Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 182 Your feet are more important than anything else

Chapter 182 Your feet are more important than anything else
After getting Qin Zhixi into the car, Li Yuanchen followed around the front of the car and walked to the cab.

Pulling the car door open, Qin Zhixi came over with a small face, grabbed the corner of his suit with her slender fingers, and begged him pitifully: "Li Yuanchen, I really can't go to the hospital right now, I didn't even ask for leave. "

Qin Zhixi originally blamed Li Yuanchen for making decisions without authorization, but she couldn't get angry when she heard Li Yuanchen's words just now: Your feet are more important than anything else.So, he could only submissively ask Li Yuanchen to let her go to work.

Li Yuanchen's knuckle-boned fingers mercilessly separated Qin Zhixi's slender fingers holding onto his suit one by one.

"I'll ask for leave for you." He sat in the driver's seat, and then went to fasten Qin Zhixi's seat belt, while saying.Then, the accelerator was opened, and the car swished out from the door of 'Chu Yuan'.

Qin Zhixi's head, which had been hanging down, suddenly lifted up.He pleases for her.

But, so what if he asks for her?The manager didn't like her at first, so she asked for leave one day in advance. No matter who helped her when she asked for leave suddenly, she would inevitably be scolded when she went back.

No, but what Li Yuanchen said is right, no matter how important work is, your body is the most important.

Although Li Yuanchen's method was a bit tough, Qin Zhixi didn't hate it at all.Forget it, just ask for leave.

The car was unimpeded all the way, and finally stopped steadily at the entrance of the third-level hospital closest to 'Chu Yuan'.

Qin Zhixi's mentality has been adjusted, and at this moment the whole person is calm.Seeing that she arrived at the hospital, she immediately reached out and unfastened the seat belt that Li Yuanchen had fastened for her.

She wanted to go in by herself, but just as her feet were about to hit the ground, Li Yuanchen hugged her up again.

Qin Zhixi refused in her heart. After entering the hospital, she said several times to put her down, and she wanted to go by herself.Li Yuanchen refused to let her go by herself, so she could only compromise in the end.

It took an entire hour to register, see a doctor, and line up.

Qin Zhixi's foot was sprained to the bones inside, but it wasn't too serious, just for the past two days, walk less, relieve a little, and pay attention to protection.

Hearing what the doctor said, Qin Zhixi nodded with a smile.But my heart is a little troubled.She won't walk for two days?But she asked for leave today, and asking for leave again... It's a little impossible to think about it.

Li Yuanchen helped get the medicine, and carried Qin Zhixi back to the car.Then drive home.

Back in the Hehua Community, Li Yuanchen was again in charge of carrying Qin Zhixi back to Room 202.

"Remember to take these medicines when you go back. You can rest at home for the next two days." Li Yuanchen put Qin Zhixi on her sofa, went to get the medicines from the hospital, and explained how to take them and how to use them one by one. , told Qin Zhixi in detail, and finally looked at Qin Zhixi's small face and ordered.

"En——I'll try my best." Li Yuanchen's voice was magnetic, low, and pleasant to hear. Qin Zhixi listened silently, and suddenly heard that Li Yuanchen's last words were for herself, she hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

But after thinking about it, it was a little unrealistic not to go to work for two or three days in a row, and then I added "I try my best" at the end with a guilty conscience.

"What's the matter, call me louder." Li Yuanchen frowned slightly, and glanced at Qin Zhixi's petite face with a dark indifference.Then they left Qin Zhixi's Room 202.

(End of this chapter)

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