Awakens a martial spirit every ten levels

Chapter 103 So He Was So Rich

Chapter 103 So He Was So Rich (Please Subscribe)
"Brother, don't pay attention to the second idiot of this month, I will hire you with an annual salary of 1000 million Huaxia coins, and you will be the captain of my Fanxian team from now on!"

Yue Lingxian spoke amazingly.

"With an annual salary of tens of millions, hire someone?"

It is also a great deal for a large trade union.

Liuyun's mind is really in a mess right now.

"That's right, I just spent tens of millions to hire him." Yue Lingxian was so sure.

Great Darkness is very popular.

He believed that nothing would be too bad.

And he has a long-term vision. In the future, as the ability of the dark sky becomes stronger, his profit will be higher.

He has a perception that "Soul Path" will be different from the games that have appeared before.

Sooner or later, this place will become people's second world.

Moreover, they believe in the supremacy of the strong.

He just has that guts.

"The same sentence, thank you for your love, I am not alone, I am my partner, and there are thousands of brothers from the trade union."

Han Ming refused again.Although I admire Yue Lingxian very much.

But what a joke.

Are you trying to buy me off and inherit my union?

"Then what if we merge your union together? From now on, you will be our Yueyin's affiliate." Yueyin said arrogantly.

Damn, your lines are wrong. You don't move like a mountain, and your eyelids twitch.

When the president came, he repeatedly asked you to speak up.

Can you stop showing the attitude of your second generation ancestor?
"Oh? How much money do you plan to pay, Yue Yin?" Yue Lingxian became interested.

"3000 million Huaxia coins. 500 million will buy you Sky-Sweeping Wings, and [-] million will be your annual salary for part-time work!" Yueyin Jinglong raised his eyebrows.

At this moment he felt radiant.

The time has finally come to throw money at people and feel proud.

Therefore, the word "part-time job" has a strong pronunciation.

"It's so high"

Some people frowned, some people were frightened.

You know, the annual salary of some professional players is 500 million Huaxia coins, which is considered high.

Don't look at Han Ming making money easily.

Gold soul coins are all income in units of ten thousand.

It can be replaced by other players, and it is not bad to earn ten or eight gold soul coins every day.

Just like reality, some people can earn [-] Huaxia coins every day.

Some people can only earn [-] Huaxia coins a year.

Same people, that's the difference.

At this moment, no one else spoke.

No further bids at this time.

Because the price of Yueyin is really high.

"Don't worry about it anymore, you are worth the price. I have understood before that you have to sell yourself to work for tens of thousands of gold soul coins. This is already the maximum limit. If you agree, add me as a friend and give me an address. Get someone to come and sign the contract with you."

Yueyin Jinglong urged impatiently.

Didn't you just want to raise your own value by doing this from the beginning to now?
Are you still not satisfied with this?
Look, stop talking.

He felt that Han Ming should have been stunned.

at this time.

"Boss, big sister asked you to go out to watch the ceremony, saying that today is a big day." At this time, Chang Baicao walked into the hall and said loudly.

Check the time.

It's almost eight o'clock.

That's when I remembered what Lin Wanwan said yesterday that there will be a 'hands-off' meeting at [-] o'clock.

"Okay then, come now." Han Ming smiled. "We are guests from afar, why not watch the ceremony together."

Everyone was startled, and also thought about what kind of thing this was watching.

Ascending the city wall.

You can see a neat row of dark soul guide cannons arranged neatly.

As a high-level member of the Great Guild, he was not calm at this moment.

This is a level three soul guide cannon
And it's still that kind of improved one.

A soul guide cannon worth [-] gold soul coins might not be able to stop it.

Ten soul guide cannons cost tens of millions of Huaxia coins.

And this fortification.

Only then did everyone froze.

This damn.The city wall is doped with black gold.

There is such a luster as far as the eye can see.

This shit, how much black gold can you get.

Let alone three to forty million Huaxia coins.

"You're here. Let's get started then."


Lin Wanwan waved her small hand.

Ten soul guide cannons fired into the air together.

In the rumbling loud noise.


Like gorgeous fireworks.It was a shock.

It's all money.

As soon as the cannon is fired, the golden ten thousand taels is not just talk.

With just this round of salvo, a million will be gone in ten thousand minutes.


The strong fluctuation of soul power from the soul guide cannon sounded.

And couldn't help but secretly startled.

This power is at least comparable to the full blow of the soul king.

So in other words, the price has to be doubled?
Is it so arrogant?

Not to mention Liuyun, the weakest of the three guilds, even the rapidly developing Yueyin was not equipped with such a terrifyingly powerful soul cannon.

At this moment, a message reminded Han Ming.

[Yeyu Heitong: How is it?Is there a table? 】

[Big Dark Sky: Full of faces. 】

After closing the message, Han Ming smiled slightly.

This soul guide cannon is also left on, and it will be eliminated sooner or later.

As for the siege?
They are all on the rise for the time being, who would do such boring things.

What's more, his enemy Guangyao has been completely destroyed.

The soldiers approached the city, and the smoke and sand in half the city didn't have the guts for the time being.

There was no threat to Doucheng that day.

And none of the forces outside of Tiandou City have such long hands, and the flames of war can't burn here.

The last trace of fireworks in the sky cleared that day.

Everyone came back to their senses.

Especially Yue Lingxian, with undisguised amusement in his eyes.Looking at the hidden moon, the dragon only felt that his cheeks were hot.

He could not wait to find a place to crawl in.

The previous arrogance was gone.

Thanks to myself, I thought that I could handle this big dark sky tightly.

Take a look now.

So fucking embarrassing.

It's ridiculous to think about it.How much money can he kneel down?
"Since I'm here today, I'll also add to the fun. I'll show you my baby, and I'll sell it with tears today!"

Originally, Yueyin Jinglong wanted to leave, but when he saw the things Han Ming took out, he couldn't move anymore. "You just say that this thing is for fun? What kind of garbage is this? Who has never seen the corpse of a soul beast."

Everyone didn't say anything, but the meaning was the same.

Although the value of soul beasts of the Dragon genus is not low.

But Han Ming, the soul beast, is too small.

It doesn't look nutritious at first glance.

"Yes! That's right! This thing is worthless, it's just a piece of garbage. Let's get rid of it, brother Heitian, I have something to do, let's go down and talk?" Yue Lingxian said at this time.

Although his unusual behavior made people wonder for a while.

But I didn't see why.

"It's okay, I beg you to take a look at the Soul Beast Illustrated Book. Although the three ferocious dragon heads are only eight or nine meters long when put together, they are not short-lived. This is a soul beast that is nearly 10 years old. The three dragon heads are poisonous. Fire Flood Dragon!"

At this time, Liu Yunfeng came out and explained to everyone.

Everyone listens.

Wake up instantly.


Nearly 10-year-old soul beast.

Damn, we may not be human, Yue Lingxian is a real dog.

He wants to have it all to himself!

Everyone was shocked.

"That's right, although this soul beast is less than 10 years old, it has a trace of overlord-level bloodline. It is the pinnacle of the emperor, and its strength is not much worse than that of a 10-year-old soul beast."

"The whole body of such a soul beast is full of treasures. Although the material level is too high now, it cannot be used temporarily.

But if you want to build an eighth or ninth level soul guide in the future, this is definitely an excellent material.

Moreover, these three dragon heads can release poisonous gas, strong wind, and raging fire. They only need a simple modification to become a powerful output-type soul guide.It can be used by taking it, and it will not be weaker than the power of the sixth-level soul guide cannon. "

After Han Ming finished his introduction lightly, everyone's eyes lit up.

An eighth-level soul guide or a ninth-level soul guide, that definitely has the power to destroy the world.

"How much is this thing, I want it!" Yueyin Jinglong decided not to leave.

With a big wave of his hand, he was extremely arrogant.The second generation ancestor possessed the body instantly.


Without Han Ming answering, Yue Lingxian took the lead and said: "Boy, don't say you are here, even if your brother is here, don't even think about swallowing these three poisonous fire dragons."

"I said."

 ask for everything

(End of this chapter)

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