Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 135 135. Transactions

Chapter 135 135. Transactions
"I've heard for a long time that pharmacists have a huge network of relationships. Seeing Mr. Han's demeanor today is really enviable." Yang Yan passed the crowd, sat down at the front seat, looked at Han Feng, Compliments.

"Haha, this is just everyone giving Han some face, it's not worth mentioning. But your Excellency, who did you learn from? It's really enviable to have such a cultivation level at a young age." Han Feng smiled calmly Say.

"Hehe, I'm Yang Yan, an unknown person, not worth mentioning. I heard that Mr. Han Feng is the number one pharmacist in the Black Corner Region, and I admire him very much. I really have something important to ask for inviting you here today." Yang Yan said.

Yang Yan glanced at the other people in the room who were invited by Han Feng.He did not expect that Han Feng would be so vigilant.However, Yang Yan didn't care much about these people around him.With them or without them, it has no effect on Yang Yan's plan.

Han Feng and the others were also very surprised when they heard Yang Yan's name.The name they have heard.After all, in the past few days, it was a man named Yang Yan who killed a Dou Huang.

The Dou Huang powerhouse still has a lot of weight in the Black Corner Region. The news of a Dou Emperor's death will spread throughout the Black Corner Region in a very short time.These people present are all important people in the Black Corner domain. They have their own news channels and can know some more detailed information.

"I didn't expect this person to be Yang Yan. It's really unexpected. The power around him should not be underestimated. The man in black next to him is obviously a strong Douzong, but he still stands by his side like a guard. In addition, there is a female fighting sect who is also inextricably related to it. This kind of person really cannot be offended." A fighting emperor thought in his heart.

Han Feng was also extremely surprised when he heard this.Guessing the power around Yang Yan, he also dispelled the idea of ​​grabbing the strange fire in his heart.Only by formal means, maybe it is really possible to trade a strange fire.

"It turns out to be little brother Yang Yan. What you have done these days is not a trivial matter. Did you mean what Brother Yang said in his letter?" Han Feng restrained the surprise in his heart, looked at Yang Yan and said.In his eyes, the look of longing for the strange fire could not be concealed.

"I'm very interested in the strange fire on Mr. Han's body. I wonder if you're willing to part with it?" Yang Yan said jokingly.

As soon as the words were spoken, Han Feng's complexion changed suddenly, so Yang Yan changed his words and said: "Mr. Han, don't be nervous, I was just joking. I am not a pharmacist, and the strange fire has no effect on me. There is one thing above that you must be interested in."

While Yang Yan was speaking, he took out a piece of paper from his hand and handed it to Xiao Tiangou.Xiaotiangou understood, took the paper, walked up to Han Feng, and handed it to Han Feng.

When Han Feng heard Yang Yan say that he wanted his strange fire, he was really nervous to the extreme.Even though what Yang Yan said later was just a joke, Han Feng had already raised some vigilance in his heart.

Han Feng was thinking about Yang Yan's plan in his heart. When Xiao Tiangou brought the paper in front of him, Han Feng pretended to be calm and took the paper and started to read it.

"This is."

Just after reading the first paragraph, Han Feng suddenly woke up, and after reading a few more sentences, he had confirmed the content on the paper.

He is too familiar with such content.In order to get this thing, he did not hesitate to unite with the Soul Palace to kill the teacher who treated him like his own son.

There is not much content on the paper, only a few paragraphs, this is an incomplete burning formula.But Han Feng was already sure that Yang Yan had the full copy on him.

Those who have never practiced Fen Jue will not understand the secret of Fen Jue.

That is a big secret, a secret about being promoted to Emperor Dou.

In this world, Han Feng is definitely the person who understands Fen Jue best.Xiao Yan's time to practice Fen Jue is too short, and he doesn't know enough. Although Yao Lao has studied Fen Jue, he has never practiced it, and his understanding of Fen Jue cannot be compared with Han Feng's.

Han Feng looked directly at Yang Yan, his eyes were very fiery.It's like a hungry man seeing a beautiful woman.

"Mr. Han thinks, what should you exchange for this thing?" Yang Yan looked at Han Feng with a smile on his face, his expression was very relaxed, as if he was sure of winning.

Han Feng thought quickly after hearing this.For Fen Jue, he is determined to win and is willing to pay some price within the acceptable range.However, in terms of trading, Han Feng hopes to get the most with the least effort.

After a while, Han Feng said: "The thing in the hands of Young Master Yang Yan is extremely important to me. I think you have only just broken through the Douhuang, and you must have never used such a thing as Huangji Pill. As Young Master Yang, You must have heard of the effects of Huangji Pill. This is a sixth-grade high-grade elixir, which can directly improve your cultivation level by one to three stars. One Huangji Pill, one Huangji Pill can save you several years of hard work , I can use Huangji Pill as an exchange, and if you need to refine other pills, feel free to mention them.”

Han Feng looked at Yang Yan with fiery eyes. Han Feng still had a lot of stock in his body, but the value of these items was really nothing compared to Fen Jue.

The other people who came with Han Feng also became interested in this thing when they saw Han Feng's appearance when Yang Yan took out the paper.When they heard that Han Feng was willing to exchange Huangji Pill, they became more and more sure about the preciousness of what Yang Yan held.

Huangji Dan is a sixth-grade high-grade elixir, and it is not easy to gather the medicinal materials needed for a sixth-grade elixir.These people have had many transactions with Han Feng, but it was only a few times that Han Feng was able to take out the Huangji Pill as a reward.

For a moment, these guys who have been in the Black Corner Region all the year round actually had the idea of ​​killing people and stealing goods.But they only dare to think about it, Yang Yan has the support of Dou Zong behind him, and they are not something they can provoke.It is really not cost-effective to offend the Dou Zong powerhouse for something of unknown purpose.

Everyone suppressed the terrifying thoughts in their hearts, and quietly looked at Yang Yan.After Yang Yan heard Han Feng's reward, his expression didn't change a bit.Putting down the teacup in his hand, he stretched out his hand, and slowly slid across the small table beside him.On the trajectory of Yang Yan's palm, ten exquisite jade bottles appeared one after another, neatly placed on the small table.

Yang Yan raised his finger lightly, and a soft force came out, acting on the ten jade bottles, and then, the bottle stoppers popped out, and all of them jumped out.

In the jade bottle, there is a smell, others say it is Danxiang.But Yang Yan didn't like that smell. Although it wasn't as pungent as traditional Chinese medicine, the smell mixed with medicinal materials made him feel disgusted after all.

The ten jade bottles exuded a strong atmosphere at the same time, and everyone in the hall took a deep breath.Immediately, a strange force came out, and they felt that the speed of fighting energy in their bodies had increased a bit.Overjoyed in their hearts, they looked at the jade bottles with burning eyes. They knew that the jade bottles contained good things, and their grades were all sixth-grade pills.

"What do Mr. Han think of this?" Yang Yan asked Han Feng with a smile.

Han Feng's face became a little embarrassed. Just a moment ago, he was still telling people that he was willing to use pills as a reward, but the next moment, others took out ten sixth-grade pills.

With the breath of the elixir, it is somewhat difficult to distinguish the specific situation of the elixir in such a short period of time.However, Han Feng just mentioned the names of several pills, and he has narrowed down the scope of the pills a lot. With some characteristics of the pills, he can be sure that the ten bottles of pills are all Huangji pills.

"Hehe, Young Master Yang is really amazing. You can get such a precious pill." Han Feng smiled awkwardly and said.

Han Feng is a pharmacist. When dealing with others, using pills as rewards is his usual method.But now that others can produce Huangji Pills in batches, it means that others have a way to obtain the elixir, and my sixth-grade pharmacist is not that important in the eyes of the other party.

"Seniors, you seem to be more interested in my elixir?" Yang Yan ignored Han Feng, but looked at the people who followed Han Feng, and said in a joking tone.

"Hehe, who is not interested in the sixth-grade pill? Young Master Yang Yan, the old man is blind and rude. I never thought that you would have a way to obtain the sixth-grade pill. If Young Master Yang is useful to the old man's place, just ask , the number [-] members of the Blood Wolf Gang, although they can't get into the eyes of Young Master Yang, it's still not a problem to help fight and kill people." An old man in red robe Douhuang said, his tone became very polite .

"Hehe, it turned out to be the iron leader of the blood wolf gang. Everything is easy to talk about, I think, I will ask you for something soon. At that time, I hope that the seniors will not delay." Yang Yan said.

Several other people also expressed their willingness to contribute to Yang Yan.Just the few bottles of pills on the table, the temptation of Chiguoguo, was enough to make them lower their limit.

Han Feng's complexion turned a little pale. These are all the people he invited. He promised so much reward, but he didn't get any benefits. As a result, these people went to negotiate deals with other people in a blink of an eye. up.For these people in the black corner area, Han Feng deeply despises them. For a little profit, he doesn't even want the most basic reputation.

After communicating with everyone for a while, Yang Yan's eyes returned to Han Feng.Han Feng looked hesitant to speak, he wanted to say something, but he looked reluctant.

Yang Yan said: "Looking at Mr. Han's appearance, he seems to have thought of something good. Why don't you tell me, if my heart is moved, maybe I will give you what you want?"

Hearing this, Han Feng's expression suddenly changed, as if he had made up his mind, he said solemnly, "Young Master Yang, I do have something in my hand. This is my teacher's unique prescription. You must have never heard of it."

While Han Feng was talking, he glanced at Yang Yan. He saw that Yang Yan's expression didn't change at all. He was just drinking tea with a smile, but he seemed to be listening to Han Feng again.Han Feng took a deep breath, and continued: "This thing is called Yin Yang Xuanlong Pill, which is a seventh-grade pill, and its function is to break and then stand. It can be said that if a person who takes this pill, When you are seriously injured, you don’t have to worry about your life, maybe this is an opportunity for transformation.”

Yang Yan was very briefly surprised when he heard Han Feng's words, but he didn't take it too seriously.Han Feng's willingness to take out the Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill was unexpected, but only reasonable.

In the original book, there was a Yin-Yang Profound Dragon Pill that was auctioned in Black Seal City. At that time, the conditions Han Feng gave were only to promise him two things unconditionally when he needed it in the future.

The value of the Fen Jue was much higher than the Falling Heart Flame, so it was only reasonable for Han Feng to be able to take out the Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill.

"Break and then stand? Doesn't seem to be very effective?" Although Yang Yan knew the effect of Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill, he still said disapprovingly.

"Master Yang, you don't know something, this is broken and then erected. When I left the teacher's door, the teacher gave me two Yin-Yang Profound Dragon Pills, one of which has been taken by me, and my teacher is still dead. Now This Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill is already the last one in the world."

Han Feng told everyone that Venerable Feng was seriously injured in the battle with others during the Douzong. Because of the effect of taking Yinyang Xuanlong Pill, it became the matter of Douzong directly after a few years.When Han Feng was telling the story, when he mentioned his teacher, there was a sad expression on his face on purpose.

You know, Dou Zong is already the strongest in the Black Horn Domain, and Dou Zong is even more powerful than they even dare to think about.With such deeds, everyone knew a lot about the effect of this Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill, and they couldn't help but gasp, feeling 666.

"Oh? There is such a miraculous thing, it really opened my eyes." Yang Yan said pretending to be surprised, but his expression was very fake, and it was obvious at a glance that it was just pretending.

Seeing this, Han Feng felt something was wrong.Even Dou Zun can't move the other party, it seems that the other party's background is really not small!

"Okay, your elixir is really amazing, I've had enough fun with it, let's stop here for today." The smile on Yang Yan's face disappeared, and his expression seemed a little impatient.He took out a book with a thickness of more than ten pages in his hand, handed it to Xiao Tiangou, pointed to the book in his hand, and said: "This is what you want, tell me about my terms of exchange. Since you are the number one practitioner in Zhongzhou Disciple of pharmacist Yaochen, you must have quite a few prescriptions in your hand, I need these prescriptions."

Yang Yan's words made Han Feng feel a little tangled.For a pharmacist, the prescription is also very precious, if it is not a close relationship, no one will easily give the prescription to others.

Han Feng stared at the book in Xiaotiangou's hand.After thinking for a moment, he finally felt that Fen Jue was more important, and he said solemnly: "Okay, Han agreed."

Han Feng gritted his teeth, took out a jade bottle and a few scrolls, and said, "This is the Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill and the prescription. I don't know what it is?"

Yang Yan glanced at the thing in Han Feng's hand.The system has already found out that it is the Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill and the prescription.The prescriptions are from the fifth grade to the seventh grade, and there are no prescriptions for higher grades.Yang Yan didn't know whether Han Feng had reservations or that was all he really had.He didn't intend to delve into it either.Signaled Xiaotiangou to exchange things.

"Ding! The host completed the task of obtaining the Yin-Yang Profound Dragon Pill, and obtained 6000 points, the prescription of the Yin-Yang Profound Dragon Pill, and a chance to summon the Dou Huang."

After Han Feng got the book, he quickly flipped through it.This is just a paper copy, a copy that Yang Yan used the system to copy. There is no soul rubbing, and it is not necessary, as long as the content is comprehensive.Han Feng matched his incomplete version of Fen Jue one by one, and found that it was more comprehensive.I was overjoyed in my heart, and hurriedly put it into the ring.

Suddenly, Han Feng's expression changed. How did he realize that the people he recruited with great interest were all staring at him with ill intentions.It seems that there is a move to kill and rob goods.

"Everyone, Mr. Han still has something important to do, so let's go first. The reward promised to you earlier, Mr. Han will definitely not be less." After Han Feng finished speaking, he immediately ran away.

Although Han Feng despises these guys who bully the weak and fear the hard-bodied, he is also very jealous, all of them are not fuel-efficient lamps.When the Fen Jue was in Yang Yan's hands, they didn't dare to make a move, but when it came to him, they stared at him like a pack of hungry wolves.He really thought that he, the number one alchemist in the Black Horn Region, had no combat power at all.

"Master Yang, I have something important to do, so I will leave first." Seeing that Han Feng had left, several Dou Wang Dou Huang members hurriedly asked Yang Yan to resign.

"Seniors, please go ahead." Yang Yan said with a smile.

A few streams of light streaked across the sky, and the people disappeared without a trace. But today, Han Feng has obtained a treasure, and somewhere outside the city, something interesting will happen again.

After the guests dispersed, Yang Yan returned to his seat, drank tea alone, and sighed softly: "Benefits are really a crazy thing, hehe."

After nearly 2 minutes, Yang Yan suddenly looked outside the door, held up his teacup, and asked, "Well, you probably didn't poison my cup, right?"

"Hee hee, don't worry, the poison won't kill you!"

After Yang Yan finished speaking, two beautiful figures appeared outside the door, Huaying and Xiaoyixian.And the one who spoke was the little fairy doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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