Feel sorry!The concubine has gone away

Chapter 407 To save or not to save, what should I do? 1

Chapter 407 To save or not to save, what should I do? 1
He has also heard a little bit about the holy medicine for detoxification in Beibei, which is a national treasure, which shows its preciousness. Now, the medicine is on Qiange, if he asks for it, Qiange will definitely give it to him, but, What kind of reason should be used to ask for it is a question?

If he knew that Zhen Yiyi was in his house, wouldn't everything he had done before be in vain?
He could predict that once Qian Ge knew that the woman was poisoned and stayed in his house, she would definitely leave everything in her hands, including the lives of millions of soldiers, and rush back desperately!
He can't let him do that!
When he first came to the throne, everything was still unstable, especially the hearts of the people. He couldn't watch him destroy the morale of the army and the people that he had just established. Xishu's century-old foundation!

Compared with those who want to, a woman is nothing but insignificant!

Therefore, Qiange must not let Qiange know the truth!

After thinking about it, Yu Yanqing helped her to say: "Get up and talk first, let me think about this matter again! Anyway, I won't ignore your lady, but Xueyu Qinxinwan is National treasures are rare in the world, even though I am the prime minister of a country, I can't say this to the Holy One casually!"

"Cao Cao also knows that this request is really too much, but there is really no other way to think about it, as long as the adults are willing to save the life of the young lady, you can do whatever you want!"

"Young girl is too serious!"

"Otherwise, I know that there is a Phoenix Mountain in the territory of Xishu. It is said that there is a peerless doctor who lives on the mountain. He is a descendant of the Shennong family. He has excellent medical skills. Find another way to detoxify!"

"Even if you can't solve it, at least it can stabilize the toxins in your lady's body. I will stay in the capital and wait for the sage to return to the palace. I will find a chance to discuss it with the sage. If the sage is willing to give it to me, I will send someone to send it to the two of you immediately." Hey, do you think this is okay?"

For Yu Yanqing, any elixir or holy medicine is just a trivial matter, the most important thing is not to let Qiange know her whereabouts and know that she is still alive!

"Then thank you, my lord!"

Now, they have more to ask for than others, and they can't ask for too much, they can only obey the other party's arrangement as much as possible, hoping to get rid of the toxins in the lady's body smoothly!

(End of this chapter)

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