Chapter 134 Contact
In the middle of Fengcheng, there is a heavily guarded bamboo forest.

In the depths of the bamboo forest, there is an elegant bamboo building.In the bamboo building, a man sat cross-legged.He was wearing a medicine refining suit, and on the back of the robe, there was a delicate "Maple" character.There was a prescription in the man's hand, and he looked at the prescription without distraction, appearing to be very focused.

He is the person with the highest alchemy skills in the Black Horn Domain, Han Feng known as the "Emperor of Medicine".

At this moment, a ghostly figure suddenly appeared in the bamboo building. He knelt on one knee with his head lowered and his hands slightly raised.His figure was hoarse but respectful: "Master, someone sent a letter just now."

Han Feng slowly put down the prescription in his hand, and looked at the man kneeling on the ground.Han Feng has a handsome face, with a subtle smile on his face, which looks gentle and elegant.

"Oh, who sent the letter?" Han Feng said unhurriedly.

"I don't know, the man was dressed in a black robe, with disheveled hair, and looked very sloppy. The subordinates could not feel a trace of vindictiveness in his body. After he handed the letter to the subordinate, it disappeared in the blink of an eye. According to The subordinates speculate that that person is most likely a Dou Huang powerhouse." The kneeling man explained.

"It's really interesting to be able to make you not notice the person's breath." Han Feng smiled and took the letter from the kneeling man, he still looked so calm and composed.

Slowly opened the envelope and took out the letter.There were only a few words on the letter paper, but after seeing these words, Han Feng's steady look disappeared immediately. Looking at the words in shock, he turned into extremely excited.

"If you want a strange fire, come to Black Cliff City!"

On the letter paper, there are only these words, and at the end of these words, there is a blue lotus pattern.

But Han Feng knew that the lotus flower was not drawn with a pen, it was formed by the condensation of different fires.With Han Feng's knowledge, of course he could tell that it was Qinglian Dixinhuo, ranked No.19.

Han Feng stood up abruptly, only clutching the letter paper.The gentle look just now disappeared, as if he had changed into a different person, with sharp eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Han Beng, take these tokens and inform the Yanzong, the Eight Gates, and the Yinshazong, and let their suzerains be here Within two hours, rush to Fengcheng. I have something to ask them for help. In addition, you will personally send these two tokens to that place, and ask the two gentlemen to come too. "

Han Feng flipped his hand, and several tokens with weird shapes appeared in his hand, and the last two tokens, one gold and one silver.

Han Beng, who was kneeling on the ground, took the token from Han Feng's hand. When he saw the gold and silver tokens, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he asked, "Master, you want to invite them too? Ordinary people?" They haven't even seen each other, this time to invite them, I'm afraid the master needs to come up with something that makes their hearts flutter!"

"Do as I say, as long as I can get what I want, I can still afford the price." Han Feng said.

"Yes." Hearing this, Han Beng didn't hesitate, and responded respectfully, then plunged into the darkness and disappeared.

After the black shadow disappeared, Han Feng looked at the cyan lotus on the letter paper.He could know that this was formed by condensing the flames of Qinglian's Earth Heart Fire.Such strength is absolutely impossible to be faked by other things.

"Hehe. Hehe. I thought there was only one strange fire in the black corner domain, but I didn't expect that there would be a second kind of strange fire. It's a big surprise, a big surprise! As long as I get the first The second kind and the third kind of strange fire, and refining them, why should I be afraid of that old bastard Feng Xian, I've had enough of these days of hiding." Han Feng said to himself, with an expression on his face It was actually exciting.

Black Cliff City.

In a restaurant.

The configuration of this restaurant is not as good as the one in Jiama Holy City, but the price is indeed ten times that of the one in Jiama Holy City.

It is not easy to open a shop in the Black Corner Region. A group of people fight and kill all day long. If they want to gain a foothold in this kind of place, who knows what they will have to go through.Therefore, the management of the restaurant has to be much stricter, and a large number of expert guards are not a small fee, and these fees must be recovered from the residents.

In the room, Yang Yan was studying something.

"Implant Nimantian with the sword control technique!" Yang Yan gave the order.

"Ding! The implantation is successful, this time it costs 1000 points."

Yang Yan had shared Ni Mantian's cultivation, and she understood that Ni Mantian's mastery of sword control was better than her own, but it was still far from fully comprehending sword control.And using the method of system implantation, Nimantian's sword control technique can reach its highest form.

The fighting skills implanted in the system will be transmitted to the implanted mind in the form of a dream. After sleeping at night and practicing the sword in the dream all night, you will be able to comprehend the art of controlling the sword.

"Implant the sword control technique into Sedum." Yang Yan gave another order.

"Ding, the implantation failed. Sedum has fully comprehended the sword control technique, no implantation is required, and this operation does not consume points."

"Damn, what the hell, fully comprehend? Is this a problem?" Hearing the system's notification tone, Yang Yan's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Yang Yan passed the sword control technique to Jing Tian for a few months, did he fully comprehend it?
Yujianshu is the highest sword technique in Shushan, and even the elders of Shushan's previous masters dare not say that they fully comprehend Yujianshu.But Sedum just did it, and he deserves to be the reincarnation of the number one god general in the heavens. This strange comprehension makes people jealous.

"By the way, let's implant Yujianshu into Xu Changqing. The system said that he should be here soon. With Xu Changqing, there are multiple layers of protection." Yang Yan said to the system.

"Ding! The implantation is successful, this time it costs 1000 points."

After Yang Yan exchanged some materials for refining the sixth-grade elixir, Yang Yan implanted a few more sword control techniques, and the points on Yang Yan's body had already reached four digits.

"I want to snatch Han Feng's strange fire quickly. It's really uncomfortable to feel that I don't have any points." Yang Yan thought in his heart.

"Master, that Han Feng has arrived." Soon after, Xiao Tiangou came to inform Yang Yan.

"Oh, the rich man is here, you can't neglect this, please hurry up." Yang Yan smiled happily, got up and walked out of the room, and walked towards another room under the leadership of Xiao Tiangou.

There were a dozen people sitting in the room. According to the information detected by the system, the three sitting in the front were Han Feng and the elders of gold and silver, and their cultivation bases showed that they were all nine-star Douhuang.In other places, there are also a few people sitting there, all of whom are fighting kings and emperors.

"Haha, it's an honor for Mr. Han Feng to come." Yang Yan saluted Han Feng slightly, looking very polite.

"I've met some seniors." Yang Yan said politely to the rest of the people.

When Yang Yan walked into the room, the eyes of these people focused on Yang Yan at the same time. It is worth paying attention to the person who can make the number one pharmacist in the Black Corner Region so violent.Yang Yan didn't hide his cultivation, so these people could sense that Yang Yan had Dou Huang's cultivation.As for his age, he was only about 20 years old. Such a young Dou Huang was really unexpected.

These people were not calm anymore. They thought it was a great thing that a group of Douhuang Douwang came here in a team, but they were still hit by Yang Yan.Get up hurriedly, salute and say hello to Yang Yan one by one.

Although Yang Yan was a Dou Huang, he didn't have the airs of a Dou Huang, and his polite appearance made them feel no hostility. .

When their eyes noticed Xiao Tiangou, they couldn't feel Xiao Tianquan's cultivation level at all. Of course they would not assume that Xiao Tianquan was a person without cultivation, and they all looked at Xiao Tiangou solemnly .

"I've met this senior." A group of people saluted Xiao Tiangou one after another, giving Xiao Tianquan enough face.

Han Feng also stared at Xiaotiangou very solemnly. He had heard from Han Beng earlier that there was a man in black whose cultivation level he couldn't sense, and it seemed to be Xiaotiangou.He was already high enough to look at Xiao Tiangou, even the gold and silver elders were called.But he still didn't expect that things were a bit beyond his expectation.

The attraction of the strange fire to Han Feng was too great. Hearing the news of the different fire, Han Feng didn't think much about it, so he directly planned to grab the different fire.After all, in the Heijiao domain, there is no one that Han Feng dare not mess with.But the appearance of a Dou Zong completely disrupted Han Feng's plan, and the idea of ​​grabbing by force seemed somewhat impossible to realize.

However, Han Feng did not give up on the strange fire. Since the other party was willing to use the news of the different fire to attract him, maybe there was something in him that the other party liked. If it could be exchanged, Han Feng would spare no expense.

After all, I am a sixth-grade pharmacist, and there are many people who would ask me to refine elixirs.

(End of this chapter)

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