Chapter 141 Fusion Matrix
"Don't panic, now this kid from the Black Vatican can't move because of the fusion, and he can't use magic just like me." Shi Zhenhai said quickly, "Go and break the dark blue stone wall behind you. There is a matrix, you merge with the matrix, and you are saved."

"However, this will be dangerous. Originally, I wanted you to fuse the first to third experimental bodies first. In this way, it will be safer to fuse the mother body, but now that the situation has developed to this point, you can only forcibly fuse the mother body." Shi Zhenhai said solemnly.

"But I must tell you that the risk of merging with the mother body is very high. Even if you are soaked in the water of the glass tank, your chance of surviving the fusion is only [-]% sure."

"[-]% sure?" Xu Ye heard a flash of retreat in his eyes, that is to say, he might die here.

"If you don't want to take this risk, start the self-destruct procedure and leave. Press those three red buttons, and you have 10 minutes to leave here." Shi Zhenhai saw the retreat in Xu Ye's eyes and sighed Take a breath.

His eyes were full of loneliness. He had worked hard for half his life and put in countless efforts. Almost all the people who directly participated in this matter died in front of him.

Sometimes because of some small mistakes, Shi Zhenhai would watch those people's eyes gradually lose their luster, and the previous scenes still flashed in Shi Zhenhai's mind.

They were displaced, and they were fine at first, except for the lack of resources and difficult accidents. Later, they avoided the Black Vatican, avoided the Judgment Council, and were threatened with death due to unsuccessful experiments.

They are like mice crossing the street, constantly avoiding better positions, and being cautious in everything they do, but their partners still die one by one in front of them.

Suffering day and night, bearing the hard work, pain and expectation of countless people, and carrying the wishes of the deceased, finally, he succeeded.

The No. [-] experimental successful body is the most perfect, because the mother body is too strong and the uncertainty is too high. Although it is strong, it is full of countless dangers and uncertainties.

When the successful experiment No. [-] body was taken away, it was not perfect. Its integrity was not as high as the successful experiment No. [-] body on him.

With all of this, Shi Zhenhai thought that he could directly build a huge line of defense for the country's sea and land.

However, it was about to be destroyed in front of him immediately.

Start the self-destruct procedure, the mother body will disappear completely, if the mother body dies, the experimental body and the No. [-] successful experimental body Seawall and the No. [-] successful experimental body will also be gone.

So everything, as if it never existed.

Therefore, the dead who had worked hard for this goal and finally succeeded, and were completely invisible, seemed to have never appeared at all.

What he had worked so hard for for so long and lost so much, now that he has finally succeeded, it will soon come to naught. Shi Zhenhai now only has bitterness and despair.

Shi Zhenhai has never felt this kind of feeling in all these years.

And He Feng, who was also unable to move, changed his face when he heard that the self-destruct program was about to start. The self-destruct program, originally this Qingyan was the mother body, but now it seems that it is not!

Once the mother body dies, those experimental subjects produced from the mother body will also perish. As the host, I can't escape!
Originally thought that the whole thing he got now was the mother body, so He Feng shot without hesitation. After all, there was only this one in sight, so he thought it was the mother body.

In the end, it wasn't!
But now all they could move was their heads, and it was impossible to stop Xu Ye.

He Feng was suddenly frightened, obviously the aura on his body was getting stronger and stronger, He Feng could clearly feel it, but he didn't feel the slightest sense of security.

Looking at it now, it is the best choice for Xu Ye to start the self-destruct program and then leave. If it was me, I would definitely choose this way.

"Are there any requirements and steps for merging the mother body?" Xu Ye frowned and asked, feeling extremely entangled in his heart.

Run, I always feel a little guilty, don't run, what if I die?

The blood gu king flew out from the huge glass tank that Xu Ye had soaked in before, and the water in the glass tank had completely changed from green to clear and transparent water.

This time, the Blood Gu King made an attack-like sound, and flew directly to the dark blue stone wall behind Xu Ye's left, which was also where Shi Zhenhai said the so-called mother body was.

Xu Ye raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, I am damn, what kind of moth is this blood gu king going to do?
Although I got a lot of benefits from this guy and even these benefits saved me many times, but I don't know how many times I was tortured because of the blood gu king.

Click click.

When Xu Ye got close to the Blood Gu King, it had already shattered the stone wall, and the wind knife emitted by the vibration of its wings was very powerful, which really surprised Xu Ye.

"Oops." Shi Zhenhai's face changed drastically when he saw this, "If the mother body comes out and there is no host to escape, it will continue to grow and reproduce, and it will be difficult to suppress it in the future."

"I wipe it, but why is it crawling towards me." Xu Ye glanced at the three red buttons, which are the buttons of the self-destruct program.

Then, out of the corner of the eye, a dark blue mouse the size of a fist crawled out from the stone wall broken by the Blood Gu King, and approached Xu Ye.

Seeing this, the Blood Gu King seemed to have completed its mission, and then Pidianpidian flew into Xu Ye's hand before the dark blue mouse and became a mark.

Without saying a word, Xu Ye stretched out his hand towards the three red buttons, and the dark blue mouse jumped up and sank into Xu Ye's body from the heart position on Xu Ye's back.

In an instant, Xu Ye's body froze, and he couldn't move at all.

The outstretched hand was only one centimeter away from the three red buttons of the self-destruct program, but it still stopped there abruptly. Xu Ye's body also bent forward and stood still.

Finding that he couldn't move anywhere except his head, Xu Ye cursed in his heart, "Why is this guy running towards me?"

"You must have something very attractive to it. Logically speaking, even the things in the tank you soaked before can't attract the mother, but it will consider you as soon as it comes out, which means that you must have something attractive. It's something." Shi Zhenhai also had a strange expression when he saw the mother body running towards Xu Ye.

He was ready for death and for all this to disappear.

When Xu Ye pressed the button, Shi Zhenhai didn't feel a trace of blame, just helpless.

But looking at it now, the mother likes Xu Ye very much.

"Damn it, I know I've grown to the point where I'm so handsome, but it's not enough to attract these non-human things, right?" Xu Ye's heart exploded.

What should I do, I will soon experience a normal death!
"Don't be poor, prepare well. We have never seen what the mother body and host are like, so you can only figure it out by yourself, and I have nothing to advise you." Shi Zhenhai reminded quickly after hearing the words.

(End of this chapter)

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