Chapter 107 Forming a Team (Give a Subscription, Boss)
Outside Star Luo City.

"Brother, how can we participate in the Soul Master Competition?"

Qianxue followed Qianchen, muttering dissatisfiedly: "So many unions have sent invitations to you in the past two days, and none of them have satisfied you?"

"My sister, I have already said several times that we want all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor, not just a powerful union."

Qianchen, the girl-sucking madman, felt that he might miss today.

Can't stand it anymore.

The girl is going to be turned upside down.

"Hmph, you're lying, I think you just dislike their lack of strength."

Qianxue looked like I see through you.

But she also knows.The most powerful Yueyin is not within the scope of my consideration.

Especially the second-generation ancestor of Yueyin Shocking the Dragon, who is simply arrogant and boundless.

Seeing him doesn't bother anyone.


She gets a message.

[Big Dark Sky: Sister Qianxue, what are you doing?Are you struggling to find a team? 】

Huh. It turned out to be him?

Qianxue's eyes lit up.

For some reason, when she knew that 9527 was the Great Dark Heitian, she felt that the other party no longer hated her.

It's a bit bad, but I still feel it.

【Qianxue: Hmph, what a joke, what kind of joke are you talking about? I don’t know how many people’s kindnesses I have rejected in one day! 】

Could it be that I speak too aggressively?
Seeing that there was no reply for a long time, Qianxue sent another message.

【Qianxue: If you have anything to say, just say it.If you came to see my joke. Congratulations. You made it! 】

[Dark Heitian: How can it be.Am I that kind of person?Hahahaha. I promise I didn't laugh.Since this is the case, why don't you come to Tiandou City, come to me with Sky-Sweeping Wings, the seats are all reserved for you.Let's form a group to participate in the National Soul Master Competition. 】

There is such a good thing?
Qianxue felt that she should be reserved as a girl.

So replied.

[Qianxue: You have to wait for me to play, I need to discuss this matter with my brother. 】

So she stared at Qianchen closely, and entered an inexplicable state of emptiness.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" Qian Chen felt a little hairy from being stared at.

"Hmm. It's okay, I think the weather today is not bad!" Qianxue replied extremely perfunctorily.

Qian Chen turned around.

He glanced at the dark clouds.

You call it a good thing?
Little did they know, Qianxue had already sold him at this time.

【Qianxue: I told my brother that I didn't want to go.But if you really can't hold back my brother, that's the only way to do it.By the way, my brother asked me to ask you when to register as a team, hey, he is really annoying. 】

[Big Dark Sky: Really?That's great.Just sign up before the competition, we will sign up whenever you come. 】

【Qianxue: My brother said it.Before it's too late, let's do it now.Send me the coordinates. 】

Close the chat window.

Qianxue grabbed Qianchen's wrist.

"Sister, where are you going?" He asked puzzled.

"Big Dark Sky begged me to join their union, and he said that if I refused, he would commit suicide.

God has the virtue of good life. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. In desperation, I had no choice but to agree. Now we have to meet them and form a team to participate in the registration. "

After Qianxue finished her brief introduction, she added another sentence: "He said he had to hurry up, he was in a hurry, and if he was late, he would be gone."

"Ah, here." Qian Chen was stunned, and said: "Human life is at stake, let's go."

As he said that, he even used his martial soul wings to soar into the sky.

Carrying Qianxue, she ran towards the teleportation array and flew away.


the other side.Over here with Skywing Wings.

Han Ming has already started to organize his teammates.

Except for Lin Wanwan and Chang Baicao.Killing with a Sword has also returned from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

It's a pity that due to the restrictions of the rules, soul guide weapons cannot be used.

Wandering brother without a soul guide is not as powerful as Zhan Wuscum.

So it is doomed that there is no way to participate in the National Soul Master Competition.

So there is a newcomer joining.


She is a sweet and salty girl.


Heaven Dou City Great Soul Arena.

This is where you sign up and where you compete.

The forces under the Heaven Dou Empire will all compete here, striving for 15 places to participate in the finals.

After Han Ming and the others came to the registration office, they easily joined Qianxue and the others.

Start logging information.

Team name: Sky-Sweeping Wings.

Captain: Great Darkness.

Martial Soul: Haotian Hammer.

Level: Level 44 Assault-type Battle Soul Sect.

Vice-Captain: Yeyu Heitong
Martial Soul: Fuxiqin
Level: Level 34 Control-type Battle Soul Sovereign

Player: Chang Baicao
Martial Soul: Shennong Ding
Level: Level 33 Healing System Soul Master

thousands of dust
Martial Soul: Code of Order

Level: Level 34 Control System Soul Master

Martial Soul: Snowflake

Level: Level 33 Assault Department Soul Master

Martial Soul: Ding
Level: Level 31 control system soul master.

This is the lineup of Han Ming's Sky-Sweeping Wings.

Although, Qingqing and Chang Baicao's Wuhun collided.

But the performance is completely different.

As for the substitute or something, he thinks it is really unnecessary.

Don't ask why.
Asking is confidence.

"Uh. Are you sure this is the case for your team?" The registration staff were stunned.

It was also the first time he saw such a confident team.

Obviously, Han Ming's team composition is really surprising.


In fact, Han Ming also had plans.

As for the substitutes, if necessary, there is still time for temporary recruitment.


Sky-Sweeping Wings, in the trade union hall.

"Well, should we go somewhere and find a place to get in touch."

The most stable brother, Qian Chen asked.

"Break-in? There's no rush. We'll just have to run-in tomorrow on the field."

Han Ming smiled at everyone, "I know everyone is participating in this kind of competition for the first time. In fact, don't pay too much attention to it, just play normally. Besides, in Tiandou City, Wuhun City, and Xingluo, every master Fifteen teams will be selected from the city to advance to the next stage, so there is still room for us to attack."

"Then what do you do now?"

Qian Xue asked.

She didn't think she would come here, just to sign up.

"Let me explain the rules to everyone first." Han Ming signaled everyone to sit down: "This competition is jointly organized by Tiandou, Xingluo, and Wuhundian, and there are a few rules that must be followed.

First of all, the number of participants in each competition must reach seven.

Secondly, during the game, death is not allowed.Once there is an act of killing an opponent, in addition to bearing the corresponding losses, he will also be expelled from the soul master competition.

So if you can be disabled, you must not be killed.However, if the player's blood volume is less than 10%, they will be judged to lose their combat effectiveness. Baicao must pay attention to everyone's blood volume and don't waste it. "

"The qualifiers will be held in team battles, with a single round-robin system. The promotion rounds will be one-on-one duels, which means that as long as you are strong enough, you can go through seven."

"As for the finals. Forget it, let's talk about it when the time comes. Everyone just remember that if we don't lose a game, the championship is ours. If you want to get more official resources in the future, then just perform well."

Han Ming's last words can be regarded as encouragement.

"Boss is right, if you fight them, we are kings!"

No matter when, Chang Baicao is Han Ming's most loyal supporter.

"However, Boss, I don't know if you have noticed that there is a participating team today, and there are many advertisements printed on their clothing? It's so weird!" He asked the doubts in his heart.

"Advertisements are printed on the clothes." Han Ming immediately thought of which team it was: "They should be called the Shrek team. In a word, they are very strong!"
I think they are the best contenders for the title without us. "

Is it that great?

Seeing that everyone has no doubts.Han Ming smiled: "Don't think so much. We will meet sooner or later."

"If there are no problems, get off the assembly line now and take a good rest, and participate in the competition on time at eight o'clock tomorrow. Remember, one radish has one pit, and if one is missing, we will overturn."

 Ask for everything, everyone

(End of this chapter)

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