Chapter 185 Sacrifice
Sometimes there is not only one way to solve a problem.But when there is a certain thought in my heart, I will choose the most difficult method without hesitation.

In fact, Yan Lingji didn't have the slightest affection for the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan, and she had only seen the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan for less than an hour.

But this situation made Yan Lingji's heart throb greatly.

Yan Lingji looked at Yang Yan, her eyes were full of doubts, and for a while, she couldn't decide to pay attention.

"Patriarch Huangtian, you don't have to do this." Yang Yan looked at Huangtian and said hastily: "To be honest, those ten golden crows are my cousins. If you are not willing to surrender, I can intercede for you .”

Yang Yan's trip was obviously just to help the Ten Great Golden Crows recruit the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan, but now it's like this.

After spending less than an hour together, Yang Yan's heart would be moved by them.

The top ten Golden Crows were all summoned by Yang Yan. Although they were Yang Yan's cousin in name, they 100% surrendered to Yang Yan.If Yang Yan spoke, they would let the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan go without any reason at all.

"Young Master Yang Yan's kindness, I will accept it." Huang Tian said indifferently.

"But the fate of my Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan will only be in my own hands, and I don't feel the need for others to beg for mercy.

Besides, it is our honor to serve the ancestor gods, and we are willing to do so. "Huang Tian said solemnly.

Yang Yan was silent when he heard this.

Sacrifice has never been a nickname.

Perhaps in order to accomplish this feat, their lives were lost.

But Yang Yan didn't see any fear in the eyes of the Sky Monster and Phoenix Clan these days.They are really willing.

Yang Yan nodded to Yan Lingji, and Yan Lingji's complexion became extremely heavy when she saw this.

Seeing this, Huang Tian smiled miserably.Standing up, she said to Yan Lingji: "God Ancestor, this is the secret method of our clan. I will gather the blood of the whole clan and gather it in one place later. At that time, a phantom of the ancient sky phoenix will be gathered. You only need to use that phantom The shadow is fused into the body, and it can be fused.

By the way, this secret method, when the phoenix phantom takes shape, will give birth to a strange fire called Longfengyan, which can be absorbed by the ancestor gods. "

"En." Yan Lingji nodded heavily.

Afterwards, Huang Tian faced the crowd and shouted loudly: "The Heavenly Demon and Phoenix Clan listen to the order and form the Heavenly Phoenix Blood Formation."

"Yes." All the monsters and phoenixes arrived in unison, with great momentum.

I saw, one by one, the Sky Demon Phoenix turned into its own body and flew into the sky.Huang Tian also spread his wings and flew towards the sky.

Perhaps because of their different attributes, their colors are also different. They are colorful, but they are very beautiful.

Also because of the difference in age, their body size varies.

Their neat flyers form some sort of pattern.

Thin bloody lines came out from the bodies of the Sky Demon Phoenix one by one, and then converged into a point in the center.

There was a terrifying aura in the sky, and Yang Yan was also a little out of breath.And those races attached to the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan all prostrated themselves on the ground.

As one of the strongest races in the World of Warcraft, their bloodline has a strong sense of oppression for other weak races.

The sacrifice is still going on, and I can see that the little red dot gathered in the middle is also gradually changing, gradually condensing and forming.

This seems to take a long time.

"Cousin, stay outside and don't let anyone disturb this place." During this period, Yang Yan sent a message to the big golden crow outside.

After about three days, Yang Yan has been waiting here.

Yan Lingji seemed to be drawn by something, and flew towards the bloody phantom.

A bloody phantom shrouded Yan Lingji's body, forming the appearance of a phoenix.

During this period, some of the strengths of the Sky Demon Phoenix were weakened, and they were unable to support the formation, so they fell down without making a sound.

Three more days passed.

The phoenix phantom was fully formed, and Yan Lingji also began to fuse that phantom.

At this time, the number of Sky Demon Phoenixes that were still flying in the sky to complete the formation had already grown from a few thousand to over a hundred.

Sacrifice has always been cruel.

Xiao Clan's sacrifice made Xiao Xuan a success.

And Emperor Huntian used the entire Zhongzhou to sacrifice.

In Yang Yan's hand, there was a colorful bird.

She is Feng Qing'er, and her cultivation has just reached Douzong.I couldn't hold it anymore and fell down.

And she, because she followed Yan Lingji's side early, learned some special methods.He has also taken many high-level pills.Saved his life in front of him.

But Feng Qing'er lost all her actions, lost her spiritual wisdom, and became the Sky Demon Phoenix from childhood.

"Qing'er has taken Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill before. I don't know if this pill will still work in your state." Yang Yan looked at the little bird standing quietly in his hand. She was only the size of a palm and was very quiet.

Witnessing the sacrifice of the Sky Demon Phoenix with his own eyes, Yang Yan was also full of admiration for this race.

With a thought, Yang Yan took out a pill.This was made for Zi Yan before, and it can increase her growth.

But I don't know if it is still effective for Feng Qing'er in this state.

Feng Qing'er took the pill greedily, swallowed it quickly, and was very satisfied afterwards.Looking at Yang Yan, he looked eagerly, very humane.

"Your physique is not comparable to Ziyan. This kind of pill has a lot of energy. If you take too much, you can't digest it." Yang Yan smiled, gently stroking her soft feathers, and said softly.

The sky is still going on.

There are only more than 100 sky demon phoenixes, all of which are powerful in the clan.Although the power of the blood sacrifice was a heavy burden for them, they still carried it tenaciously.

But most of their cultivation has regressed, and they don't even have the ability to change form.The size has also become very small, and they have all become juveniles.

Only the three great elders and patriarch Huang Tian could still maintain a human appearance in front of them.

They all flew down, but Yan Lingji still fused with that phantom in the sky.

But at this time, their cultivation has also regressed to Douwang.

"Ding! Yan Lingji obtained Longfengyan, and the host reached the conditions for collecting different fires, and obtained 18 points."

The system's voice sounded, but Yang Yan seemed very sad.

"Patriarch Huangtian, these are some recovery pills, let's distribute them quickly!"

With a wave of Yang Yan's hand, some jade bottles appeared on the ground in front of Yang Yan.

These are just healing pills below the sixth rank.

"Thank you!" Huang Tian's voice was a little hoarse, he must have felt pain in his heart after ruining his own race with his own hands.

In fact, after they sacrificed, their blood vessels and bodies were damaged, and the pills did not have a great effect on them.

But for Yang Yan, Huang Tian is very aware of the relationship between Yang Yan and Yan Lingji, so they will not be polite.

Huang Tian fed the pills one by one to the mouths of the still living Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan, and he didn't ask anyone to help.

Then, Huangtian, Fenghuang, Kunhuang, Yinghuang.The four Heavenly Demon Phoenixes who still kept their bodies went to gather up the corpses of those dead Sky Demon Phoenixes with their own hands.

They didn't ask those races attached to the Sky Demon Phoenix to help, they wanted to do it themselves.

The rest of the races all looked at the actions of the four with solemn expressions, feeling desolate in their hearts.

Huang Tian and the others gathered all the corpses of those sky monsters and phoenixes in one place, and then burned them all with a fire.

After passing the strange fire, Yan Lingji completed the fusion and flew down.

She looked at Huang Tian, ​​and said solemnly: "Patriarch Huang Tian."

He was speechless.

"Haha, Ancestor God, there is no need to be sad." Huang Tian laughed loudly, although he deliberately showed indifference, but everyone could feel his grief.

"As long as the ancestor god can be promoted to Emperor Dou, our blood will only be reactivated, and at that time, the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan will also evolve into the Ancient Phoenix Clan."

"Now, the ancestor god can open up a space for us to live in. As long as the ancestor god injects some original energy into us every day, we will naturally recover slowly."

"Okay" was a thousand words, but Yanlingji had only one answer in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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