Chapter 142 Blood Cocoon

As for He Feng, his face was full of jealousy.

Why is it not me? It should be me who fuses with the mother body. Why is it Xu Ye? Why is it him?
He Feng looked closely at Xu Ye, secretly cursing Xu Ye for failing to fuse, and dying immediately!
And when he saw blue blood start to come out of Xu Ye's body, He Feng was overjoyed.

As far as he knew, it was almost impossible for a person to have blue blood, and now that Xu Ye had appeared, this could only explain one problem, Xu Ye began to appear abnormal.

He started to have problems with fusion!

This discovery moved He Feng's heart, and his prayers for Xu Ye's failure in fusion accelerated.

He Feng discovered the changes in Xu Ye's body, and Shi Zhenhai could also see it naturally. When he saw the blue liquid appearing on Xu Ye's body, it was because the blue liquid was full of bloody smell, so Shi Zhenhai was sure that it was blood.

"Xu Ye, what's the situation with the blue blood on your body?" Shi Zhenhai looked at Xu Ye and said, "Is your blood blue?"

"Blue blood?" Xu Ye frowned upon hearing this. Is his blood red?

I saw Wang Xiqin's skirt before... ahem, when I had a nosebleed due to the sun getting too hot, it was obviously red too.

But Xu Ye did smell a strong smell of blood, but he didn't feel any severe pain, and he didn't even know it was the smell of blood on his body.

But the blue blood, Xu also remembered that during the disaster in Bo City, the Blood Gu King extracted a drop of blue blood from a blue-eyed vicious dog that survived the wolf's belly and gave it to himself.

As for the specific function of the blue blood, Xu Ye is still not very clear.

"A lot?" Xu Ye frowned and asked, "Could this be the beginning of fusion failure?"

"I'm not very clear about this, but don't you feel anything?" Shi Zhenhai responded uncertainly, after all, the mother body is really unknown.

"I feel very hot, I feel hot all over my body." Xu Ye's complexion began to pale, and his body began to change.

Starting from the heart, Xu Ye's body began to turn into a dark blue rock, like Shi Zhenhai and He Feng, even his clothes would turn into rock.

The blue blood on Xu Ye's face began to leave Xu Ye's body, suspended about three inches away from Xu Ye's body, and the blue blood began to change.

These blue bloods are a hundred times more than just one drop at the beginning, and there are at least a hundred drops of this floating blue blood.

They are distributed around Xu Ye, as long as Xu Ye's body starts to petrify, they will get close to Xu Ye's body, start to blend in, and disappear.

And after the blue blood submerged in every lithified place, Xu also felt something unusual, his body became hotter than before, and there was a bone-scratching tingling pain!

This pain was a hundred times more painful than being hooked into the body by vine barbs before. Xu Ye felt as if he was being burned all over his body. The burning pain made Xu Ye's eyes bloodshot instantly.

But because of being with the spirit worm, Xu Ye couldn't even faint.


When Xu Ye realized that he could move, his body couldn't stand up at all, and he hit the ground hard, making a loud noise.

Xu Ye, who fell on the ground, had no time to do anything. The sensory nerves of the mixed body seemed to be magnified hundreds of times, and the burning pain of the mixed body went straight to Xu Ye's soul!

With the presence of spirit worms, Xu Ye couldn't fall asleep at all, but felt the pain carefully, so clearly, obviously, the petrification had covered Xu Ye's entire body, even his eyes and ears had all turned deep. Cyan stone.

Even Xu Ye's hair, eyelashes, the whole person is like a deep blue stone sculpture, lifelike, looks like a real person.


Xu Ye, who kept rolling, was full of wailing, and a strong aura emerged from his body, which was dozens of times stronger than the aura on He Feng before!
Shi Zhenhai's face was overjoyed, and his aura rose, indicating that the fusion had started smoothly!

But at the same time, Shi Zhenhai's expression was a little uncertain. Logically, even with a mother body full of uncertainties, it is impossible for the fusion to be so fast.

But now I can see that Xu Ye is constantly rolling, even if the petrification does not affect his activities, this is a state of successful fusion, but Xu Ye seems to be suffering from severe pain, and it doesn't look like the fusion is successful.

These kinds of contradictory performances have already made Shi Zhenhai not sure what the situation is now.

"Forget it, since the mother body is here with i, then I'll give you what's on me too." Shi Zhenhai thought for a while, but he still didn't restrain his lithification speed anymore.

Looking at the person in the Black Vatican, he could see that he had completely petrified, and the seawall and the No. [-] successful experimental body had also begun to merge. Know whether to be happy or not to start school.

This shows the success of the seawall, but it was given to the people of the Black Vatican.

But as long as Xu also merges into the mother body, the combat power command will be stronger, and then the entire Black Vatican will be directly restrained to death!
Seeing Shi Zhenhai staring at him, He Feng was also shocked. The aura in Xu Ye's body was already stronger than his own. Before that, although He Feng found that Xu Ye was already an intermediate magician.

But weaker than yourself!

I am a genius who has practiced intermediate magic to the third level!

Seeing Xu Ye's performance, He Feng couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. Although the aura on this guy's body was stronger than his own, it looked like he was in pain!

But I wasn't in that pain. Looking at the old man, he wasn't in pain either. He should be the same as me, but he felt a burning sensation and couldn't move.

Xu is also different, he seems to be enduring severe pain, but he can still move, indicating that there is a problem with his fusion!
This discovery made He Feng start to look forward to it. How much he wanted to see Xu Ye die directly. Then he would definitely chop up Xu Ye's body and feed it to the dogs!


Xu also felt that his throat was burning, and his whole body, inside and out, was burned by countless fires.

And you can clearly feel every part of your body, and feel the pain in all places when you breathe, which is extremely clear.

Gradually, Xu Ye couldn't understand, his voice was extremely hoarse, and he had no strength to struggle, but the pain still existed, but Xu Ye had no strength anymore.

Suddenly, Xu also found a certain change in his mind, as if something broke through the barrier, Xu also found that his feelings were several times clearer than before!
Immediately afterwards, the spirit worm seemed to emit a cool breath, filling Xu Ye's changed soul.

At the same time, Xu Ye's left hand had spurts of blood. The blood was extremely viscous, but it did not fall to the ground, but formed a huge blood cocoon, which surrounded Xu Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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