Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 171 Goodbye

Chapter 171 Goodbye
Qin Zhixi took the small box over, held it in her hand, and looked at Li Yuanchen's face: "Why did you find it so quickly?" She asked the question she wanted to ask when she heard the news on the phone just now.

Could it be because of what she said yesterday, she asked him if he found the house.He was embarrassed, and then randomly found a house?

"Actually, you can wait for two days." Qin Zhixi tilted her head. Although she hoped that he would move out quickly, she didn't. He found a random family under her urging.In this case, it is easy for him to move again.Moving is really tiring.

Li Yuanchen looked at Qin Zhixi, guessed her thoughts, and smiled: "I asked a friend to help me find it, it should be pretty good."

Is he comforting himself?
Qin Zhixi suddenly felt that what she said yesterday was too hurtful?Li Yuanchen is a smart person, she asked yesterday if she found the house, he must have understood right away.

Did she hurt his self-esteem?Otherwise, why did he find a place to live so suddenly?

"I..." Qin Zhixi wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.No matter what her intention was, she just wanted him to move away, and there was nothing to explain!
"I hope it's a good house." Forget it, Qin Zhixi changed her polite words.

"En." Li Yuanchen responded lightly.

"Then I'll go back." From time to time, there were colleagues from 'Chu Yuan' who came to work around, looking at the two of them, not knowing what to say for a while, Qin Zhixi pointed to the gate of the office building of 'Chu Yuan', and said .

"Goodbye." Li Yuanchen looked along Qin Zhixi's fingers, his eyes were dark and deep.

After saying goodbye, Qin Zhixi suddenly felt a little sad for no reason.When I go back tonight, Li Yuanchen will move away, so she won't be able to see him, right?

"Goodbye." Qin Zhixi softly whispered back to him, then turned around and walked towards the gate of the office building.

Goodbye, Li Yuanchen.Qin Zhixi said another sentence softly from the bottom of her heart.

After finding a new house, it will be difficult for the two to meet in the future.

They originally belonged to two different fields, so that's okay.

On this day, when Qin Zhixi went to work, her mind was a little distracted.When copying a document, the front and back are copied onto one side.Then I hurriedly copied again.

Sometimes, emotions are so inexplicable, Qin Zhixi, who hadn't been sad for a long time, suddenly became sad.

She felt that everything around her seemed to be separated from her by a layer of transparent glass, far away, very unreal.

A day passed in such a daze, and when Qin Zhixi got off work, thinking of how empty the house would be when she got back, she somehow didn't want to go back to that empty house right away.

She was outside and found a shopping mall to stroll casually. She was usually very energetic when she saw beautiful clothes, but today she didn't feel anything.I looked around and couldn't find anything.

When we returned to the second floor of Hehua Community, it was already dark, and all the lights in the corridor were on.very bright.

Qin Zhixi listlessly took out the key and opened the door.The key just went in the hole.

"Boom..." There was a sudden loud noise.Something landed on Qin Zhixi's head.Not heavy, but she feels it.

Qin Zhixi was startled, turned her head, and saw a piece of colorful scraps of paper slowly falling to the ground in front of her eyes.

"Hahaha, Zhixi, you're finally back!" At this moment, the familiar Xiao Xiao's voice entered his ears.

Looking up, Xiao Xiao was looking at her with a firecracker in his hand, smiling.

The bang just now was made by her.

And beside her, there was still a person standing.That person was none other than Li Yuanchen who bid farewell to her at the gate of the company today.

At this moment, he was also looking at her.

(End of this chapter)

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