Awakens a martial spirit every ten levels

Chapter 106 External Soul Bone

Chapter 106 External Soul Bone (for Subscription)

"What's wrong with him?" Hu Liena was a little anxious.

"You don't have to ask. I said he was committing suicide. He was only at level 40 and he wanted to absorb a 5-year soul ring. That's 5 years! It's far from the limit he can bear." Yan Still looking gloating.

"I'm fine."

Han Ming vaguely heard Hu Liena's anxious voice.My heart warmed up.

He was under a lot of pressure to barely pronounce the words.

"Ah? Are you okay? It's really great." Hu Liena looked surprised.

It's just that Han Ming still hasn't come out of the state of sitting cross-legged.

But she can also feel a little relieved.

I don't know.

Han Ming is experiencing great danger at this time.

This is an attack on his soul by a will far beyond the soul saint level.


There are still some unimaginable secrets in Tianmu.Otherwise, there would be no such terrifying ability.

But now is obviously not the time to delve into it.

In Han Ming's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

Condensed by consciousness, I slowly raised my hand.

If Chang Baicao and others can see it, they will definitely feel familiar.

It was the magic technique that I had seen before.

of course.

Han Ming also had the mentality of giving it a try.

If you can't gather the soul power of your own several martial spirits together.

Then he couldn't resist the pressure brought by this sky tree at all.

"Sure enough."

He was overjoyed.

I saw his four martial souls turned into pure soul power and gathered directly in his palm.

Then press out with one palm.

"War God Skill: Hand of God!"

At this moment, his spiritual energy exploded a thousand times.

With just one blow, the phantom of Tianmu was smashed to pieces.

[Damn. It turned out to be the power of the Valkyrie?No, I'm not reconciled]

At this time, there is a remaining will, sending out such a message.

The next moment it disappeared.

Is it a hallucination?

Do not!
Definitely is!
So what exactly?
Han Ming harbored this doubt in his heart.

Maybe Bibi Dong can know the answer.

If he didn't have the Martial God Skill, he would have died this time. Han Ming was also in a cold sweat.

At the same time, he also made a surprise discovery.

That is, the Martial God Skill is more powerful than he imagined.

It can even be used as a means of soul attack.


Open your eyes slowly.

Han Ming could see a beautiful face very close to him.

He also hesitated to stick them too close, and the tips of their noses would touch each other.

It's not who Hu Liena is.

"Ah! You're fine." Hu Liena blushed a little, and hurriedly took two steps back.

"Well, it's all right." Han Ming smiled.

But his face was still very pale.

This is the reason why the power of spiritual will is overdrawn.

"Hmph, I advise you not to hold on, why don't you just lie down and rest? How lucky you are. You didn't die.

But if you took a life, in my opinion, you might as well die!Wouldn't it be more uncomfortable than death to have no chance to break through the realm in the future? "

Yan's eyes were brighter than ever before.

He could feel that the soul of this guy named Dadiahetian was extremely weak.

This is echoing the symptoms after the soul ring is overloaded and absorbed.

This is fundamental damage.

At this moment, he finally saw the hope of defeating this dark sky.

Now, he wants to trample this man under his feet.

Because he is destined to be level [-] in this life, and there is no possibility of a comeback.

"Yan, that's enough! Get the hell out of here now!" Hu Liena comforted Han Ming after scolding her. "Don't listen to his nonsense, you will be fine with the teacher around."

"It's okay!" Han Ming smiled slightly, and waved his hands to indicate that he was really fine.

Then he turned to look at Yan. "I'm afraid you will be disappointed. You will only be stepped on by me in this life. Even, in my eyes, you are not even a bug."

"You're really capable of killing yourself!" Facing Chi Guoguo's contempt, Yan couldn't bear it anymore, he was already hot-tempered.

Now or never.

Now is the time to count new and old grudges together.

"Fire Lord Possession!"

Yan instantly opened his soul ring.

"Yan, don't. He is the teacher's disciple."

Hu Liena opened her arms and stood in front of Han Ming.

"His Royal Highness, please step aside!"

At this moment, Yan burst out all the suppressed emotions: "I believe His Majesty the Pope will not want such a trash disciple. Let me get rid of this trash in advance."

Yan said coldly.

Hu Liena seemed strong, but how could the Pope's divine power be so easily aroused?

She must have paid something.

He concluded that Hu Liena couldn't do anything to herself.

And if he killed this trash, wouldn't that prove that he was stronger than him?
He can be the pope's disciple, so why not himself!

"Nana, this time will be my closest chance to you."

As he walked forward, the flames around him were already extremely hot.

What can I do? Hu Liena is very anxious, she is indeed a strong outsider.

"Back to Wuhun City, I will definitely report this matter to the teacher truthfully. You just wait to receive the punishment."

She is like a helpless little animal.

"Hehe, will I be afraid? As long as he kills him, everything is worth it." Yan Sen sneered.

at this time.

Han Ming's big hand gently passed through Hu Liena's hair and landed on her shoulder. "It's nothing to be guarded by a woman. Let me deal with such garbage."

"How can you be his opponent?" Hu Liena was taken aback.

The next moment, he was speechless.

Because of an irresistible force, she was pushed aside.

Han Ming was already standing in front of him, facing Yan directly.

At the same time, a soul ring appeared on his body.

"Black black black black!"

"There are four soul rings?"

Hu Liena couldn't believe it.

"You actually succeeded." Yan was also extremely astonished.

He didn't expect Han Ming to succeed.

But the breath is obviously weak.

"I see, you are pretending to cheat me, right?" Yan's eyes revealed madness.

"Me? Trying to frame you? Do you think it's necessary? You are just a dog in my eyes. If a dog bites you, will you bite a dog? Anyway, I won't!" Han Ming smiled.

This guy can really write a script for himself.

"I'm going to kill you!" Yan condensed all the flame power and launched an attack.

However, Han Ming did not move.

He stretched out his left hand towards Yan, opened it and then clenched it tightly.

The vegetation grew wildly, and instantly tied Yan up.

"What kind of ability is this? What kind of plant is this that is not afraid of the burning of the flame?"

Yan was terrified.

That's right, this is exactly the power that Han Ming just obtained.

But this power does not come from the soul ring.

But it comes from another harvest of his.

Soul bone!

And it is an external spirit bone.

At this moment, he is like a human-shaped sky tree.

There are already countless vine roots growing crazily under the feet.

As long as he moves his mind.

will break through.

Hold it with your right hand.

A vine also grew out of his palm.

It was thrown out like a long whip.

The whip fell heavily.

Smashed the Martial Soul of the Flame Lord.Then he slapped Yan heavily on the face.

Then he was thrown out like a piece of garbage.

"This time I'm just giving you a lesson! If it wasn't for the upcoming Soul Master Competition, you would still be useful to the Wuhun Temple, and I will abolish you today!" Han Ming said coldly.


Yan's eyes were already blank.

He couldn't believe that he lost like this.

"Nana, let's go." Han Ming turned around and stroked Hu Liena's hair.

Get her out of her dazed state.

"Yeah." Hu Liena obediently agreed.

Follow Han Ming to leave.

This is still a little fox, it looks like a kitten.

"Pu Nana, don't go."

Under Hu Liena's divine assist, Yan was so angry that he passed out directly.

There was only one sentence left in his mind.

The clown turned out to be me?

"Can you tell me what kind of ability you have acquired?"

"Don't worry, you'll see you soon."

Facing Hu Liena's question, Han Ming did not give a clear answer.

But this moment.

He has incomparable confidence in the Soul Master Competition.

The strength of Tianmu this day shocked him incomparably.

He even did not expect to obtain such a miraculous external spirit bone.

It can be described as a tiger with wings.

(End of this chapter)

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