Chapter 108 The First Battle (For Subscription)
the next day.

Han Ming led all the members of Luao Tian Zhi Wing to wait outside the big fighting spirit field early.

Waited for more than an hour.

At last they came into play.

Around the huge and open square, there are countless shouting and cheering spectators.

Right in front of the central venue is a rostrum with a golden background, and behind the rostrum is the revamped VIP area.

The wide field is more than 150 meters in diameter, and the participating teams entering in front have already arranged a neat formation in the center of the field.

Every faction enters the arena, and there will be a special master of ceremonies on the rostrum to introduce. "The big team entering the arena now is the team of Sky-Sweeping Wings."

"Sweeping Wings?"

"Boss Heitian!"

"Big brother, come on, our players in Tiandou City rely on you to look good."

There were still players in the auditorium who hadn't participated in the competition, and it was suddenly boiling.

To say that players are tyrannizing NPCs, they only believe in the Great Dark Sky.


This big spirit fighting arena is undoubtedly the largest one.

Stands big enough to hold [-] spectators.

All are decorated with a silver-toned background. Although it is morning at this time, there are special magic device lighting hanging around, giving people not only luxury, but also a sense of grandeur.

When his eyes fell on the VIP table, he saw several acquaintances.

There are only three people in the first row of the VIP seats.

There is a person in the center, wearing a golden red robe and a crown of golden diamonds shining on the sky. His face is like an ancient moon. Although he looks a little old, sitting there gives people a sense of origin.

It seems that everything around him is centered on him.

Needless to say, the identity of the person in the middle of the first row is ready to be revealed. Apart from His Majesty the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, who else can sit in this position?
On the left side of this person, sat an old man even older than him.

The whole body is covered in a bright red robe, with a five-pointed white gold crown on his head, his eyes are slightly closed, as if he is asleep, his shoulders are narrow, and his slender body is like a javelin.

The person on the right side of the emperor is Ning Fengzhi, the patriarch of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

Ning Fengzhi wore a white robe today, and a purple gold crown with seven treasures that symbolized his status.

As one of the upper three sect masters of the seven major sects, he is fully qualified to sit in this position.

As for the man in the red robe on the other side, one could tell from the five-pointed platinum crown on his head that this man was the platinum bishop of the Spirit Hall.

The supreme ruler of the Wuhun Temple is undoubtedly the Pope. Under the Pope, there are four bishops, who symbolize their status with a five-pointed platinum crown.

The person in front of him was undoubtedly one of the platinum bishops.

To be able to be the Platinum Bishop, this person should be the Hall Master of the Wuhun Temple in Tiandou City.The status is extremely honorable.

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi seemed to feel that Han Ming was looking at him, and his gaze shifted to meet Han Ming, smiled slightly at him, and nodded slightly.

After that, many participating forces entered the arena.

With the joining of players, there are hundreds of scattered teams in all participating teams.

The emcee on the side of the VIP stage said loudly: "Next, I would like to ask His Majesty the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire to announce the opening of this competition."

Sitting upright in the center of the first row of the VIP seats, His Majesty the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, wearing a red-gold robe, slowly got up amid thunderous applause.

He raised his right hand and waved to the auditorium and the participating spirit masters below. The applause quickly stopped, and the square of Nuoda became silent.

A deep and resonant voice spread throughout the audience through the loudspeaker soul guide device, "I, Emperor Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire, on behalf of the Heaven Dou Empire and the host of this competition, announce that the Continental Soul Master Competition is now open. "

The applause was thunderous again, and the cheers came one after another.

When the applause fell silent again, His Majesty the Emperor continued: "Here, I hope that all soul masters participating in this competition can give full play to their strength and achieve good results. You are all the pride of the Heaven Dou Empire. For the glory of the empire, show your brilliance."

The applause rang out for the third time, this time, the eyes of the soul masters in the center of the competition field all released scorching brilliance.

Whether it is for players or NPCs, such a competition will be a stage to show their best.

His Majesty the Emperor sat back in his seat, and the emcee's voice sounded again, "Next, I would like to invite the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, Mr. Ning Fengzhi, to give a speech for this competition."

As Ning Fengzhi got up, the applause appeared again, and more attention was paid to him. As the number one auxiliary spirit master in the spirit master world, who wouldn't want to see his demeanor.

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly and pressed his hands, "I'm very glad to be invited as the guest at the opening of this competition. As the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, I have seen too many soul masters grow up. Bao Jianfeng was born from honing, The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. Those who participated in this soul master competition are undoubtedly the elites of the younger generation. As His Majesty said just now, I hope you can win glory for the empire. The empire needs talents like you. Thank you."

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's speech, a sincere smile finally appeared on His Majesty's face.

The master of ceremonies said: "Sect Master Ning. You are the most powerful support system soul master. On behalf of the audience watching the battle, I would like to ask you. Among the 28 teams participating in the Tiandou City Regional Preliminary Tournament, which one is your favorite?" What about sticks?"

Ning Fengzhi still had a smile on his face, "Besides the Tiandou Imperial Academy first team that entered the finals as the seed team, I'm also optimistic about another team. I think they not only have the ability to pass the preliminaries, but at the same time, they are also very good at it." It is possible to win the final victory of this year's All-Continent Soul Master Academy Competition."

"Oh?" The master of ceremonies said in surprise: "I don't know how the team can get the favor of Sect Master Ning?"

Ning Zhiyuan smiled mysteriously, and said: "As for which academy this team belongs to, I'm sorry to keep it a secret. I can't reveal it for now. But I believe that the final champion of this competition will definitely belong to the Empire."

Sitting next to Emperor Xue Ye, the platinum bishop who had been closing his eyes slightly opened his eyes at this moment.

His eyes looked cloudy, and his eyes fell on the many participating teams in the arena, as if he was looking for the team Ning Fengzhi mentioned.

at this time.The audience has already started a heated discussion.

They all guessed which team Ning Fengzhi was optimistic about, be smarter.He naturally understood that Ning Fengzhi was not referring to the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Because their strength is not as good as the first seeded team, how could they be the final champion?
But with so many teams participating in the qualifiers, how can it be so easy to guess.

Ning Fengzhi sat back in his seat, and the master of ceremonies smiled and said, "Unfortunately, Sect Master Ning couldn't get the team he was looking forward to. Next, I invite Sara, the master of the Wuhun Temple of Tiandou City and the platinum bishop of the Wuhun Temple. Master Si will draw lots for the first round of qualifiers. After the lottery is over, the Tiandou Royal Academy vice team will compete with their opponents in the first round of draws. This will also be the only match today."

Platinum Bishop Salas stood up slowly, walked to the master of ceremonies under the leadership of the court maid, and began to draw lots.

He seemed very unwilling to speak, and handed over to the master of ceremonies to announce each pair of opponents.

"In the first round of the preliminaries, Canghui College will play against Purple Star College."

"In the first round of the preliminaries, Oakland College played against the Flame and Radiance College."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, the Royal Academy of Heaven Dou will face off against the Wings of the Heavenly Alliance."

Sky-grazing wings?

When Han Ming heard that his opponent in the first round turned out to be the vice team of Tiandou Royal Academy, he was stunned.

But when he saw the aura in the eyes of Archbishop Platinum.

Ning Fengzhi's faint smile.

He vaguely understood what was going on.

They are up to something!

The first duel should be Shrek who has a grudge against Tiandou.

It has nothing to do with me.

Is this Yan's trouble?
No, he doesn't have that much energy.

Then there is only one capable person. Pope Bibi Dong.

Moreover, Emperor Tiandou acquiesced.

(End of this chapter)

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