Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 132 Black Corner Domain

Chapter 132 Black Corner Domain

The Black Horn Region is a very chaotic place, there is no system at all, and crimes happen all the time.

In the sky above a certain city, the two were fighting fiercely, all kinds of high-level grudges clashed, and the scattered energy made the sky change color.

The wings behind Yang Yan vibrated, and his body moved rapidly in the sky.The Nian Duan Sword in his hand sent out attacks one after another, and the terrifying sword energy attacked his opponent one after another.

The person fighting Yang Yan was a middle-aged man in a blood-red robe facing the cold.Behind him, there are bloody wings that seem to be condensed into entities.

"Boy, I'm going to kill you and avenge my son!" The man roared angrily, mercilessly attacking Yang Yan with powerful attacks like money.

The movement of his shots was much stronger than Yang Yan's, every move seemed to be able to mobilize the energy of the world.

He is the Dou Huang, and he is also a strong man on the black list in the black corner domain.

In comparison, Yang Yan's strength is a bit weak.And Yang Yan also looked very embarrassed, his robe was torn and his hair was loose.

"Hmph, that's your son's own fault."

Dodging a bloody red handprint, Yang Yan responded to his opponent in the interval of an attack.

The people in the Heijiao area are really ridiculous. Walking on the street, in public, some people would tease the little doctor and them.Yang Yan didn't want to cause trouble at first, but he just took a casual action to teach that person a lesson, which only hurt him a little.But that man went to call a Dou Wang and wanted to rob him, and then he was beaten to death by Yang Yan.

That man's name was Fan Ling, and he was also the son of the Dou Huang who was fighting Yang Yan now.

When Fan Lao heard the news that his son had been killed, he brought his people and rushed over angrily.

Fan Lao could tell that Nimantian's eight-star Douhuang's cultivation was strong, and he could tell that Yang Yan's little doctor Xianhuaying was a Douwang.With such a young Douwang Douhuang gathered together, he could guess that Yang Yan had the support of a certain super sect behind him.Fan Ye could also sense that there was something in Yan Lingji's body that was seriously suppressing his skills.

Fan Lao knew that these people were not something he could offend, but he brought them here to seek revenge without hesitation.Just because his son died.

Although anger will improve Fan Lao's strength, as long as Yan Lingji is here, even if Yan Lingji doesn't make a move, the strange fire in her body will suppress Fan Lao's blood attribute.As a result, Fan Lao's combat power is not as good as before.

Fan Lao is a fighting emperor who has experienced countless battles. His fighting experience is extremely rich. Even if his fighting spirit was suppressed, he still forced Yang Yan into a very embarrassing situation.

"Yan Lingji, Man Tian, ​​hurry up and act, Yang Yan seems to be dying!" The fairy doctor's tone seemed a little anxious, urging the two of them.

There are still some corpses left on the ground, and these people were brought by Fan Lao.Some were killed by flames, others were severed by swords, and others were broken into bones by blunt instruments.

These are the masterpieces of Yanling Ji Nimantian Roaring Dog. They are not good babies. In this kind of deserted place, there is no taboo against killing people.But the strange thing is that among these corpses, several of them were poisoned to death.

Yan Lingji looked up at the sky, with a confident smile on the corner of her mouth, he said: "Master won't let us make a move, so of course he has his own plans. With me here, no one will hurt Master again."

The battle attracted some people, but among the two fighting in the sky, one is the suzerain of the Blood Sect, and the other is an outsider with a mysterious background.These onlookers didn't plan to make a move, and watched this good show happily.

"Bloodthirsty mark."

Fan Lao shot angrily, and in the sky, the bloody fighting energy turned into a huge handprint, suppressing Yang Yan.

"You want to kill me? With your current state, you can't do it!" A loud shout came out, and at the same time, the energy between heaven and earth quickly gathered towards Yang Yan's body.

Countless energies condensed into illusory sword shadows, transformed into a rain of swords, and rushed towards the bloody handprint.

A series of attacks blocked the bloody handprints.

The explosions of "Boom, Boom" came out one after another, and the bloody handprint collapsed and turned into a rain of blood.

The sword shadows all over the sky gathered the energy between heaven and earth, and after defeating the blood handprint, they continued to shoot towards Fan Lao.Fan Lao tried his best to dodge, but his fighting spirit was suppressed by the strange fire, and he experienced another fierce battle. At this time, his condition was not very good, and finally a few swords pierced Fan Lao's body.


From the sky, Fan Lao's tragic cry came.There were several holes in his body, the energy in his body leaked out, and his aura immediately became sluggish.

"Damn it, how dare you hurt me?" Fan Lao roared angrily, trying his best to block the holes in his body with fighting energy, but it could only slow down the leakage of body energy, and finally It's still inevitable that the energy will run out and die.

The factors that can leapfrog fighting are nothing more than skills, fighting skills, equipment, and fighting awareness.A false heaven-level kung fu method plus a heaven-level fighting skill plus the Duan Nian sword can make up for some of the gap in Yang Yan's cultivation.

"Okay, okay, it seems that I underestimated you. If that's the case, you can die with me."

After Fan Lao found that he couldn't block the hole in his body, he gave up on repairing his own injury.His eyes became very cold, and then he suddenly rushed towards Yang Yan.At this time, the battle energy in his body quickly gathered in one place, and the energy became more and more amazing.

This is him ready to blow himself up!

Fan Lao's speed was very fast, he gave up hope of life, he just wanted to avenge his son, and wanted to kill Yang Yan together.There was a momentary panic in Yang Yan's eyes.At this time, Yang Yan, after using Yujian, had exhausted his fighting spirit, so he could barely maintain the flight, and he couldn't do it if he wanted to escape.

But Yang Yan is not someone who just sits and waits to die. When he saw Fan Ye approaching, he immediately controlled his fighting spirit and fled with both wings.But just as he picked up the speed, he felt a sense of dizziness in his brain, and then lost control of the wings of fighting spirit, and his body fell down rapidly.


Just when Fan Lao had just gathered the energy in his body, a loud shout exploded between heaven and earth.At this point in time, Yang Yan's Dou Qi wings had just retracted and fell downwards, when he felt that an arm was catching his body.

There was one more person beside him, and in an instant, Yang Yan could sense that this was a very familiar aura.The sudden safety made Yang Yan's mind instantly relaxed, and then Yang Yan rolled his eyes and passed out.

Yan Lingji hugged Yang Yan with one hand, and slightly stretched out the other hand. An invisible force spread out, and Fan Lao's body, which was rushing towards him, suddenly stopped two meters in front of Yan Lingji, as if braking suddenly. The place.

This is the space blockade that Dou Zong can only use. In front of Fan Lao, there is an invisible barrier, and he will not be able to move forward.At this time, Fan Lao's physical energy had been compressed to the maximum, and it burst open suddenly.

Two meters in front of Yan Lingji, the temporary blockade of space trembled a little when Dou Huang blew himself up, but in the end, Fan Lao still didn't break through the blockage.

On the ground, some spectators stared blankly at the sky.They didn't expect that they would witness the fall of the top ten powerhouses on the black list with their own eyes.And the reputation of the mysterious young man who killed Fan Lao and his partner will quickly spread throughout the Black Horn Region.

Moreover, when flying into the sky at the end, the beautiful woman in the flame-like costume turned out to be a strong Douzong.

You know, in the Black Horn Domain, Dou Zong is also the strongest.

"Ding! The host performed well in this battle and got 123000 reward points."

Name: Yang Yan
Sex: Male
Race: human

Age: 20
Point value: 540087
Cultivation: Four-star Douwang

Kung Fu: Penglai Immortal Method

Alchemy function: Level 5

Medicine refining proficiency: 100%
System Level: Level 5

System upgrade price: 50 credits

(End of this chapter)

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