Create a spirit seed in a full-time mage

Chapter 174 I'm going to steal an egg

Chapter 174 I'm going to steal an egg

Shi Zhenhai has seen this kind of monster before. Their backs are excellent materials for making defensive magic equipment. Countless people hunted this kind of monster to obtain its extremely expensive corpse.

Some people do make a lot of money directly, but most people will be swallowed.

It stands to reason that this kind of monster would not be on the coastline of the country, it should be on the North Australia of Oceania, but across thousands of miles, why is there such a big one directly at the Daocheng Airport?

"People here are not doing anything now. They probably want to take advantage of the time when the ston white-necked crocodile is laying eggs." Shi Zhenhai saw that although the magicians around him had surrounded the ston white-necked crocodile, none of them hands.

It should be because someone is directing and has seen the state of the monster, and wants to take advantage of the monster's weakness, so that the casualties can be reduced.

"Are we waiting too?" Xu Ye glanced around and found that those people were indeed watching the white-necked crocodile vigilantly, but they had no intention of doing anything.

A group of military mages began to appear here. This group of military mages is very powerful, all of them are high-level, there are about a dozen people, and there is a super-level boss leading the team.

After waiting for about half an hour, the Naston white-necked crocodile began to move. As soon as its tail moved, Xu also felt the tremor on the ground and quickly stabilized his body.

Then he set his sights on that big guy, it kept howling, the sound felt strange, and he saw the first egg bigger than himself appearing from the body of the monster.

As soon as the big white crocodile egg, which was taller than himself, appeared, Xu also found that the blood gu king gave him a sense of longing. Xu also looked at Professor Shi Zhenhai without saying a word, "Professor, when do you think you should do it?" The most suitable?"

"Generally, about 100 eggs will be laid. If you do it, about [-] eggs will be laid." Shi Zhenhai was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xu Ye with satisfaction and said.

This Xu Ye was still hesitant before, but now he is fine, and he is actively concerned about when to make a move.

It must have been a little impatient.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? The first egg has just been laid now, and it's not time to do it yet." Shi Zhenhai, who has greatly improved his affection for Xu Ye, glanced at Xu Ye, but found that the kid was looking at him. The direction of the white-necked crocodile approached, and quickly reached out to stop it.

This kid, his temper is too anxious, how can he be so fast now.

"No, Professor Shi, I'm going to steal an egg, and I'll be right back." Xu Ye found himself being held back and said helplessly.

"Oh, steal an egg...steal, steal an egg?" Shi Zhenhai nodded first, looking easy to talk about. After all, Shi Zhenhai subconsciously thought it was Xu Ye who hated demons because of the Bo City incident.

But Shi Zhenhai, who reacted later, couldn't hold his eyes anymore, stealing eggs?

Just say lightly that you are going to steal an egg?
I am a super-level magician, and I am not afraid of this little monarch-level monster, not to mention that there are seven or eight super-level monsters here, and dozens of high-level ones. It is to reduce casualties and accidents.

Then your kid said you were going to steal an egg?

Can you respect the feelings of the monster, can you show consideration for a mother who is giving birth?

She was so fortunate to have escaped from Bei'ao to Daocheng, so you can't wait for her to act when she's weak, and then the overwhelming magic will greet her, ensuring that she won't even see the sun tomorrow.

You actually want to steal an egg. If you feed that egg so that some of her children can see the sun in the future, this is extremely disrespectful to her.

The three high-level magicians who jumped down with Xu Ye and Professor Shi Zhenhai couldn't help the muscles on their faces twitching. I'm mad, you not only don't respect monsters, you don't even respect us.

We are waiting for this white-necked crocodile to weaken before we can attack. Are you going to steal eggs now to let this monster go berserk? It doesn't matter if you die by then. Young people who dare to fight and fight will die when they die.

But we spare our lives.

We came down to contribute, and we just wanted to contribute, we didn't want to die.

"Ahem, I'm not going." Xu Ye said awkwardly, feeling the murderous eyes around him, he couldn't help touching his nose.

Maybe what I said just now was a little too exciting.It was like a stone fell suddenly on the calm sea, which directly caused waves of waves. If Professor Shi Zhenhai was not standing beside him, Xu would have no doubt that some of those people wanted to kill him.

Looking at the eyes of these people, Xu Ye lamented how quickly his words spread, and on the other hand let the blood gu king leave him, and flew towards the egg laid by the white-necked crocodile.

The others didn't care, they probably thought it was an ordinary bug, after all, they really didn't notice the breath of the monster from the blood gu king.

Finding that the eyes around him gradually decreased, Xu Ye looked at the Blood Gu King, it flew directly to the huge white egg, and under Xu Ye's attention, it directly smashed through the egg and got in.

But Xu Ye didn't see anything exposed inside, Xu also knew that everything was swallowed by the Blood Gu King, it devoured the egg white and yolk in such a fast speed, it flew out again in less than ten breaths .

As for the eggshell, when the wind blows, it whirls around and blows away...

Ston's white-necked crocodile kept turning his head to look at his egg. When he saw his egg being blown away by the wind and rolling away, his eyes were full of doubts, as if to say, ah, the wind here is so strong, my egg All were blown away.

But it doesn't care and continues to lay eggs.

The blood gu king had been waiting there, and what Xu couldn't bear to look at was that the blood gu king got into it even before the egg was completely down, and only half of its size was exposed.

Because the connection with the blood gu king has been deepened, Xu can also clearly feel the joy of the blood gu king. Its small body can suck away the white-necked crocodile that is tens or hundreds of times larger than it. dome.

When he saw that the egg was blown away by the wind as soon as it fell, the Ston white-necked crocodile became more convinced that the wind here was very strong, very strong.

Then start to lay eggs conscientiously...

Those eggshells are very hard, even if there are only eggshells, they are relatively heavy, and the wind can only blow a short distance, and will soon be blocked by some grounded planes. There are already more than 30 eggshells there .

And the Blood Gu King didn't intend to give up at all, and Xu Ye didn't care. The white-necked crocodile didn't have any objections, why was he so troublesome?

Basically, what the blood gu king got would be transformed into his own strength, and Xu Ye wondered if he could get high combat power by the blood gu king without practicing.

In fact, Xu also wanted the blood gu king to get into the flesh and blood of this white-necked crocodile, and then see if he could have the ability to swallow the flesh and blood of the monster and then have three identical monsters fighting for him.

It's like a winged wolf, except that two of the winged wolves have become wings that they can control at will, and only one has become a winged wolf and is left in the base.

 This is an update.

  One more.

  At present, there are still five shifts owed.

  What I owe, I will pay back slowly, but while ensuring stable updates, the speed of paying back will be slower, but I will still be hungry, I hope everyone understands.

(End of this chapter)

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