Chapter 121
Qin Zhixi finally got away after agreeing to attend the engagement banquet of those two people.

When they reached the corner, they unexpectedly ran into Qin Zhirou again.

Qin Zhixi was expressionless.

"Why, Han Minglang's engagement invitation has been received." Qin Zhirou looked at the red card in Qin Zhixi's hand, then at Qin Zhixi's face, and said proudly.

Qin Zhixi raised her eyes and looked at Qin Zhirou, how did she know?

"You must be curious, how did I know?" Qin Zhirou stared at Qin Zhixi's face, and said arrogantly: "Just now, I happened to meet Han Minglang at the door, and I brought them in."

Qin Zhirou knew about Qin Zhixi and Han Minglang's affairs, and she also knew about Fengdie robbing Qin Zhixi's boyfriend.

She was actually not familiar with those two people, but thinking that Han Minglang was Qin Zhixi's ex-boyfriend, she stepped forward and asked a few words.

Knowing that Han Minglang and the others came to send engagement invitations to Qin Zhixi this time, Qin Zhirou knew there was a good show to be had.

She first had a conversation with those two people, telling them that she and Qin Zhixi were also friends, and after taking the initiative to ask for an invitation, she brought the two people into 'Chu Yuan'.

The purpose, of course, was to hope that the invitations for the engagement banquet of those two people would make Qin Zhixi feel uncomfortable.

Now, seeing Qin Zhixi's gloomy expression, she knew that she was doing the right thing.

"I remember that Feng Wu was your roommate in college. Why are you suddenly engaged to your boyfriend Han Minglang?" Qin Zhirou asked knowingly.

How could Qin Zhixi not hear the sarcasm in those words, Qin Zhirou deliberately said this to provoke her.

Hmph, did Qin Zhirou think that she would be pissed off like this?

Not only was Qin Zhixi not angry, but in the next moment, a smile appeared on her face:
"In the face of true love, there is no priority. Even if Han Minglang and I met first, we got together first. But it is not true love, and we will never make it to the end." Qin Zhixi sighed, feeling helpless and relieved: "Hey , I figured it out, Feng Die and him are the perfect match. I choose to bless them."

When Qin Zhirou heard Qin Zhixi's words, she froze in place.She stared at Qin Zhixi's calm profile, in disbelief.

How could she, how could she settle her suspicions so quickly.

In fact, Qin Zhixi was disgusted by what she said, but she just didn't want Qin Zhirou to succeed in her tricks.Seeing Qin Zhirou's unbelievable look, it's still pretty good.

"Indeed, there are some people who can't do their own affairs well, and have more time to take care of other people's affairs." Qin Zhixi turned her eyes, looked at Qin Zhirou, and walked towards her step by step.

"Qin Zhirou, why are you so concerned about my affairs? Are you trying to do something wrong again?" Qin Zhixi had already walked in front of Qin Zhirou, she stopped in her footsteps, but her gaze was still fixed on Qin Zhirou without turning away .

"I guess, you haven't told your family about the design draft."

Qin Zhixi knew a little about Qin Guomin's temper, and Qin Guomin was particularly concerned about his image.If he knew about Qin Zhirou's theft of works and damaged his image, it would be impossible for him to be so calm.

"What do you mean?" Qin Zhirou suddenly became nervous, her face contorted: "You threatened me?" Of course she didn't tell anyone about it.

How could she take it out to publicize such a thing.It is even more impossible to tell Qin Guomin.

"Nervous?" Qin Zhixi raised her eyebrows: "I advise you, put more thought into the right path and design, and less crooked ways. I'm really afraid that one day you won't be able to keep your identity as Miss Qin's."

(End of this chapter)

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