return. This kind of generosity still made Hai Bodong very admired.

Yang Yan looked at Yu Jingjing, and continued: "By the way, let me tell you something, your teacher is the Ice Emperor Haibodong, one of the top ten powerhouses in the last session of the empire, and his cultivation level at this time is second. Star Dou Emperor."

Yang Yan explained with a smile, but when Yu Jingjing heard the words, her heart was already shocked.Although he didn't have much impression of the previous top ten powerhouses in the empire, no matter what, Hai Bodong was also a genuine fighting emperor.Dou Huang strong!There are only a few fighting emperors in the entire Jia Ma Empire.I am so lucky, I have worshiped a teacher, and it turns out to be the most powerful group of people in this empire.

In an inconspicuous place, I met an old man who sincerely moved others and was accepted as an apprentice, but found that the other party was that kind of peerless powerhouse.Why does this routine feel familiar?
Yu Jingjing was excited, but that handsome man was very disappointed.He is in love with Yu Jingjing. Originally, Yu Jingjing is the daughter of the city lord. Although he has some status, there is still a gap between him and the daughter of the city lord.And now, Yu Jingjing has even worshiped a Dou Huang as her teacher, and the gap between them is even bigger.

The handsome man had heard some kind of gossip.Said that a man surnamed Xiao had a marriage contract with a woman surnamed Nalan since childhood.Although there is a gap between the Xiao family and the Nalan family, it is still the same.One day, a woman surnamed Nalan worshiped a Dou Huang as her teacher. She was very dissatisfied with the engagement, so she came to the door to withdraw the engagement.

Although the handsome man has no engagement with Yu Jingjing, he has known him since she was a child. She knows that Yu Jingjing is still very proud. He is not sure whether Yu Jingjing will alienate her now that her status has changed.

The handsome man felt anxious and uneasy. He knew that there was a world of difference between himself and Yu Jingjing, and it was impossible for Yu Jingjing to fall in love with him.It's better to withdraw voluntarily and bury the emotion in my heart forever. At least in this way, I can still be friends with Yu Jingjing.

Yang Yan is still very satisfied with Hai Bodong's acceptance of Yu Jingjing as his apprentice.However, Yang Yan came here this time with his own purpose, to solve such a trivial matter, he should also talk about the serious business.Yang Yan stared at Hai Bodong and said: "Senior Ice Emperor, we really want to discuss something with you when we come here this time."

Hai Bodong's face froze when he heard the words, he knew that this was a serious matter.Otherwise, why let Queen Medusa personally help her lift the seal.

Half a fragmentary picture, a sixth-grade medicine is precious, but it is not enough to impress Queen Medusa.

"Senior Ice Emperor, we shouldn't let us talk about things in this kind of place!" Yang Yan looked around.Although the quaint map shop is neatly arranged, it is not a good place to talk about serious business.Moreover, everyone is still standing now.

In fact, from Yang Yanjin's map store to the present, including the time for Queen Medusa to break the seal, it was less than half an hour, which is not very long.Those who meet acquaintances on the street, don't they talk for more than half an hour at a stop?But standing in the hall and talking about serious business is always a bit unreasonable.

"Okay, Jingjing, please show me the shop first, I'll be out soon." Hai Bodong said to Yu Jingjing, and then made a gesture of invitation to Yang Yan and the others, saying: "Several Please come in."

"Okay, Mr. Bing." Regarding Hai Bodong's orders, Yu Jingjing would still obey. Didn't she also do such a thing when she was helping in the shop before?

Yang Yan wasn't worried that Hai Bodong would deceive him somewhere, which would be bad for him.With two fighting sects around, Hai Bodong would be so bold unless he was full.Yang Yan walked by first, and Queen Medusa and Yan Lingji followed closely behind.

When Yang Yan passed by Yu Jingjing's side, Yang Yan suddenly said: "You still call him Master Ice?" Yang Yan's voice was very small, but Yu Jingjing could still hear it.

Yu Jingjing was a little puzzled by Yang Yan's words, and stared blankly.But when Yang Yan followed Hai Bodong into the backyard, she suddenly realized that even though she hadn't formally received the apprenticeship ceremony, she should be regarded as Shanghai Bodong's disciple, and she called Hai Bodong "teacher" , it should be possible, right?
Yu Jingjing is still in a daze until now, so she has worshiped a Douhuang powerhouse as her teacher?Could it be a dream?

However, isn't this exactly her dream?Now that you have worshiped a famous teacher, you should study hard to win glory for your parents, and at the same time, to pursue the life you want.

(End of this chapter)

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