Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 123 Xinte Mall

Chapter 123 Xinte Mall
New York, Walton Resort Hotel.In the suite on the top floor.

Li Yuanchen's face was calm and calm, and he listened quietly to the cooperation plan proposed by the row of high-nosed, blue-eyed foreign business executives on the opposite side.

Suddenly, the phone placed on the conference table buzzed and vibrated.

The voice of speaking paused slightly, Li Yuanchen cast his gaze and told him to continue, and the man continued.

Then, the slender fingers picked up the phone and swipe the screen.

Then I saw the text message from Qin Zhixi.

"Li Yuanchen, can you come back soon? I need your help in an emergency."

"What's the matter?" The man's bony fingers typed out these three words.send.


"First Fate" Design Part Two.

Qin Zhixi sent the text message and started to deal with work.

Opening document, start browsing.The phone vibrated twice.

The hand holding the mouse paused, Qin Zhixi let go of the mouse, and picked up the phone.

"What's the matter?" After tapping the screen twice, I saw the text message Li Yuanchen replied.

Replied so fast!
Qin Zhixi sat up straight, held the phone in her hand, tilted her head to organize her words, and began to type on the phone screen:
"I'm going to attend a classmate's engagement ceremony, and I need you to act as my boyfriend again. Can you come back early, please." After beating a long list of men, Qin Zhixi added a grinning expression at the end, Make enough gestures to ask for help.

After sending it out, Qin Zhixi would receive a reply soon, but this time she waited for a long time.She stared at the phone for about 5 minutes before the phone vibrated.

During the waiting, the anticipation that was wiped away was immediately brought up again.Qin Zhixi reached out her hand and clicked on the text message.


Er, Qin Zhixi looked at these two words and was taken aback for a moment before she understood that he was asking when to go.

She hurriedly typed four words: "This weekend."

Seeing the message being sent out, Qin Zhixi's heart calmed down again, so she couldn't help but complain.

This man, do you want to cherish words like gold?

"Okay." This time his reply was very fast.

Looking at the text message on the phone, Qin Zhixi smiled with the corners of her mouth open.

Then quickly replied: "I'll wait for you to come back." Added a smiley face at the end.

After confirming with Li Yuanchen, Qin Zhixi immediately relaxed.

Then he clicked on Xiao Xiao's mobile phone number, and sent a text message: "The male companion will take care of it, let's go shopping for clothes after get off work."

Qin Zhixi's clothes are relatively casual, and there are almost no formal clothes. This time, she is going to attend her ex-boyfriend's engagement ceremony. Not to mention how beautiful and grand she is wearing, she can't afford expensive clothes, but, at least, she can't too ugly.

Therefore, Qin Zhixi, who usually visits ordinary shopping malls, followed Xiao Xiao into the most upscale shopping mall in City A: Xinte Shopping Mall this time.

High-end shopping malls are different. When you enter inside, you will see a row of luxury goods.

The first floor is full of jewelry, watches, and LV bags.

Even the waiters at the counter all had exquisite makeup, wearing standard white shirts and black slit hip skirt suits.

"Wow, there are so many beautiful bags." Xiao Xiao is a bag addict, and when he saw the bags, he salivated.

"Let's go, let's go to the third floor to look at women's clothing." Xiao Xiao just bought an LV bag not long ago, and she can't let her buy it again.Qin Zhixi directly dragged Xiao Xiao to the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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