Chapter 122

Qin Zhixi returned to the office and sat in her seat for a long time before starting to work.After an unknown amount of time, the phone rang suddenly.

Qin Zhixi took out her mobile phone and looked, it was Xiao Xiao calling.

"Zhixi, have you received the invitation card?" As soon as the call was connected, Xiao Xiao's cautious voice came.

Qin Zhixi's eyes lowered, and she said softly, "En."

"They also came to send it to me. This is really too thick-skinned. I just came here to ask, but they really dare to look for you." Xiao Xiao scolded Qin Zhixi when she heard Qin Zhixi's kindness. "Those two people betrayed..."

Xiao Xiao counted, and realized that Qin Zhixi hadn't spoken, so she stopped her mouth abruptly.

After a long pause, Xiao Xiao spoke again: "Zhixi, are you alright?"

Qin Zhixi laughed softly. She was really satisfied with Xiao Xiao, a friend who cared so much about her: "It's okay, but I'm at work now, so I don't want to talk. I'll just listen."

Hearing Qin Zhixi's relaxed voice, Xiao Xiao felt at ease: "I was afraid that you would be sad before, but now it seems that I am overthinking."

After a pause, Xiao Xiao asked again: "Then, Zhixi, shall we go?" At that time, although she accepted the invitation letter, she did not say that she would definitely go.

Anyway, Xiao Xiao depends on Qin Zhixi.If Qin Zhixi goes, she will go.

"Go, of course." Feng Die just wanted to let herself see that she was engaged to Han Minglang, she just went to see, anyway, she didn't have any feelings for Han Minglang anymore, so it's okay to see.

Phoenix Die was too embarrassed to invite her, why was she too embarrassed not to go.

When the time came, she didn't arrive, and Feng Die Gen and the others said, wouldn't it make her seem guilty instead.

Moreover, Qin Zhirou still had her foot in the middle, how could she not go.

"Okay, then I'll go too." Hearing Qin Zhixi's decision, Xiao Xiao immediately agreed.

"Then you should also let that handsome guy go with you?" Xiao Xiao's mind was spinning rapidly. Since he was going, he definitely couldn't go alone.Qin Zhixi had to bring her boyfriend with her.

"En?" Qin Zhixi was on the phone while observing the situation in the office, afraid that a leader would come over.

"It's the handsome guy who celebrated your birthday last time! You must bring him this time." Xiao Xiao said excitedly.That handsome guy, Xiao Xiao, is still remembered to this day, he is so handsome.Take it with you, it can make your face look great!
Qin Zhixi's eyebrows thought for a while, and then she understood: "You mean Li Yuanchen?"

"But he's on a business trip." When Li Yuanchen left, he said that he would be on a business trip for a week.It's only the third day.

And Han Minglang and Feng Die's engagement banquet is only two days away.

Qin Zhixi's mind was also a little messed up, as Xiao Xiao said, if she wanted to go, she had to bring Li Yuanchen with her.

Thinking of this, Qin Zhixi quickly hung up and said to Xiao Xiao: "Xiao Xiao, I won't tell you for now, I'll contact him."

After hanging up the phone with Xiao Xiao, Qin Zhixi quickly turned to Li Yuanchen's phone number on the phone.

Just when she was about to press the dial button, her movements stopped again.

She is in the office now, so it's inconvenient to talk!Moreover, Li Yuanchen might be with a client, so it's not convenient to answer her phone.

After thinking about it, Qin Zhixi pointed her finger at the dial key and changed direction.Texting is ok.

The slender fingers quickly typed a line of words on the screen of the phone:

Li Yuanchen, can you come back sooner?I need your help urgently.

Qin Zhixi looked at the content of the text message, and after confirming that it was correct, she clicked send.

(End of this chapter)

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