Chapter 170

On the second day, Qin Zhixi deliberately avoided Li Yuanchen and got up earlier than in the past few days.When washing your face and brushing your teeth, you are gentle.He didn't even eat breakfast, so he went straight out the door.

Qin Zhixi is a cowardly person. Regarding what happened last night, she hadn't figured out how to face him, so she only chose to run away.

On the way, I bought some breakfast casually, and went directly to 'Chuyuan'.

She came early, and there were only two colleagues in the office.Qin Zhixi greeted them and sat down in her seat.

After tidying up, I ate breakfast in silence.

The breakfast bought on the side of the road is really not delicious.Qin Zhixi took a bite, and couldn't help but compare it with the breakfast she ate in the past few days, it was far worse than Li Yuanchen's.

Just as she was thinking, her cell phone rang suddenly.In the middle of the screen, there is the word 'Li Yuanchen'.

Qin Zhixi was slightly taken aback, and after a while, she recovered and answered the phone.


"I'm at the door of your company, come out, I brought breakfast." Li Yuanchen's voice came from the phone, and he didn't ask anything.

Did he guess that she didn't have breakfast, so he brought her breakfast?

He also offers breakfast, why should he be so careful.Thinking about it, Qin Zhixi felt a little headache again. This delivery of breakfast should only be done between male and female friends!
She said awkwardly: "I bought breakfast on the side of the road and I'm eating it."

"The breakfast on the side of the road is not nutritious, and the taste is much worse." Li Yuanchen's voice came immediately.

Pfft, he actually meant that the breakfast he made was much more delicious, so he asked her to go down and get it.

"Well, I already..."

"I know your working hours are still early." Qin Zhixi was about to refuse when Li Yuanchen's voice interrupted her.

After a pause, Li Yuanchen continued: "I've bothered you for a while, and I will move out today."

Eh!Qin Zhixi was surprised when she heard this, did he find the house so quickly?So, at this moment, he brought her breakfast to say goodbye to her?

In an instant, the defensive line in Qin Zhixi's heart collapsed: "Wait a minute, I'm going down now."

Sitting in the elevator, Qin Zhixi was slightly distracted.

He moved away, and the two of them are no longer under the same roof. Those heartbeats, liking, and complicated feelings will gradually disappear.Her life will gradually be on the right track.

But in my heart, what's the matter with the faint feeling of loss and dullness.

Qin Zhixi tried her best to let herself ignore that feeling.

After a while, Qin Zhixi appeared at the door of 'Chu Yuan'.She looked around, and when she turned around, she saw Li Yuanchen who had been waiting there for a long time.

He was wearing a black suit, leaning on the car.Tall, handsome and mature, dazzling.

"Wow, that handsome guy is so handsome!"

"I saw it too. Did he send his girlfriend to work?"

Qin Zhixi walked towards Li Yuanchen, and heard the female employees of 'Chuyuan' passing by whispering.

When they passed each other, Qin Zhixi glanced at the person who spoke, and saw the excitement and joy that could not be concealed in the eyes of the two female employees.From time to time, he turned his head and glanced at Li Yuanchen.This is probably the case with one step and three turns.

Seeing this, Qin Zhixi was even more convinced that her sinking last night and her lack of anger afterwards were actually quite normal.

If it were these two girls, she felt that they might even pounce on them.

"Thank you for coming so far to deliver breakfast to me." Qin Zhixi stopped a meter away from Li Yuanchen's car, looked at him and smiled faintly.

Li Yuanchen took a small box from the car and handed it to Qin Zhixi: "After you go back today, I've probably moved out."

(End of this chapter)

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