Create a spirit seed in a full-time mage

Chapter 173 Prepare for Full Firepower

Chapter 173 Prepare for Full Firepower
Xu also felt bad when he heard what Professor Shi Zhenhai said.

Sovereign-level monsters, high-level monsters don’t dare to mess around casually. You are a super-level magician and you have the confidence. I am indeed stronger than ordinary high-level monsters with full firepower, but the mother body can effectively play in close combat.

You can't let yourself fight with monsters, can you?

That's Gold Label's exclusive fighting style, so I still don't want to join in.

"Let you practice using the mother body, you will find the horror of the mother body, and didn't you say that the mother body seemed to have transformed when you were in the three-step tower? It's just right, let's take the one below and try your hand." Shi Zhenhai heard Yan quickly said, "It's really not possible, we just leave."

"I think it's a bit exaggerated to use the monarch level to practice hands." Xu Ye said weakly, "I heard that you can become a monarch level monster, and the blood is very high. They are not simple people. I think I should be more cautious. .”

"If you're afraid of death, just say it." Shi Xue said with a tinge of yin and yang, "My grandpa believes in you so much, but you are so cowardly."

"Professor Shi, I think this matter should be discussed in the long run."

"I remember you experienced the disaster in Bo City, right? You used to have the ability to protect yourself, but now that you have the ability to save some people, you plan to remain indifferent? Is it true that you are learning magic just for yourself? ?” Shi Zhenhai took a deep look at Xu Ye when he heard the words, “Presumably you haven’t forgotten the experience in Bo City, have you?”

"..." Xu Ye fell silent when he heard the words. At that time, Bo City was a small place, and the monsters at the commander level were already on the bloody alert.

After all, the island city is a big city, and the appearance of monarch-level monsters is the blue alert. Compared with Bo city, the defense power here is several grades lower.

But now the monsters below have not been cleaned up, which means that the power of the island city has not yet been deployed, that is to say, the bottom is probably the same as the former Bo city, and it has started to be a mess.

"I will go, but I have to fight by myself. If the timing is not right, I will choose to save my life first." Xu Ye took a deep breath, looked at Professor Shi Zhenhai and said, "To tell you the truth, I don't want to die yet, I'm still waiting return."

"Yes." Shi Zhenhai nodded upon hearing the words, "I won't let you take special risks, you are more important than me now, I can't put you in a dangerous place."

"I think it's quite dangerous down here." Xu Ye murmured, "Didn't you always ask me to go?"

After all, Xu also stood up, but the flight attendants of An Xie didn't say anything. There was a boss there, and the boss decided to go.

But after discovering that almost all the high-level magicians chose to go down, Xu also felt a little ashamed. These people stood up and took the parachute without screaming...

Although Xu doesn't know why these things are prepared on a normal airliner, a high-strength magician can indeed fly, but as far as high-level magicians are not high-level wind system magicians, they really can't fly.

Xu Ye didn't care. His wings were much better than a parachute. Not only could he control the course at will, but he was also faster than them. He could go up and down if he wanted to.

It was an emergency, and almost all of them were magicians. Those middle-level magicians and beginner magicians who also wanted to contribute were directly stared back by Professor Shi Zhenhai.

After all, if these people go down, it will really cause trouble, so naturally they can't be allowed to go.

Xu Ye, Professor Shi Zhenhai, three high-ranking magicians, and five people are right in front of the cabin door. There is no way for them to parachute, so Xu Ye is even more suspicious of why the parachute is on such a plane.

But what Xu didn't know was that there were quite a few monsters in the sky, and it was normal to meet them from time to time. The prepared parachute was for emergency situations.

Of course, this is rarely the case.

Unfortunately, Xu also met on this first flight.

As soon as the hatch door opened, a strong suction came from the outside. The three high-ranking magicians had been prepared and jumped down one after another. Professor Shi Zhenhai followed closely. Xu also felt the strong wind and shook his head. fell down.

After this, Xu also found that he couldn't open his eyes, and even felt a little pain. The cold in the sky made Xu also have goosebumps. The parachute hadn't opened yet, and all five of them fell down.

After getting used to it for a while, Xu Ye found that he could see more clearly. Within the scope of his perception, the disgust of the monsters below was getting stronger and stronger. This strong disgust was something Xu Ye had seen in his entire life.

This also shows that this is Xu Ye's first time facing such a powerful monster, and Xu Ye took the lead in spreading his wings, because Xu Ye doesn't like the feeling of falling without support.

As soon as the wings came out, the speed of Xu Ye's body falling began to slow down. As he went down, Xu Ye found that the temperature was getting higher and higher, but the goosebumps on his body did not decrease at all, because Xu Ye began to see the monster clearly.

It is an incomparably huge crocodile monster. Its body is more than 500 meters long and tens of meters high. It has a particularly big belly. Many planes are crushed under it, and it is no longer visible.

It was not as cruel and murderous as Xu Ye had imagined. It just thought, it was extremely quiet, lying there, its back was like a mountain with countless ravines, the whole was greenish brown, and its huge teeth were nearly ten meters high.

Xu also looked at the situation of the airport being destroyed, and found that this huge monster climbed all the way here from the direction close to the sea. It came from the sea and crushed an unknown number of trees and cars and houses along the way. The route did not change at all. .

When we got to the airport, we stopped.

Slowly descending, Xu also found that there were many people surrounded here, including at least dozens of high-level magicians. It can be seen that the magicians in Island City are much stronger than Bo City.

Professor Shi Zhenhai and the three high-ranking magicians just now had already landed, and Xu Ye also fell down when he saw this, without estimating the surprised gazes of others.

Perhaps in their eyes, it's rare for such red-blooded feathers that look extremely noble to appear in the depths of a human being.

Even Professor Shi Zhenhai was quite surprised, and the three high-ranking magicians beside him were even a little envious. Of course, knowing the relationship between this super boss and that guy, they didn't dare to covet him.

"What are you all doing?" Xu Ye asked, looking at the guy who could feel the powerful aura emanating from him even a thousand meters away, "How do you feel, it fell asleep?"

"It's preparing to lay eggs." Shi Zhenhai explained, well-informed, "This should be the Ston's white-necked crocodile in North Australia. This Ston's white-necked crocodile is extremely ferocious. Look at its neck. That's a big crocodile." The ones circled in white are their logos."

"Spawning?" Xu Ye was shocked when he heard the words, "Isn't the crocodile laying eggs this season?"

"The ocean is a world that we know very little about. Who knows what's going on with this guy?" Shi Zhenhai shook his head, "I've seen some white-necked crocodiles in North Australia. This kind of monster is very fast and gallops away. It is a mountain that moves very fast, and because the skin on the back is very thick, it has strong defense and is particularly difficult to deal with."

(End of this chapter)

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