Feel sorry!The concubine has gone away

Chapter 408 To save or not to save, what should I do? 3

Chapter 408 To save or not to save, what should I do? 3
In the early morning of the next day, Yu Yanqing arranged for their master and servant to go out of the city and go to Phoenix Mountain. The reason for the rush was that a soldier came back that night and reported that the troops led by the Emperor Xishu had withdrawn from the border and returned to the west. Shu, will arrive in the capital soon!

He had to send Zhen Yi away before Qian Ge came back, so as to avoid the two of them running into each other...

The carriage carrying the two masters and servants walked slowly towards the outside of the city. Not long after leaving the city, a fast horse came galloping from the opposite direction at an extremely fast speed. When passing the carriage, a gust of wind blew After pulling up the car curtain, Zhen Yi raised his head subconsciously, but only had time to see a figure flash past!

It was somewhat familiar in a trance, but the opponent's speed was too fast, and it was too late to see clearly!

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing her staring out the window in a daze, Hastily couldn't help asking in doubt!

Zhen Yiyi quickly looked away, shook his head with a smile and said, "It's okay!"

But when the fast horse passed the city gate, the soldiers guarding the city knelt down and shouted: "Your Majesty!"

It turned out that it was none other than Yu Linfeng who sat on the horse. Because he didn't like the life in the military camp, he didn't want to walk slowly with the soldiers, so he rode a fast horse and went back to the court first!

But I don't know, no matter how fast you come back, you will still be one step late after all!
After Yu Linfeng returned to the city, he didn't go back to the palace immediately, but went to the prime minister's mansion first. Compared with the military camp, the palace is as annoying and suffocating!

Seeing Yu Linfeng, Yu Yanqing couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly knelt down to salute: "My humble minister joins the emperor!"

"Uncle, don't be too polite!"

Yu Linfeng lifted the human being on the ground and said, "You know that I hate these red tapes the most, and that's why I will be the first to come to uncle's prime minister's mansion after returning to the court!"

Yu Yanqing was secretly worried, wondering if he had met Zhen Yiyi as master and servant when he was on the road just now!

Seeing him flustered, Yu Linfeng couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you, Uncle?"


Yu Yanqing quickly withdrew her thoughts, thinking that if they met, Qian Ge would not have the time and mood to come to her house at this moment, so she pulled her lips and said, "Why did you come back so soon?"

Yu Linfeng replied lightly: "I don't like to follow a lot of people on the road, so I came back first!"

(End of this chapter)

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