Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 184 Ancestral God

Chapter 184 Ancestral God
Huang Tian's questioning voice naturally alarmed the others to look in this direction.

When they learned about Feng Qing'er, their hearts sank.

They knew that there was still a Sky Demon Phoenix bloodline outside, so they dared to fight to the death.But now that the last Sky Demon Phoenix had come back, their hopes were dashed.

"Patriarch, I have found the ancestor god." Feng Qing'er said timidly.

"What, you mean you found the ancestor god?" Huang Tian was still glaring angrily a moment ago, but after hearing Feng Qing'er's words, he immediately became very excited.

"Well, the ancestor gods are outside, I will notify them to come in." Feng Qing'er said.

"Alright." Huang Tian said excitedly.

Through some special means, Feng Qing'er notified Yan Lingji, and then Yan Lingji opened the space channel and entered this space with Yang Yan.

After Yan Lingji entered, all the clansmen felt it.The sense of oppression from the soul is also somewhat close.

"Welcome to the return of the ancestor gods."

All the Sky Demon Phoenixes knelt down towards Yan Lingji and shouted respectfully in unison.

Yan Lingji looked at the worshipers around her, her red lips parted slightly.

"Although I am a human being, what flows in my body is the blood of the Phoenix. Your blood originates from the ancient Heavenly Phoenix. Speaking of which, it makes sense for you to call me 'Ancestral God'."

"It doesn't matter whether it's a human being or a phoenix. Your bloodline is the inheritance and the phoenix, and you are our ancestor god." Huang Tian said solemnly.

"Get up." Yan Lingji smiled, and then said.

"God Xie Zu." Hearing this, everyone got up, and they all looked at Yan Lingji excitedly.

Yang Yan observed the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.In the entire clan, there are four people who have reached the peak of Dou Sheng, and the patriarch, Huang Xuan, has the cultivation base of a five-star Dou Sheng.

It is worthy of being one of the three major clans in the World of Warcraft. With such strength, it is not necessary to be weaker than the lower ranks of the eight ancient clans.

While Yang Yan was observing the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan, several powerful members of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan were also looking at Yang Yan.

For this person who appeared beside their ancestor god, they still have a certain nature.

At such a young age, he is actually a Dou Sheng cultivation base.This kind of talent is even better than the most outstanding juniors in the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.

"This is?" Huang Tian asked suspiciously.

"Junior Yang Yan." Yang Yan answered with cupped hands.

Hearing the words, the members of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan were stunned for a while, and then seemed to have thought of something.They were all shocked, and the three great elders Fenghuang said: "Yang Yan? Could it be that you are the master Yang Yan who is known as the number one alchemist in Zhongzhou?"

Although the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan are in the Beast Realm, they still have their eyes and ears elsewhere, so they have naturally heard of Yang Yan's name.

They were also very envious of the several ninth-grade pills that were announced,

However, recently, the top ten Golden Crows in the Beast Realm had caused too much trouble, and they couldn't get away.If not, with the background of their Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan, they can still exchange for a few ninth-grade pills.

"Get up." Yan Lingji smiled, and then said.

"God Xie Zu." Hearing this, everyone got up, and they all looked at Yan Lingji excitedly.

Yang Yan observed the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.In the entire clan, there are four people who have reached the peak of Dou Sheng, and the patriarch, Huang Xuan, has the cultivation base of a five-star Dou Sheng.

It is worthy of being one of the three major clans in the World of Warcraft. With such strength, it is not necessary to be weaker than the lower ranks of the eight ancient clans.

While Yang Yan was observing the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan, several powerful members of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan were also looking at Yang Yan.

For this person who appeared beside their ancestor god, they still have a certain nature.

At such a young age, he is actually a Dou Sheng cultivation base.This kind of talent is even better than the most outstanding juniors in the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.

"This is?" Huang Tian asked suspiciously.

"Junior Yang Yan." Yang Yan answered with cupped hands.

Hearing the words, the members of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan were stunned for a while, and then seemed to have thought of something.They were all shocked, and the three great elders Fenghuang said: "Yang Yan? Could it be that you are the master Yang Yan who is known as the number one alchemist in Zhongzhou?"

Although the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan are in the Beast Realm, they still have their eyes and ears elsewhere, so they have naturally heard of Yang Yan's name.

They were also very envious of the several ninth-grade pills that were announced,

However, recently, the top ten Golden Crows in the Beast Realm had caused too much trouble, and they couldn't get away.If not, with the background of their Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan, they can still exchange for a few ninth-grade pills.

"Not yet introduced, these three are the Supreme Elders of our clan, Fenghuang, Kunhuang, and Yinghuang." Huang Tian pointed to the three Supreme Elders, and introduced them to Yang Yanyan Lingji.

The three elders all gave friendly smiles, because of Yan Lingji, they loved Yang Yan very much.

"I've met the three seniors." To the three of them, Yang Yan saluted very politely.

"Master Yang Yan, you're being polite." The three of them replied in a friendly manner.

Under Huang Tian's leadership, everyone came to a clean place to sit down.

"I'm really sorry, my family is in danger, and the monster army invaded our family. Even this space was opened temporarily, there is really nothing to entertain you." Huang Tian sat down and said with shame.

"Patriarch Huangtian, this junior has a doubt." Yang Yan looked at the tragic situation of the Sky Demon and Phoenix clan all the way, and he seemed to be touched in his heart, so he questioned.

"But it's okay to say." Huang Tian said.

"With such signs, have the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan ever thought about surrendering?" Yang Yan asked.

Huang Tian didn't answer the sensitive topic immediately.The other supreme elders and elders also remained silent.

They looked at Yang Yan, and there was already something to make up for.But because Yan Lingji was here, there was no outbreak.

After a while, Fenghuang sighed and said, "Little friend Yang Yan, how proud we are of the Heavenly Demon and Phoenix Clan that we have established ourselves in the World of Warcraft for thousands of years, and how could we submit to other races."

Feng Qing'er looked at Yang Yanyan Lingji, then at Huangtian, her lips moved, but she didn't say what was in her heart.

He knew the power gathered around Yang Yan, and she had seen several of those top fighters.

She also eliminated the relationship between the top ten Golden Crows and Yang Yan, she didn't think there would be any chance of winning the war between the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan and the Yao Clan.

But as a member of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan, when she came to this dilapidated gathering point, she felt that kind of fighting spirit.There was also a kind of lofty ambition in her heart to live and die with the Sky Monster and Phoenix Clan.

Feng Qing'er will not interfere with the decisions of the clan, she is just an ordinary member.The patriarch's decision, they only need to implement it.

"To be honest, before the return of the ancestor god, we had a brief meeting. And our decision was to fight to the death with the monster clan." Huang Tian glanced at Yan Lingji and said calmly.

Yang Yan was silent.

This is the pride of belonging to the great clan, and it will never yield to the evil forces.Even if the whole family is wiped out, there is no turning back.

Huang Tian got up suddenly, knelt down in front of Yan Lingji, he said with a determined expression and a firm tone.

"Ancestral God, please save me from the sky demon and phoenix clan and the water and fire."

Huangtian's actions were like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, and all the surrounding sky monsters and Phoenix clans all knelt down to Yan Lingji.

"Ancestral God, please save my Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan!"

"Please, save my Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan!"

Thousands of Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan shouted in unison, the momentum was earth-shattering.

The actions of the core members of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan made the several subordinate races who were still affiliated with the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan feel excited.

The Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan used to be one of the three major races in the World of Warcraft, and there were quite a few minor races attached to the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.But when the monster clan army attacked, most of those races rebelled and switched to the more powerful monster clan.

As for the rest of these races, they are the ones who have truly returned their hearts. They either have received the favor of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan, or they are inseparable from the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan in their blood.

They are all groups that can die together with the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.

The rest of the core members of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan also stood up straight, their faces solemn.For the members of the Sky Demon and Phoenix clan who knelt down beside them, they actually felt the same way.

The sudden kneeling of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan made Yang Yanyan and Ling Ji stand up hastily.Such a battle is too huge.Yang Yan and Yan Lingji, who were only in their twenties, couldn't afford it.

"You guys, get up quickly, there's no need for this." Yan Lingji hurriedly went to help Huangtian, but Huangtian resisted with fighting spirit, so that Huangtian's face turned red, and finally Yan Lingji didn't let Yan Lingji pull him up.

"God Ancestor, if you don't agree with us, we won't be able to kneel forever." Huang Tian, ​​holding his breath, said Feng Feng, one of the three great elders.

"God Ancestor, our clan has a secret method that can gather the power of all bloodlines in one person. But this method is very demanding for the people who bear it, and the ancient Phoenix bloodline has a lot to offer.

As long as the sacrifice is completed, the ancestor god has the power to save our family. "Phoenix said.

(End of this chapter)

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