Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 131 Before leaving

Chapter 131 Before leaving
"Mantian, the relationship between the master and the little doctor seems to have surpassed the boundaries of friends."

In the restaurant, looking up at the sky from the window sill, through the layers of purple-gray gaseous sunlight, like golden threads shining on Yan Lingji's face.Under the golden light, Yan Lingji became even more dazzling.

Ni Mantian remained silent, a bit of displeasure clearly appeared on her face.After a while, she said: "I knew about it when he traveled thousands of miles to the Izumo Empire to find the Little Immortal Doctor."

The corner of Yan Lingji's mouth raised a sly arc, not talking, but paying attention to the battle in the sky.

"Yang Yan, during this period of retreat, I realized a trick, you have to be careful!"

The little fairy doctor's talent is not weak at all, with Yang Yan's training partner, he is more and more proficient in using that poisonous fighting spirit.The poisonous douqi raging in the sky, like streaks of purple-gray long silk, attacked Yang Yan ferociously.

The poisonous gas that fills the entire sky, as long as you take a breath, you will feel groggy.The opponent was the Immortal Doctor, not an enemy, so Yang Yan didn't dare to use some powerful moves. Therefore, after the Immortal Doctor became familiar with the rhythm of the battle, Yang Yan was somewhat at a disadvantage.

The little fairy doctor displayed his fighting spirit wings and flew in the air very nimbly.On the face, there is an indifferent smile.Suddenly, the little fairy doctor looked directly at Yang Yan and reminded him.

At this time, Xiaoyi stretched out her right hand, and a black poisonous gas quickly condensed on her index finger, pointing at Yang Yan.In an instant, the black air was like a bullet, and quickly came to Yang Yan.

Although Yang Yan was reminded by the little doctor, he didn't understand the little doctor's methods at all.The black poisonous gas flew so fast that it came to Yang Yan without giving Yang Yan any time to react.

Yang Yan quickly held the sword in front of him to block it, and the black poisonous gas impacted on the sword.I saw that the battle qi attached to the sword could not stop the poisonous gas attack at all, and was pierced by it.

Just as the poisonous gas touched the sword, the black gas spread at an extremely fast speed, corroding the sword.At that moment, Yang Yan immediately made a judgment and threw the sword out.As soon as he threw it away from his hand, the sword was corroded by the black air until there was not even a slag left.

Just a little bit of black energy instantly corroded a sword, but the previously condensed energy did not disappear because of this.Behind Yang Yan, the Dou Qi wings were superimposed with flying fighting skills, and the rapid vibration caused his body to change its position quickly, narrowly dodging the attack.

With lingering fear, he looked at the poisonous gas that flew a long distance before dissipating due to exhaustion of energy.Then he looked at the little doctor. At this time, the little doctor was not far from Yang Yan.She looked at Yang Yan with a smile, and she had no plans to make a move.

"Little Immortal Doctor, that attack just now was not bad! What's it called?" Yang Yan praised.

"Of course, that is the move I learned by combining the branding poison and the toxin in my body, isn't it amazing? As for the name, emmmmm, I'll call it the Branding Poison Killing Finger." The little fairy doctor laughed.

"I'm going, branding poison? You still want to try this kind of thing with me, what are you so worried about!" Yang Yan said pretending to be afraid.

"It's okay, I can cure you if you are poisoned!" The little fairy doctor said with a smile.

Above the sky, the poisonous gas gradually dissipated, with the feeling of seeing the sun for the first time after the clouds and mists were lifted.Two figures swooped down and came directly to the restaurant.

"Ding! The host performed well in this battle and got 30 reward points."

Before leaving the imperial capital, Yang Yan and others went to the new territory of the Snake People.

Here is a thriving place, and the snake people are all busy with construction.At this time, it was approaching summer, and the sun became venomous. Snake people were sweating and building their own homes.

Yang Yan saw Queen Medusa, her temporary palace was rebuilt from a former city lord's mansion, although it was not as grand as her palace in the desert.But at this time, Queen Medusa had just owned a territory suitable for the life of the snake people. It was when the snake people built their homes, and she paid more attention to her people.

"Xiaoqing said that she sensed a certain summon in the depths of the Warcraft Mountains. It may be the relics of some ancient powerful snake-like monsters. When the work here is over, I plan to go in with her to have a look." Bai Suzhen Said to Yang Yan.

"That's it, then you should be careful. In a few days, we should be on our way." Yang Yan said, with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

After staying in the snake-human race for a few more days, they set off in the direction of the Black Horn Territory.

A few days ago, when Yang Yan was still in the imperial capital, he received a letter, which was written by Master Yuding.

He took Jing Tian away and said that he would accept Jing Tian as his successor, but he didn't say a word about Yang Yan, and he didn't even come out to meet him.

Before leaving, Yang Yan also heard a piece of news.One day, several mysterious fighting kings came to Wutan City, without saying a word, they just killed the Xiao family.Xiao Zhan used some of the trump cards of the Xiao family, but the Xiao clan, one of the eight ancient clans thousands of years ago, has completely declined now, and those trump cards cannot even be dealt with by a fighting king. , all died.Those fighting kings took something away and walked away.And some of the industries of the Xiao family, which was once glorious, were divided up by other families in Wutan City.

When Yang Yan heard the news, he didn't show any happy expression.A Xiao family is not enough to affect his emotions.

The distance between the Black Horn Territory and the Jia Ma Empire is not short, calculated at the speed of the slowest little fairy doctor, it would take two or three months to reach it.If flying with Yujian, this period of time will be shortened a lot.

Nimantian flew with the imperial sword, and the little fairy doctor was with him.Yang Yan also uses Yujian to fly. Naturally, her speed cannot be compared with Ni Mantian, but it is always better than his fighting spirit.Yan Lingji is Dou Zong, so there is no need to worry about her flying speed.Although Xiaotiangou's flying speed is not good, it is still a Douzong, even if it is a dog planing style, it will not be slower than Yang Yan.The jacaranda transformed into a bulging little beast, flapping its wings, and could still keep up with Yang Yan and the others.

Yang Yan will not rush on overnight, passing through some small countries, he will also land down to rest.

"System, use up the lucky draw opportunity for monthly benefits." In a certain inn, Yang Yan gave an order.

A month has passed since the negotiations between the Snake People and the Jia Ma Empire, and it is already May.

"Ding! The host is using the monthly lottery draw and is getting the prize pool."

"The prize pool is as follows."

1. Chonglou, from The Legend of Sword and Fairy III, is more powerful than the emperor.

2. Shushan Zhijingfa, from The Legend of Sword and Fairy III, is a high-level heavenly rank.

3. Luo Rulie, from Legend of Sword and Fairy III, is an eight-star fighting king.

4. Xu Changqing, from The Legend of Sword and Fairy III, is a six-star Dou Zun.

5. Chang Yin, from The Legend of Sword and Fairy III, the strength of the two-star Dou Huang.

Needless to say, Chonglou, the strength of the Immortal Sword series can be matched only by Fei Peng in its heyday.

As for the forbidden technique in Shushan, this is a very advanced secret technique.It can expel evil thoughts from the body and improve one's own cultivation by a thousand times.It's just a thousand-fold increase in cultivation, but it's not a big deal.

The biggest function of this secret method is to create an evil sword fairy who can't be killed, and then wait for him to grow up to destroy the entire continent, perfect.

As for Luo Rulie, he was the one who made a poisonous person, was beaten to death, sucked human essence to become a demon, and later ate Mao Mao's meat, and was beaten to death again.

Xu Changqing is a great disciple of Shu Mountain, possessing a predestined relationship with immortality, he is the most hopeful person in Shu Mountain to become an immortal, and his cultivation level is far superior to that of his fellow disciples.

Chang Yin is the second disciple of Shushan and the most outstanding Shushan spy.On the way to find the Five Elements Lingzhu, Xu Changqing often asked about things that Xu Changqing didn't know.He could have been an encyclopedia.

"Eliminate Shushan Zhijingfa and Luo Rulie."

Seeing such a prize pool, Yang Yan didn't need to think about it, and directly eliminated two chicken ribs.

"Ding! It's being drawn, congratulations to the host for winning Xu Changqing, and he is implanting memory for Xu Changqing."

(End of this chapter)

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