Chapter 104 Hu Liena Arrives (Subscribe)

The people from the three major trade unions have all left.

With smiles and satisfaction on their faces.

The bones of this nearly 10-year-old soul beast were divided equally by the three trade unions at the price of only 30 gold soul coins.

"Boss, why did they take such a precious thing at such a low price?" Chang Baicao was puzzled.

"Haha, those things are precious now, but that doesn't mean they will be precious in the future." Han Ming then said, "What's more, I won't look down on these things in the future, so I'll treat them as garbage."

To tell the truth.

He is not bragging.

I really look down on it.

After all, there are already several major forces behind him.

Will there still be a shortage of powerful soul guide weapons at the eighty or ninetieth level?

Isn't it easy to get something that ordinary people can't get?
Even legendary equipment is not impossible.

It's just a myth that's hard to tell.

Because mythical equipment cannot be forged.

It is a myth to have the blessing of God's power.

And the legend.It already has some miraculous abilities.

Legendary equipment is already the pinnacle of the world.

As for holy things.

As long as you have money, it's not difficult to get a set together.Not so strange.

"Boss, everyone is gone now, can you show us what a magical skill is?"

As soon as Chang Baicao said this, he expressed the desire of everyone.

Don't say it's him.

Even if he has always turned his back on the common people, he will not pretend to kill with a sword.

Lin Wanwan's eyes were also full of expectation.

"Okay." Han Ming shook his head helplessly.

I saw him take a few steps back, raised his palm high and then snapped it suddenly.

With the waving of his palm, the sky and the earth became dark.

In the eyes of everyone, there is not even heaven and earth.

Only one big hand that covered the sky and the sun was left.

There is no flash.


It's cold
Huhu Chang Baicao was breathing violently with lingering fear.

"Boss, I finally understand why it is called a divine skill. It is a skill like divine punishment. It is terrifying."

"Huh? Where's the boss?"


On the other side, Han Ming has already arrived at the production workshop in the trade union.

Blacksmith Tang's work efficiency is as high as ever.

When Han Ming came, the equipment had been upgraded and delivered for use.

Vajra Indestructible Breastplate*Relic
Use level: 40
Physical: +50%

Strength: +50%

Additional effect: When equipped, the physical strength will increase by an additional 35%.

Vajra Indestructible Pauldrons*Relic
Use level: 40
Agility: +50%

Strength: +50%

Additional effect: Agility increases by an additional 35% when equipped.

Vajra Indestructible Leg Armor* Relic
Use level: 40
Spirit: +50%

Strength: +50%

Additional effect: When equipped, the spirit increases by an additional 35%.

Vajra Indestructible Bracers*Relic
Use level: 40
Strength: +50%

Strength: +50%

Additional effect: When equipped, the power increases by an additional 35%

Vajra Indestructible Boots*Relic
Use level: 40
Agility: +50%

Strength: +50%

Additional effect: Agility increases by an additional 35% when equipped.

King Kong Indestructible Set [Five Pieces]:
Additional effect 1: The first soul ring skill, the skill effect is increased by 20%, and the skill cooldown is reduced by 20%.

Additional effect 2: The second soul ring skill, the skill effect is increased by 20%, and the skill cooldown is reduced by 20%.

Additional effect 3: The third soul ring skill, the skill effect is increased by 20%, and the skill cooldown is reduced by 20%.

Additional effect 4: For the fourth soul ring skill, the skill effect is increased by 20%, and the skill cooldown is reduced by 20%.

Equipment, as always, is biased towards power.

Moreover, it was another wave of improvement.

This time Han Ming was well prepared.

The suit booster effect is selected in advance.

After obtaining the fourth soul ring, the gain can be obtained directly.

"Unfortunately, the limit of the King Kong Invincible sacred item set is only five additional effects, and it will soon be useless." Han Ming smacked his lips.

It's not just King Kong who is undefeated.

Instead, all holy equipment can only have five set effects.

That is to say, even if a level 90 sacred equipment is still equipped with 5 set effects in the future.

This is inexplicable.

So the vast majority of reliquary players will make a choice after reaching level 50.

Mainly strengthen those soul skills.

Although, a body of sacred equipment is already the ceiling of many players.

But it wasn't Han Ming's limit.

It's just that the acquisition and manufacture of legends is not a small difficulty.

up until now.

Only a special legendary equipment such as the White Tiger Order fell into the player's hands.

"Boss, have you finished your work? Brother Tao sent someone here."

Just finished putting on the gear.

I heard Chang Baicao shouting.

"What did Su Yuntao want me for?"

Han Ming didn't know why, so he left with the messenger from Wuhundian.


At the gate of the Wuhun Hall, Han Ming saw an old acquaintance.

"Brother Tao, you're doing well these days." Han Ming looked at Su Yuntao in a new outfit, and clasped his fists with a smile on his face.

He is no longer that down-and-out great soul master who looks depressed.

Although the level has just passed level [-].

But the identity is already a small steward.

"I still have to delay your blessing." Su Yuntao cupped his fists to express his gratitude. "Come with me, the adults of Wuhundian are waiting in the side hall."

"My lord of Wuhundian?" Han Ming was startled, thinking who the hell is it, to hold the cup like this.
Door open.

Han Ming met two acquaintances.

The most eye-catching one is a beautiful woman, her eyes are almost dripping like spring water.

She's not targeting someone, it's a natural ability.

Natural charm.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Hu Liena.

The other one, Yan, who is a licking dog, is also there.

It's just that Xie Yue is not here.

"The teacher called me this time to ask you to cooperate with me." Hu Liena cut to the chase.

"Oh. What did the teacher ask me to do?" Han Ming was startled.She didn't expect Bibi Dong to have arrangements for herself.

"Presumptuous, what teacher? Don't you know that you have to be honored as His Majesty the Pope?" Yan instantly became furious.

He is still brooding about the last competition in Wuhundian.

If it weren't for Hu Liena and the Pope both suppressing him.He had come to seek revenge on Han Ming a long time ago.

"Did I talk to you?" Han Ming suddenly turned cold.

"Mad dog!"

He didn't know what the mad dog was thinking again.

But looking at the guy is also very uncomfortable.

"Boy, what are you talking about? Don't think you can do whatever you want just by breaking through some bullshit fighting spirit tower. Who knows what kind of cheating methods you used! I'm going to teach you a good lesson today." Yan smiled ferociously.

"Yan, shut up." Hu Liena's eyes turned cold.

It's just that Yan was already in a fit of anger, and chose to do it directly.

Yellow yellow purple purple black.

Five soul rings appeared.


The power of fire spreads.

The scorching breath is about to set the house on fire.

"Hmph, after so long, you still haven't made much progress?" Han Ming smiled coldly.

Black and black, three soul rings emerged.

"Black black black?"

Seeing the terrifying soul ring ratio, Hu Liena and Yan were startled at the same time.

He didn't expect such a big change in Han Ming.

The first and second rings of the previous millennium were already amazing.

Now they have turned into ten thousand year spirit rings.

What kind of monster is this.


As the field of ice opened up, a terrifying icy breath came over.

"There is such a cold power!" Hu Liena was taken aback.

"Could it be you, the Ten Crown King of the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena?" Yan's pupils shrank, and he immediately thought of a possibility.

"The answer is correct, but unfortunately there is no reward." Han Ming sneered.

The field of ice is fully opened.

As if teleporting, the punch hit Yan heavily on the face.

Afterwards, Yan could only hear screams.

Half an hour passed.

Han Ming clapped his hands and glanced at the pig-like Yan.His eyes fell on Hu Liena.

"Tell me, why did the teacher ask you to come?"

"Hehe, the teacher said that he wanted Tianmu's tree heart. It just so happens that there is such a 3-year-old soul beast in the deep forest of the setting sun. I need you to help us!"


It turned out to be Tianmu.

Han Ming never expected that there would be news of such a magical soul beast.

This is definitely an excellent fourth spirit.

The Haotian Hammer belongs to Earth.

Fighting Holy Ape is gold.

Star anise black ice grass belongs to water.

Ziyan fire swallowing dragon belongs to fire.

Only lack of wood.

But after much deliberation, it was really hard to find a power-type wood attribute soul beast.

I have to say, Bibi Dong's wave is really a timely help.
(End of this chapter)

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